• A Guide to Different Types of Bunions

    Medical information provided by Steven Gershman DPM  /  July 21, 2024
    Introduction to bunions Bunions, or Hallux Valgus in doctor speak, are more than just a fashion hurdle. These bony bumps at the base of your big toe, caused by a joint misalignment, can be painful and very uncomfortable.  Often passed down through families, bunions are especially common in women due to biological factors, and if left unaddressed, the discomfort and inflammation they often cause typically worsen over time. Dr. Steven Gershman, DPM, explains that bunions are formed at the joint where the first metatarsal bone meets the big toe. This joint, which bears significant weight and force during movement, becomes misaligned, causing the first metatarsal to protrude outward. This protrusion, accompanied by a fluid-filled sac (bursa) and soft tissue swelling, forms the characteristic bump of a bunion.  But, not all bunions are created equal.  Why understanding different types of bunions matters Recognizing and identifying the different types of bunions is essential for tailoring treatment and management strategies effectively. Bunions can develop in different locations on the foot, with varying causes and symptoms. Understanding the specific type of bunion you have allows you and your podiatrist to: Target the root cause Different types of bunions have different underlying causes. Knowing the cause helps in developing a treatment plan that addresses the root issue, not just the symptoms. Alleviate symptoms Treatment approaches can vary depending on the type of bunion. Some might benefit from orthotics or specific exercises, while others might require different interventions. Prevent further complications Early intervention and proper management can help prevent bunions from worsening and causing additional discomfort or limitations.  Identifying different types of bunions Bunions can manifest in various forms, each with unique characteristics and locations on the foot. Here are the main types of bunions you might encounter. The common bunion The typical bunion, medically known as hallux valgus, forms on the inner side of the foot at the big toe joint. This condition causes the big toe to veer towards the smaller toes, creating a noticeable bump on the inside of the foot.  As mentioned above, this misalignment occurs as the first metatarsal bone shifts outwards, creating a bony protrusion that can become inflamed and painful due to friction and pressure from shoes. Tailor’s bunion (bunionette) Tailor’s bunion, or bunionette, appears on the outside of the foot at the base of the little toe. Unlike the common bunion, which affects the big toe, a bunionette forms on the fifth metatarsal bone.  This condition is often caused by wearing shoes that don’t fit correctly or engaging in activities that press the little toe inward towards the other toes. The resulting pressure creates a similar bony bump and associated discomfort, although in a different location than the typical bunion [1].  Bunion with hallux limitus A bunion with hallux limitus involves a bunion accompanied by reduced flexibility and movement in the big toe. This condition leads to stiffness and pain in the toe joint, making it uncomfortable and difficult to walk. Hallux limitus can progress to hallux rigidus, a more severe form where the joint loses all mobility, further complicating movement and increasing pain levels [2]. Addressing the bony bump caused by bunion deformity is crucial for alleviating bunions and reducing associated discomfort. Effective bunion treatment may also address issues like an ingrown toenail on the second toe or little toe, which can sometimes occur as a complication from improper footwear.  Causes and contributing factors From genetic predispositions to lifestyle choices, various elements contribute to this common foot condition. Genetic predisposition Are bunions genetic? Yes! Genetics play a significant role in the development of bunions, including: Family history If your family has a history of bunions, you are more likely to develop them. A study found that bunion deformities are present in at least two family members in 90% of cases [3]. Inherited foot structures Specific foot shapes and structures, such as excessive pronation or flat feet, can increase the risk of bunions. Joint flexibility According to Dr. Gershman, women tend to have more flexible joints and ligaments, which can exacerbate any existing biomechanical flaws, leading to bunion formation. H3: Footwear and lifestyle choices The type of footwear and lifestyle choices significantly impact bunion development and progression. These include: Ill-fitting shoes Wearing shoes that are too tight, narrow, or have high heels, and no cushioning insoles with arch support can increase the pressure on your big toe joint, pushing it out of alignment and contributing to bunion formation. Wearing wide-fit shoes or stretching your shoes wider can help alleviate foot pain and reduce the risk of further bunion formation by decreasing pressure on the affected area. Narrow toe boxes Shoes with a narrow toe box force the toes into an unnatural position, exacerbating the misalignment. High-impact physical activities High-impact sports and activities that put excessive pressure on the feet can lead to or worsen bunions. Weight Maintaining a healthy weight is important, as excess body weight increases the pressure on your feet, particularly on the big toe joint, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing bunions [5]. H2: Treatment options Bunions can significantly impact your daily life. Thankfully, there are a number of treatment options you can explore to manage your bunion and regain foot health. H3: Non-surgical treatments Non-surgical approaches and home remedies for bunions focus on managing bunion symptoms and slowing down their progression. Bunion pads Gel pads can cushion and protect the bunion from friction and irritation caused by footwear [6]. Bunion socks These bunion socks are designed with a built-in separator to keep the big toe from rubbing against the other toes, reducing irritation. The best ones are made with soft materials that wick away moisture. Appropriate footwear Choosing shoes with a wide toe box, wider width, quality cushioning and good arch support can alleviate pressure on the bunion and improve comfort [6]. Explore our shoes for bunions, including specialized collections of shoes for women with bunions and men's shoes for bunions, designed to provide the necessary support and ease discomfort. Foot exercises Specific bunion exercises such as toe stretches and foot strengthening exercises, can help maintain flexibility and strengthen the muscles around the affected area [5]. Cold therapy Applying ice packs wrapped in a thin towel to the bunion area can reduce inflammation and relieve pain [6]. Pain relievers Over-the-counter medications like NSAIDs can help manage pain and inflammation associated with bunions [6]. Activity modification Opting for low-impact activities that reduce stress on the feet, such as swimming or cycling, can alleviate symptoms [5]. Foot elevation and rest Elevating and resting the feet regularly can reduce swelling and discomfort [5]. Foot massage Regularly massaging the feet and gently moving the big toe can improve circulation and reduce stiffness [5].   Surgical interventions When non-surgical treatments fail to provide adequate relief, surgery may be considered. If you are experiencing severe bunion pain that isn't alleviated by proper shoe choices and non-surgical treatments, bunion surgery might be necessary to address the issue. Indications for surgery  If bunions severely affect daily activities and non-surgical measures are ineffective, consulting a podiatrist is advisable [6]. Surgical procedures Various surgical options exist depending on the severity of the bunion deformity. These may involve realignment of the bone, removal of swollen tissue, or joint fusion [6]. Recovery expectations After surgery, patients can expect swelling and discomfort for several weeks. Physical therapy may be recommended to regain strength and mobility in the foot [6]. References [1] Bunions (Hallux Valgus). Cleveland Clinic. September 18, 2023. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14386-bunions-hallux-valgus [2] WebMD Editorial Contributors, medically reviewed by David Zelman, MD. What Is Hallux Limitus?. WebMD. May 01, 2023. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://www.webmd.com/osteoarthritis/what-is-hallux-limitus [3] Carlos Piqué-Vidal MD, María T. Solé MD , Jaume Antich MD. Hallux Valgus Inheritance: Pedigree Research in 350 Patients With Bunion Deformity. ScienceDirect. 25 April, 2007. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1067251606005308 [4] Yi-Hsiang Hsu, Youfang Liu, Marian T Hannan, William Maixner, Shad B Smith, Luda Diatchenko, Yvonne M Golightly, Hylton B Menz, Virginia B Kraus, Michael Doherty, AG Wilson, Joanne M Jordan. Genome-wide association meta-analyses to identify common genetic variants associated with hallux valgus in Caucasian and African Americans. Journal of Medical Genetics. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://jmg.bmj.com/content/52/11/762.short
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  • How to Shrink Bunions Naturally: Home Remedies

    Medical information provided by Josh White DPM  /  July 21, 2024
    whiBunions can be a real pain, literally. Although there is no way to actually shrink bunions, there are natural approaches to manage discomfort and potentially reduce their severity.  This article explores some effective ways to alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by bunions and prevent bunions from getting worse. Introduction to bunions What is a bunion?  A bunion, medically referred to as Hallux Abducto Valgus or Hallux Valgus, is a deformity of the big toe area of the foot. It appears as a prominent bump on the inside or medial side of the foot, just behind the big toe on the first metatarsal head. This bump is essentially the first metatarsal head that has shifted away from the foot, causing the big toe to angle towards or even overlap the second toe. This protrusion can enlarge due to inflammation caused by the pressure and friction from shoes. As a result, bunions can lead to pain, poor shoe fitting, balance issues due to biomechanical changes in the foot, and other complications. The primary cause of bunions is typically biomechanical flaws in the foot, which are either genetic or congenital. These flaws can lead to the bones shifting and forming bunions.  You may be asking, “Are bunions genetic”? The condition tends to run in families, and most commonly affects women. Women are more prone to bunions because they have more flexible joints and ligaments, which is necessary for childbirth but also increases foot motion, exacerbating any biomechanical flaws. Addressing bunions early can help alleviate symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening. Recognizing symptoms  Recognizing the symptoms of bunions is essential for early intervention. Typical signs include: A visible bump on the side of the big toe joint that may or may not hurt Swelling, redness, and inflammation around the big toe joint Corns or calluses at the tip of the affected toe, or at bottom of the second or third toes  Persistent or intermittent pain in the area of the big toe Restricted movement of the big toe or the entire foot Changes in the shape of the foot, making it difficult to find shoes that fit comfortably. In fact, this discomfort in footwear might be the very first sign you notice “It’s important to remember that the symptoms of a bunion are progressive. You may never develop all of them, and you certainly won’t develop all of them at once,” write Suzanne M. Levine, DPM [1].  The role of proper footwear in bunion prevention Wondering how to shrink bunions naturally? You should know that proper footwear plays a significant role in managing the severity of bunions and alleviating associated symptoms.  If the problematic area of the bunions is jammed in the shoe, as is the case with shoes that are too tight, the forefoot is pushed forward into the toe box. This crowds the toes, applies pressure on the big toe, exacerbates the defective foot structure, and worsens the symptoms of bunions. Podiatrist Dr. Steven Gershman explains that “Although preventing bunions is not possible, shoes can and do affect the severity of the anatomical changes that occur in bunion formation and the associated symptomology. Basically, the more the shoe forces the big toe toward the second toe and allows excess motion, the worse the deformity.” While tight shoes are a major culprit, other footwear choices can also exacerbate bunions. This includes high heels, narrow pointed shoes, and spending long hours on your feet wearing inappropriate shoes. Proper footwear is crucial, especially considering the different types of bunions. Selecting the right shoes & recommended shoe features When choosing shoes for bunions, it’s essential to focus on features that alleviate pressure on the big toe and create adequate space. For those looking into how to shrink bunions naturally, consider the following shoe features. Wide, round, and high toe box The best shoes for bunions should have a spacious toe box that is wide, round, and high. This design minimizes pressure on the big toe and allows for comfortable movement. Extra depth  Shoes with extra depth are beneficial as they offer additional room for the big toe. Extra depth also provides stability and reduces motion, making it easier to accommodate orthotics. Extra width Opt for Wide or Extra Wide shoes. Many specialty footwear brands offer extended widths, from Narrow to Extra Extra Wide, which are essential for relieving bunion pain. Soft and stretchable materials  Shoes, such as our men’s shoes for bunions and women’s bunion shoes, are made with stretch knit uppers or supple leathers are ideal as they conform to the contours of your foot, creating a pressure-free environment around the bunion. Ensure the upper material is free of overlays or stitching across the sensitive bunion area to avoid irritation. Low heel or flat Shoes should have a low heel or be flat to prevent forcing the forefoot into the ground. High heels exacerbate bunion issues by increasing pressure on the toes. Ergonomic sole Look for shoes with an ergonomic sole featuring a mild rocker bottom. This design helps facilitate foot motion and evenly distributes weight from the rearfoot to the forefoot, reducing stress on the bunion area. Orthotic insoles Prefer shoes designed with orthotic insoles to support the arch, control overpronation and the excess movement it causes, and align the feet to correct the gait and prevent pressure on the bunion. Home remedies for bunion relief Finding relief from bunion pain doesn't always require medical intervention. Incorporating simple home remedies into your routine can help manage symptoms and improve foot health. Here are some effective strategies to alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications. Exercises to Strengthen Foot Muscles Short foot  Sit or stand with your heel and the front of your foot on the ground Shorten your foot by pulling the base of your toes toward your heel without curling your toes Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat until muscles feel tired Toe spread out  Sit or stand with your heel and the front of your foot on the ground Lift and spread your toes Push your little toe down and out toward the floor Push your big toe down toward the inside of the foot Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat until muscles feel tired Heel raise  Stand with your knees slightly bent Elevate your arch while keeping your heel turned in Raise your heel off the floor while keeping pressure on your big toe Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat until muscles feel tired Note: Perform all bunion excersices daily and barefoot. Progress from sitting to standing on both feet, and finally to standing on one leg [2]. Ice therapy Apply ice to the bunion for 20 minutes several times a day to reduce swelling. Wrap the ice in a thin cloth before applying it to the skin. Epsom salt soak Soak your feet in warm water with Epsom salt to soothe them and reduce inflammation. Non-surgical approaches to managing bunions Bunions can often be managed without surgery using devices that relieve pressure and correct foot alignment. Using aids such as a bunion pad, shoe inserts, bunion socks, and toe spacers can provide significant relief from bunion discomfort and help correct foot alignment. These include bunion pads, splints, and custom orthotics. Bunion Pads Bunion pads protect the bunion from friction and pressure, preventing irritation and pain. Non-medicated pads are recommended to avoid skin burns. Bunion splints worn at night help realign the big toe, reducing pain and misalignment.  Bunion Splints and Socks Bunion socks separate the big toe from other toes, minimizing friction and irritation. Made from soft, moisture-wicking materials, they offer added comfort. The role of orthotics  Orthotics are crucial in bunion treatment, especially for managing overpronation, which causes excess foot motion. Orthotics support the arch, control overpronation, and correct gait, providing significant relief.  In severe cases, custom rigid orthotics may be needed. Many podiatrists believe that early use of orthotics can reduce bunion severity and slow progression. Lifestyle adjustments for bunion management Making thoughtful lifestyle modifications can play a significant role in managing bunion symptoms and preventing their progression. Taking proactive steps such as wearing proper footwear and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent bunions and bunion pain from developing. Here are some effective adjustments to incorporate into your daily routine. Diet and weight management Keeping your weight within a healthy range reduces the pressure on your feet and big toe joints, minimizing the risk of bunions developing or worsening. Suitable activities Choose activities that are gentle on your feet and avoid those that put excessive pressure on your toes. Walking on soft surfaces and swimming are excellent options.  Elevate your feet When sitting down, elevate your feet to reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Rest your feet Take regular breaks to rest your feet throughout the day, especially after prolonged periods of standing or walking. Massage your feet Regularly massage your feet and manually move your big toe to keep the tissues soft and the toe flexible. Rolling a tennis ball under your foot is an effective way to massage it [4]. When to seek professional help While home remedies and lifestyle adjustments can significantly alleviate bunion symptoms, there are times when professional medical advice is necessary. Recognizing these signs can help prevent further complications and ensure you receive the appropriate treatment. Persistent pain If you experience ongoing pain that doesn't improve, it's time to consult a podiatrist. Persistent discomfort may indicate that your bunion is progressing and requires professional intervention. Interference with daily activities When bunions begin to interfere significantly with your daily activities, such as walking, exercising, or wearing shoes comfortably, seeking medical advice is crucial.  Visible deformity If the bunion becomes increasingly noticeable or if you observe significant changes in the shape of your foot, it’s advisable to get a professional evaluation. on whether a surgical treatment may be more effective in correcting the deformity. If conservative measures fail to provide adequate bunion pain relief, a podiatrist might recommend bunion surgery as a more definitive bunion treatment. Swelling and inflammation Persistent swelling, redness, or inflammation around the bunion area that does not subside should be assessed by a healthcare professional. Limited mobility If your big toe’s mobility becomes restricted or if you experience stiffness that affects your foot's overall function, a podiatrist can offer treatments to improve movement and reduce discomfort. References [1] Suzanne M. Levine, Susan Jacoby. Your Feet Don't Have to Hurt: A Woman's Guide to Lifelong Foot Care. July 15, 2014. Accessed June 23, 2024. [2] Deydre S. Teyhen, PT, PhD, Editor. Bunion: Strengthening Foot Muscles to Reduce Pain and Improve Mobility. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. June 30, 2016. Accessed June 23, 2024. https://www.jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jospt.2016.0504 [3] Sarah Charmley. What are some natural treatments for bunions?. Medical News Today. February 10, 2022. Accessed June 23, 2024. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/natural-bunion-treatment [4]  The Healthline Editorial Team. Minimize, Manage, and Prevent Bunions. Healthline. March 8, 2019. Accessed June 23, 2024. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-get-rid-of-bunions  
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  • 10 Bunion Exercises and Stretches for Effective Relief

    Medical information provided by Steven Gershman DPM  /  July 21, 2024
    Understanding bunions: causes and impacts Bunions. Those knobby nuisances that turn finding cute shoes into an Olympic feat. But beyond literally cramping your style, bunions, also known as Hallux Valgus in the medical world, can be a real pain in the... well, foot. These bony bumps at the base of your big toe form when the joint gets misaligned. Often, it's thanks to faulty biomechanics you inherited from your lovely family, yes, bunions are genetic, while women are especially prone to bunions because of, well, biology. Individuals with flat feet are particularly susceptible to developing bunions, as the lack of arch support can exacerbate the misalignment of the big toe joint.  But, just because bunions are common doesn't mean you have to suffer. Here's the thing: bunions left unchecked can become real troublemakers, causing pain and inflammation, and making even comfy slippers feel like torture devices. The good news? Early intervention is your best friend. By taking charge early on, you can potentially prevent the pain and deterioration, and keep your feet happy. This is where bunion exercises become your best friends. Specific exercises designed to strengthen your foot and realign things can make a big difference. Consulting a physical therapist can provide personalized foot exercises that target bunion pain and offer effective pain relief. These exercises are particularly beneficial depending on the different types of bunions you might be dealing with. Essential exercises for bunion management Here's your arsenal of bunion exercises and bunion stretches to mitigate pain and discomfort, and keep your feet feeling happy. 1. Toe (bunion) stretches The goal: Improve flexibility and reduce tension Sit comfortably and gently pull your big toe upwards for 10 seconds, then push it down for another 10.  Repeat these bunion stretches 10 times on each foot. 2. Toe circles  The goal: Improve mobility and circulation While seated, lift one foot and use your hand to make gentle circles with your big toe, 10 times clockwise and 10 times counter-clockwise.  Repeat on the other foot. 3. Toe curls The goal: Strengthen toe and foot muscles Sit with your feet flat and scrunch your toes down as if grabbing the floor. Hold for 5 seconds, then release.  Repeat 10-15 times on each foot. 4. Foot flexes The goal: Improve flexibility and stretch under-foot muscles and tendons Sit with one leg extended, point your toes away for 5 seconds, then flex your foot back for another 5.  Repeat 10-15 times on each foot. 5. Heel raises  The goal: Strengthen the muscles in the feet and calves   Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lift your heels off the ground, balancing on your toes for 3-5 seconds. Lower your heels back down slowly.  Repeat 10-15 times.  6. Marble pickup The goal: Improve dexterity and flexibility Sit comfortably and use your toes to pick up marbles one by one, placing them in a container.  Do this for 5 minutes with each foot. 7. Towel scrunches The goal: Strengthen the muscles in your toes and feet  Place a towel on the floor and use your toes to scrunch it towards you.  Repeat 10-15 times with each foot.  8. Resistance band toe pulls The goal: Strengthen and improve flexibility in the toes Wrap a resistance band around your toes and gently pull them apart, hold for 5 seconds, then release.  Repeat 10-15 times on each foot. 9. Toe spreaders The goal: Reduce pressure on bunions and improve toe flexibility Use toe spreaders or simply your fingers to gently spread your toes apart. Hold the position for 10 seconds.  Repeat 10-15 times on each foot. 10. Arch lifts The goal: Strengthen inner foot muscles, and improve stability and support Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor. Lift the arch of your foot while keeping your toes and heel on the ground. Hold for 5 seconds, then lower the arch back down. Repeat 10-15 times on each foot. Remember, consistency is key. Aim to do these bunion exercises daily or a few times a week to see the best results in managing your bunions. Combining these exercises with techniques to shrink bunions naturally can provide comprehensive relief. Integrating supportive tools in bunion care Bunions caused by foot structure may be unavoidable, but Dr. Steven Gershman, DPM, tells us that "The speed of formation and severity of deformity can be affected and slowed." This means incorporating supportive tools into your daily routine can make a significant difference in managing bunions and them from worsening. Here's how some key tools can become your allies in bunion care. Supportive footwear Dr. Gershman emphasizes the crucial role of proper footwear: "Shoes can and do affect the severity of the anatomical changes that occur in bunion formation".  He highlights the dangers of narrow, pointed-toe shoes and high heels, which force the big toe inwards and contribute to the deformity. Instead, opt for orthopedic shoes or shoes with wide-toe boxes that allow your toes to splay naturally. Specifically, consider investing in shoes for bunions, shoes for women with bunions, or men's shoes for bunions to ensure proper fit and support. Orthotics provide targeted support to the foot, promoting proper alignment and reducing excessive motion that can exacerbate bunions.  Dr. Gershman recommends orthotics "designed to support the arch, control over pronation, align the foot, and correct the gait." He finds good over-the-counter orthotics very helpful for many patients. In severe cases, custom orthotics might be necessary.   While research is ongoing, "it is believed by many podiatrists that orthotics started early can significantly alter the severity of bunions and slow down the progression," says Dr. Gershman. When selecting orthotics for bunion relief, consider the severity of your condition.  For severe bunions, prioritize orthotics with ample support and cushioning. Look for options with substantial arch support to distribute pressure evenly across your foot and metatarsal padding specifically designed to cushion the bunion area and reduce pain. Breathable materials are also key to prevent sweating and keep your feet comfortable throughout the day [1]. How to use bunion socks, and toe spacers While not a preventative measure, bunion socks offer valuable relief, especially for those with mild bunions. These socks have a separator built-in, keeping the big toe from rubbing against other toes and reducing irritation. Look for comfortable, soft materials that wick away moisture. Bunion pads are also helpful, offering a simple solution to protect the bony bump from friction and irritation caused by shoes or other objects. Dr. Gershman warns against medicated pads with acid, which can damage the skin. Opt for simple, protective pads instead. Using a toe separator or toe spacer can aid in bunion correction by realigning the big toe joint, with combined toe stretches, which can significantly alleviate foot pain and prevent further bunion formation. By incorporating these supportive tools into your routine, you can effectively manage bunion discomfort and potentially slow down their progression. Talk to your podiatrist to determine the best approach for your individual needs. References [1] Russell Pate, Pedorthist. Expert Advice: Picking The Right Orthotics For Bunion Relief. The Shoe Doctor. Accessed June 23, 2024. https://theshoedoctor.biz/expert-advice%3A-picking-the-right-orthotics-for-bunion-relief  
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  • Investigating Bunions: Are They Hereditary/Genetic?

    Medical information provided by Steven Gershman DPM  /  July 21, 2024
    Introduction to bunions Bunions – those bony bumps that can form at the base of your big toe – are more common than you might think. Podiatrist Steven Gershman describes a bunion as a "bump on the inside (medial side) of the big toe joint". This occurs when the joint at the base of your big toe, where the first metatarsal bone meets the big toe, starts to misalign. As Dr. Gershman explains, a bunion develops when this first metatarsal bone "slides out away from the second metatarsal" over time. This creates the protruding bump you see and feel. The big toe itself also gets pushed towards the second toe, causing the joint to twist. Bunion formation can lead to significant foot pain as the misalignment of the big toe often causes increased pressure on smaller toes, which may contribute to heel pain and overall discomfort. Sometimes, this area might also become inflamed and swollen, with a sac filled with fluid (bursa) forming around the bump. Bunions can be a real nuisance. Finding comfortable shoes becomes a challenge as the bunion causes the foot to widen and the big toe gets pushed towards the second toe, potentially crowding and deforming it. On top of that, the displaced big toe can crowd and deform your second toe. All that begs the question: what causes this condition? Are bunions hereditary or is there more to the story? Genetic factors in bunion development Bunions are quite common among adults, with women being more susceptible than men. Dr. Steven Gershman attributes this to women typically having "more flexible joints and ligaments". This flexibility can play a role, but genetics are a major contributing factor as well. Inheriting specific foot shapes and structures can make you more prone to bunions [1]. These inherited traits can influence how your foot distributes weight and moves, potentially contributing to the misalignment that leads to bunions. Are bunions genetic? Research is ongoing to fully understand the complex genetics of bunions. One study found a strong hereditary component, with bunion deformities present in at least two family members of 90% of the cases studied [2]. This suggests bunions may be passed down through generations. Another study suggests multiple genes might be involved, interacting with sex hormones and influencing various biological pathways linked to osteoarthritis and skeletal development [1]. These pathways might explain why some people are more prone to bunion formation. While many factors contribute to bunions, understanding your family history and genetic predisposition can be helpful.  To further explore how different types of bunions may be influenced by genetics, read our detailed guide on Exploring the Different Types of Bunions. Prevention and management strategies For a new patient experiencing bunion pain, understanding the factors contributing to a developing bunion can be crucial for effective management. Preventative footwear choices Choosing the right orthopedic bunion shoes can play a significant role in preventing bunions, shrinking bunions, or keeping them from getting worse. Here's a guide to picking footwear that prioritizes your foot health. Spacious toes Look for shoes with a wide, round toe box. This gives your toes ample wiggle room and prevents them from feeling squished together, which can irritate the bunion joint. For a range of footwear designed to accommodate bunions, check out our women’s shoes for bunions and men’s bunion shoes tailored for your comfort and health. Depth  Extra depth in the toe box provides space to accommodate a bunion comfortably, allowing the big toe to sit naturally, even if it overlaps slightly with the second toe. Width Standard width shoes just won't cut it. Opt for wide or extra wide options. Many specialty footwear brands offer a wider range of widths to ensure a proper fit that doesn't pinch your bunion. Materials Stiff, unforgiving materials are a big no-no. Opt for shoes with a more flexible construction, like those made from stretch knit uppers. These materials conform to the shape of your foot, including the bunion area, creating a pressure-free environment. Supple leathers can also be a good option.  Avoid shoes with bulky overlays or seams right over the bunion, as these can create irritation. Choosing wide-fit shoes or stretching your own shoes for bunions can help alleviate discomfort and prevent further bunion deformity and bunion formation. Heel height Wearing high heels can exacerbate foot pressure and contribute to developing a bunion. Choose shoes with a low heel or flats. Elevated heels force your foot forward, placing extra pressure on the forefoot and potentially worsening bunions. Sole support Look for shoes with an ergonomic sole that promotes natural foot motion. A mild rocker bottom design can help distribute weight evenly across your foot, reducing stress on the forefoot. Insole support It’s best to wear shoes with an orthotic insole that offers arch support, helping to control overpronation and realign the feet with the rest of the body to avoid putting excessive pressure on the bunion. Exercises and foot care  While bunions can't be reversed with exercise alone, incorporating specific bunion exersices and foot care practices into your routine can strengthen your feet, improve flexibility, and potentially slow the progression of bunions. Here are some tips. Exercises Toe points and curls  Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor. Slowly point and curl your toes, working on flexing the muscles in your feet. Aim for 20 repetitions of pointing and curling, repeated in 2-3 sets for each foot. Toe spreads While seated, place one foot flat on the floor. Keeping your heel grounded, lift and spread your toes as wide as possible. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 10-20 times per foot. Toe circles Sitting in a chair, lean forward and gently grip your big toe. Make small circles with your toe, going clockwise 20 times, then reverse direction for another 20 circles. Repeat this 2-3 times for each toe [3]. Foot care At the end of each day, especially if you typically spend long hours on your feet, treat yourself to a warm foot soak. Add a few tablespoons of Epsom salts to a warm basin of water and soak your feet for 20-30 minutes. This can help reduce inflammation and promote relaxation [3]. Treatment options for bunions Non-surgical treatments Surgery isn't always necessary. Here are various non-surgical treatment options you can explore to manage bunion pain and discomfort. Cold therapy If your bunion is inflamed or irritated, applying cold therapy can help reduce pain and swelling. Wrap an ice pack in a thin towel and apply it to the bunion area for 15-20 minutes at a time. Repeat several times a day as needed. Pain relievers Many people find relief with over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers that can help manage pain and inflammation associated with bunions [3]. Padding Over-the-counter gel pads can be placed directly on the bunion to protect it from rubbing and irritation caused by shoes [3]. Shoe inserts Podiatrists might recommend padded shoe inserts to help distribute pressure more evenly as you walk. This can help prevent your bunion from worsening [3]. Diet and weight management Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on your feet and big toe joints, potentially slowing bunion progression [4]. Activity choice Opt for activities that are gentle on your feet, such as walking on soft surfaces or swimming [4]. Foot elevation When resting, elevate your feet to reduce swelling and pain [4]. Foot rest Make sure to rest your feet regularly throughout the day, especially after you’ve been on your feet for some time [4]. Foot massage Regularly massage your feet and gently move your big toe to maintain tissue flexibility and reduce stiffness [4]. When surgery is needed If conservative treatments aren't effectively managing your bunion pain and impacting your daily activities, consulting a podiatrist is crucial. They can assess your situation and determine if surgery might be the best course of action. The primary goal of bunion surgery is to alleviate pain and restore normal function to your toe.  Podiatrists have various surgical options available, and the choice often depends on the severity of your bunion. Here's a brief overview of some common procedures. Bunionectomy For less severe bunions, a bunionectomy is typically recommended by the American Podiatric Medical Association. This procedure involves removing the bony bump that characterizes a bunion. Osteotomy An osteotomy surgery is recommended in more complex cases and involves cutting the bone in your big toe and realigning the joint to its proper position. Arthrodesis If you have severe arthritis alongside your bunion, a podiatrist might recommend an arthrodesis. In this procedure, the arthritic joint surfaces are removed and screws, wires, or plates are used to stabilize the bones while they heal in a corrected position [3]. Recovery time after bunion surgery varies depending on the specific procedure performed. Generally, you can expect some swelling, discomfort, and limitations on weight-bearing activities for several weeks. Your podiatrist will provide detailed recovery instructions, including physical therapy recommendations to regain strength and flexibility in your foot [3].  References [1] Yi-Hsiang Hsu, Youfang Liu, Marian T Hannan, William Maixner, Shad B Smith, Luda Diatchenko, Yvonne M Golightly, Hylton B Menz, Virginia B Kraus, Michael Doherty, AG Wilson, Joanne M Jordan. Genome-wide association meta-analyses to identify common genetic variants associated with hallux valgus in Caucasian and African Americans. Journal of Medical Genetics. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://jmg.bmj.com/content/52/11/762.short [2] Carlos Piqué-Vidal MD, María T. Solé MD , Jaume Antich MD. Hallux Valgus Inheritance: Pedigree Research in 350 Patients With Bunion Deformity. ScienceDirect. 25 April, 2007. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1067251606005308 [3] Sara Lindberg. 10 Simple Exercises for Bunion Relief and Prevention. Healthline. July 9, 2019. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://www.healthline.com/health/bunion-exercises [4]  The Healthline Editorial Team. Minimize, Manage, and Prevent Bunions. Healthline. March 8, 2019. Accessed June 23, 2024. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-get-rid-of-bunions  
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  • Effective Plantar Fasciitis Exercises: 12 Ways to Relieve Pain and Heal

    Medical information provided by Josh White DPM  /  July 17, 2024
    Ever experience a tightness or discomfort in the arch of your foot, especially in the mornings or after standing for a while? This could be plantar fasciitis, a common condition affecting the tissue that supports your arch, called plantar fascia.  Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, which typically stems from overuse, strain, or injury. It manifests as a deep, stabbing foot and heel pain, particularly pronounced in the mornings or after prolonged standing [1]. While anyone can develop plantar fasciitis, it's more common in people who: Carry extra weight. Participate in activities like running or dancing. Prolonged standing on hard surfaces.  Age can also be a factor, with a slightly higher prevalence observed among individuals aged 40 to 60 [2]. The power of plantar fasciitis stretches and exercises The good news is, that plantar fasciitis can be effectively managed through targeted plantar fasciitis exercises designed to provide pain relief, enhance flexibility, and facilitate healing. Simple plantar fasciitis stretches that focus on the foot and calf muscles can significantly reduce tension, offering pain relief and steady symptom improvement over time [1]. Regularly incorporating these plantar fasciitis exercises into your routine can be a powerful tool for managing  preventing plantar fasciitis from recurring. Exercise plays a pivotal role in addressing the underlying causes of plantar fasciitis. Stretching and strengthening plantar fasciitis exercises mitigate pain, boost flexibility, and foster healing by alleviating strain on the plantar fascia, leading to substantial improvements in pain management and  function in the affected foot. To help you get started, here are some of the best exercises for plantar fasciitis treatment you can try to help manage your plantar fasciitis symptoms effectively. 12 Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Exercises 4 Stretching Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis      1. Calf Stretch Steps to follow Stand facing a wall and put your hands against it, at shoulder height. Step back with the leg that has the issue, but keep it straight. While keeping both heels on the ground, bend the front knee and push your hips forward. Maintain this position for 15-30 seconds. Do this 2-3 times. How it helps Stretches the calf muscles, reducing tension on the plantar fascia. Enhances Achilles tendon flexibility.      2. Heel Raise Steps to follow Using a wall or sturdy surface for support, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your heels slowly until you stand on the balls of your feet. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds Slowly lower your heels back down. Do this 10-15 times. How it helps Reduces pressure on the plantar fascia. Strengthens calf muscles and the Achilles tendon. Improves both balance and stability.       3. Towel Stretch Steps to follow Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Wrap a towel around the ball of the foot with plantar fasciitis. Grab the ends of the towel with both hands and, keeping your knee straight, gently pull your foot towards you. Maintain the towel stretch position for 15-30 seconds. Do this 2-3 times. How it helps Very helpful in reducing morning pain and stiffness. Gives the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon a good stretch. Enhances flexibility in the foot and calf muscles.      4. Plantar Fascia Stretch Steps to follow Sitting down, cross the foot with plantar fasciitis over the opposite knee. Grab hold of the base of your toes and pull them back towards your shin. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds. Do this 2-3 times. How it helps Relieves pain and tightness in the arch. Targets and lengthens the plantar fascia. Improves the plantar fascia’s flexibility. 4 Strengthening Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis      1. Toe Curls Steps to follow Sit with feet flat on the floor. Position a small towel on the floor in front of your feet. Grab the towel with your toes and pull it towards you. Do this 10-15 times. How it helps Strengthens the small muscles in the foot. Gives you an arch support boost. Minimizes plantar fascia strain.      2. Marble Pickup Steps to follow Sit with feet flat on the ground. Put 10-15 marbles and a container on the floor. Pick up each marble with your toes and place it in the container. If you don’t have that many marbles, use one marble and repeat the process 10-15 times. How it helps Enhances flexibility and coordination of the toes. Increases strength in the foot muscles. Provides additional support to the arch.      3. Towel Scrunches Steps to follow Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor. Lay a small towel flat on the ground beneath your feet. Use your toes to gather and draw the towel towards you Do this 10-15 times. How it helps Relieves tension in the plantar fascia. Strengthens the foot muscles supporting the arch. Enhances stability of the feet.     4. Calf Rises Steps to follow Stand with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart, using a nearby wall or sturdy surface for balance if needed. Rise onto the balls of your feet by lifting your heels slowly. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds before gently lowering your heels back down. Repeat this movement 10-15 times. How it helps Improves strength in the calf muscles and Achilles tendon. Helps alleviate strain on the plantar fascia. Enhances overall balance and stability. 4 Balance and Stability Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis      1. Single-Leg Stand Steps to follow Stand close to a wall or stable surface for support. Stand on one foot while stabilizing yourself with the opposite foot. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds and then switch to the other foot. Do this sequence 2-3 times for each foot. How it helps Enhances overall balance and stability. Strengthens the muscles in the feet and ankles. Improves body awareness and coordination.      2. Balance Board Exercises Steps to follow Position yourself on a balance board with your feet apart at shoulder width. Shift your weight in various directions - side to side and front to back - to stabilize yourself. Do this exercise for 1-2 minutes, gradually extending the duration as your proficiency improves. How it helps Improves overall balance and coordination. Strengthens the muscles in your feet and ankles. Enhances your sense of body awareness (proprioception).       3. Heel-to-Toe Walk Steps to follow Stand with your toes pointing forward, heels almost touching. Step forward, placing your heel directly in front of the toes of your other foot. Walk this way in a straight line, ensuring your heel touches the ground before your toes with each step. Do this for 1-2 minutes. How it helps Enhances balance and stability. Strengthens muscles in the feet and lower legs. Improves coordination.       4. Lunges Steps to follow Start by standing with your feet about hip-width apart. Step one leg forward, bending both knees until they form about a 90-degree angle. Your front knee must be directly above your ankle. Return to the starting position by pushing back up. Do this 10-15 times on each leg. How it helps Improves overall balance and coordination. Increases strength in the muscles of the legs and feet. Promotes better flexibility in the hips and ankles.  Tips for Effective Exercise The main goal of these exercises is to relieve plantar fasciitis pain. They should not cause discomfort or pain. If you experience any discomfort or pain while doing these exercises, it's best to stop and consult with your healthcare provider. Be sure to also understand the signs plantar fasciitis is healing, as well as plantar fasciitis vs heel spurs to make sure these exercises are, in fact, helping your specific injury. If possible, aim to do the stretching exercises up to three times a day: in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. Finally, while the objective is to stretch, strengthen, and improve stability in your affected foot, it’s best to work on both sides for better balance. Enhance Your Recovery with Orthofeet's Specialized Footwear To complement the exercises covered, incorporating the right footwear is crucial for effective recovery and long-term foot health. Orthofeet offers a specialized selection of orthopedic footwear designed to support those dealing with plantar fasciitis. Check out our plantar fasciitis shoes for women, plantar fasciitis shoes for men, or even our plantar fasciitis sandals to discover footwear that combines style, comfort, and therapeutic benefits, helping you maintain an active lifestyle without pain. References Medical News Today. Plantar fasciitis: Causes, symptoms, and treatments. Medical News Today website. Updated on October 24, 2023. Accessed June 16, 2024. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324353 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs. OrthoInfo website. Last reviewed in August 2022. Accessed June 16, 2024. https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/plantar-fasciitis-and-bone-spurs/
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  • How to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis: Tips for Avoiding Foot Pain

    Medical information provided by Steven Gershman DPM  /  July 17, 2024
    “Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a common cause of heel pain that affects up to 10% of the US population and accounts for approximately 600,000 outpatient visits annually,” write Carlton J. Covey, MD and Mark D. Mulder, MD [1]. So, in other words, A LOT of people experience this foot condition in their lifetime, which begs the question: is there a way to prevent plantar fasciitis? Introduction to plantar fasciitis prevention Let's back up a bit and quickly discuss what plantar fasciitis actually is. Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick, robust connective tissue linking the heel bone to the bases of the five toes. This tissue supports the arch and stabilizes the foot. “Unlike muscles or tendons, it cannot stretch when pulled or stressed,” says Dr. Steven Gershman, DPM, to Orthofeet. Dr. Gershman explains that although there is no way to completely prevent plantar fasciitis, there are ways to reduce your risk and preventative measures you can take. Knowing the risk factors can help you prevent this foot condition to begin with. Understanding the causes and risk factors of plantar fasciitis Ever wondered why plantar fasciitis strikes some people but not others? A review published in Oxford Academic sheds some light [2]. They identified several factors that can increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Here's the rundown: Ever wondered why plantar fasciitis strikes some people but not others? A review published in Oxford Academic sheds some light [2]. They identified several factors that can increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Here's the rundown: Biological factors Age, sex, and weight all play a role. Pregnancy can also put extra strain on your feet. Foot structure Flat feet, high arches, or an abnormal walking pattern can affect how your weight is distributed, impacting the plantar fascia. Shoes  Loose, thin-soled shoes and shoes lacking arch support or cushioning can leave your feet vulnerable. High heels can also be problematic. Activities  Certain exercises like long-distance running, ballet, or high-impact aerobics put a lot of stress on your plantar fascia. Occupation Jobs that require prolonged standing can also increase your risk. Science Direct adds to this list, mentioning specific activities, such as long-distance running, ballet dancing, and dance aerobics, that can put stress on the plantar fascia [3]. Now that you understand the risk factors, let's get to the best part: what can you do to avoid plantar fasciitis? 7 Preventive measures for plantar fasciitis Proper footwear selection  "Plantar fasciitis is a very common diagnosis, but it can be prevented," says Dr. Gershman, who believes wearing supportive shoes and using inserts is the best way to reduce the risk and avoid plantar fasciitis. And research backs him up.  A study that investigated the impact of shoes worn daily by people with plantar fasciitis on foot health [4], found that "the majority (83.2%) of the people wear inappropriate shoes, whereas only 16.8% wear the recommended shoes." The study concludes that " the majority of the diagnosed cases wear inappropriate shoes with minimal heel height, thin sole, and hard insole without any built-in arch support." Arch support Built-in arch support acts like a bridge for your plantar fascia, preventing it from over-pulling on the heel bone insertion. In addition, the proper insole for plantar fasciitis helps reduce arch drop, which can lengthen your foot and stretch the fascia. It also reduces overpronation (your foot rolling inward with each step) and minimizes tension on the fascia, ultimately providing pain relief. Studies support this approach. A study [3] found that "The use of shoe orthoses with a medial longitudinal arch and metatarsal pad may be used as a preventive or treatment strategy for plantar fasciitis."  Cushioning Shoes for plantar fasciitis prevention should also provide excellent cushioning with every step. Think of a soft landing pad for your heel - that's the kind of impact absorption you want. Memory foam or other materials that conform to the contours of your foot offer the best comfort and support. These cushioning features help distribute pressure more evenly, reducing strain on the plantar fascia. A study published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care reinforces this concept. The study concluded that shoes with cushioned insoles effectively reduce strain on the plantar fascia, helping to prevent plantar fasciitis [4]. Proper Fit  Dr. Gershman emphasizes the importance of proper shoe fit, stating, "The shoes need to fit correctly, as I often find patients wearing shoes too short or too tight". This can have negative consequences, affecting the big toe joint function and potentially damaging the plantar fascia. As Dr. Gershman further explains, overpronation caused by poor shoe choices can also contribute to the problem. The good news is that finding the right fit can make a big difference. Dr. Gershman has seen patients experience significant improvement in just a few weeks "from just purchasing new, more appropriate shoes that fit well". Here's another key point: many people need extra depth and width in their shoes to allow for unrestricted toe movement and prevent pressure points. Flexible upper materials that conform to the unique shape of each foot are also very helpful. Opting for specially designed plantar fasciitis shoes can be a great investment to prevent and manage the condition. Stretching and warm-up techniques Exercise plays a key role in managing plantar fasciitis. Stretching and specific warm-up exercises can help provide pain relief, improve flexibility, and promote healing by alleviating tension in the plantar fascia. This can lead to significant improvements in pain management and overall foot function. The Journal of Family Practice even highlights research showing that "plantar fascia-specific stretching (PFSS) significantly reduces or eliminates heel pain compared to traditional stretching movements, and is beneficial for treating chronic heel pain" [1]. Here are some effective plantar fasciitis exercises to get you started. Toe stretches Cross your affected leg over your other leg. Use one hand to gently grasp your toes on the affected foot. Slowly bend your toes and ankle upwards as far as feels comfortable, stretching the arch and calf muscle. Optional: with your other hand, gently massage the arch of your foot to release any tension. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds, then relax.  Repeat this 2-3 times per minute for 2-4 sessions throughout the day.  Calf raises Stand on a step with a small towel rolled up and placed under the balls of your feet for added support. Hold onto something sturdy for balance. Push through the balls of your feet, slowly raising your heels as high as you comfortably can. Don't drop your heels! Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position without resting at the bottom. Aim for 3 sets of 15 repetitions, performed twice a day on alternate days (so, every other day). Rolling a ball underfoot Find a frozen water bottle, lacrosse ball, or tennis ball. Place the ball on the floor and slowly roll the bottom of your affected foot back and forth over the ball for 5-10 minutes. Apply gentle to moderate pressure as you roll. Gradual increase in physical activity Here's the key to preventing plantar fasciitis: avoid overloading the plantar fascia. Sudden spikes or too much stress on this tissue can trigger inflammation and pain. You can keep your feet healthy and active by gradually increasing your physical activity. Here are some helpful tips. Start slow Begin with low-impact exercises like walking or cycling. These activities build endurance without straining your feet. Increase gradually  Raise activity intensity and duration by no more than 10% per week to allow your body to adapt to the new demands. Warm-up Dedicate 5-10 minutes to a light warm-up before any activity. This could include gentle stretches or light cardio to prepare your muscles and fascia for movement. Stretch and strengthen regularly Regularly performing specific stretches and strengthening exercises for your feet and calves is crucial. Improved flexibility and support in these areas go a long way in preventing plantar fasciitis. Listen to your body This is your most important tool! If you feel foot pain or discomfort, especially in your arch or heel, reduce activity. If you’ve had issues with the condition in the past, make sure to learn the signs plantar fasciitis is healing to monitor your progress and avoid potential regression. Cross-train Vary your activities (swimming, yoga, strength training) to avoid overloading any one muscle group, including your feet. Rest and recover Allow your body adequate time to recover between high-impact activities to prevent an overuse injury Maintaining healthy body weight Keeping a healthy weight is a big win for your feet, especially the plantar fascia. The more you weigh, the more pressure your feet are under. This extra pressure can lead to inflammation and pain in the plantar fascia. The benefits of a healthy weight Less stress on the arches Shedding extra pounds translates to less strain on your arches. This helps keep plantar fasciitis symptoms at bay. Proper foot mechanics Maintaining a healthy weight helps your feet function and align properly, preventing abnormal stress on the plantar fascia. Tips for managing your weight Diet Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. These foods provide the nutrients your body needs to stay strong and healthy. Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Limit your intake of sugary drinks and foods high in unhealthy fats.        2. Exercise Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. Choose activities like swimming, cycling, or walking. These are gentle on your feet while still providing a great workout. Do some strength training that targets your legs and core to improve overall foot health and support. Foot care and hygiene Taking good care of your feet is essential in preventing plantar fasciitis. Here's why regular care matters: Cleaning and moisturizing  Regularly washing your feet with soap and water removes dirt and bacteria that can lead to infections. Foot infections can cause inflammation and discomfort, potentially worsening plantar fasciitis.  Moisturizing keeps skin healthy and prevents dryness and cracking, which can alter your gait and put extra strain on the plantar fascia. Proper grooming Keeping toenails trimmed straight across prevents ingrown nails that can cause pain and gait changes. Altered gait can put extra stress on the plantar fascia. Additionally, wearing clean, moisture-wicking socks helps keep feet dry and reduces the risk of fungal infections. Fungal infections can also lead to inflammation and discomfort, aggravating plantar fasciitis.   Conclusion: Enhance Your Foot Health with Orthofeet Proper orthopedic footwear is crucial for preventing plantar fasciitis and managing related conditions like heel spurs. At Orthofeet, our range of products—including plantar fasciitis shoes for women, plantar fasciitis shoes for men, and plantar fasciitis sandals—are designed to provide the support, cushioning, and fit essential for foot health. These products not only aid in managing plantar fasciitis but are also effective for conditions such as heel spurs. For a deeper understanding of how these conditions differ and overlap, explore our detailed article on Plantar Fasciitis vs Heel Spurs which offers insights into their distinct and interconnected impacts. References  [1] Carlton J. Covey, MD and Mark D. Mulder, MD. Plantar fasciitis: How best to treat?. The Journal of Family Practice. September 2013. Accessed June 18, 2024. https://cdn.mdedge.com/files/s3fs-public/Document/September-2017/6209_JFP_Article1_0.pdf [2] E. R. Waclawski, J. Beach, A. Milne, E. Yacyshyn, D. M. Dryden. Systematic Review: Plantar Fasciitis and Prolonged Weight Bearing. Oxford Academic. 17 February 2015. Accessed June 18, 2024. https://academic.oup.com/occmed/article/65/2/97/1488760 [3] Robert A. Werner MD MS, Nancy Gell MPH PT, Anne Hartigan MD, Neal Wiggerman MS, William M. Keyserling PhD. Risk Factors for Plantar Fasciitis Among Assembly Plant Workers. ScienceDirect. February 2010. Accessed June 18, 2024. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1934148209016207 [4] Umar Haddaya, Idrees Wajeeha, Umar Wardah, Khalil Anish, Rizvi Zuhair A. Impact of Routine Footwear on Foot Health: A Study on Plantar Fasciitis. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. July 2022. Accessed June 18, 2024. https://journals.lww.com/jfmpc/fulltext/2022/07000/impact_of_routine_footwear_on_foot_health__a_study.74.aspx. 
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  • Plantar Fasciitis vs. Heel Spurs: Understanding the Key Differences

    Medical information provided by Josh White DPM  /  July 17, 2024
    Heel pain can interfere with your daily activities and be quite uncomfortable. Two common causes of this discomfort are plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. Although they often coexist, they are distinct conditions. Here’s a closer look at plantar fasciitis vs. heel spurs. Introduction to plantar fasciitis and heel spurs Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot, supporting the arch and connecting your heel to your toes.  On the other hand, heel spurs are calcium deposits that form bony protrusions on the underside of the heel bone. These spurs can sometimes be seen on X-rays, though they may not always cause pain themselves [1]. Understanding the differences between plantar fasciitis vs. heel spurs is crucial for effective treatment and pain relief. And while heel spurs and plantar fasciitis usually occur together, they require different approaches for management and recovery [1]. Both conditions can significantly impact daily life, causing foot pain and discomfort that limit mobility and participation in physical activities. The pain is often described as a sharp, stabbing sensation, especially in the morning or after long periods of inactivity, which can evolve into a dull ache with continued movement [1][2].  Managing these conditions typically involves a combination of rest, stretching exercises and physical therapy, proper footwear, weight management, and, in some cases, medical interventions to alleviate pain and promote healing. So, when you look at plantar fasciitis vs. heel spurs, you can find many similarities, but there are also differences. What is plantar fasciitis? We've already established that plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick band of soft tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. This foot condition, typically caused by overuse or strain, leads to sharp pain, especially noticeable in the mornings.  What are heel spurs? Heel spurs, as mentioned earlier, are bony protrusions caused by calcium deposits building up on the underside of the heel bone over several months. They are often associated with plantar fasciitis, but don't directly cause foot pain in all cases. When they do cause pain, it's often linked to the inflammation associated with plantar fasciitis [1]. Symptoms and causes: heel spur versus plantar fasciitis Symptoms and causes of plantar fasciitis The soft tissue called the plantar fascia absorbs high stresses during activities like walking, running, and sports. Excessive pressure can damage or tear the plantar fascia, leading to inflammation and heel pain [1]. Risk factors for plantar fasciitis include:  New or increased physical activity Shoes that don’t fit well and lack support and cushioning Repetitive high-impact activities such as running or dancing Prolonged standing on hard surfaces Anatomical issues like flat feet or high arches Tight calf muscles Obesity Age (most common in people aged 40 to 60) [2] Symptoms typically include pain on the bottom of the foot near the heel, which is most severe with the first few steps after getting out of bed or after a long period of rest. Plantar Fasciitis pain often decreases after a few minutes of walking but may return after prolonged activity [1].  Symptoms and causes of heel spurs Heel spurs typically result from strains on foot muscles and ligaments, stretching of the plantar fascia, and repeated tearing of the membrane that covers the heel bone. Athletes who run and jump frequently are particularly susceptible to heel spurs [2]. Risk factors for heel spurs include:  Abnormal walking gait Running or jogging on hard surfaces Poorly fitted shoes lacking proper arch support Excess weight and obesity.  Additional factors associated with plantar fasciitis, such as increasing age, diabetes, prolonged standing, and having flat feet or high arches, also contribute to the development of heel spurs [2]. Heel spur versus plantar fasciitis: diagnosis and treatment options Doctors diagnose plantar fasciitis and heel spurs primarily through a combination of medical history review and physical examination.  During the examination, doctors look for specific signs such as a high arch or flat foot, areas of maximum tenderness on the bottom of the foot just in front of the heel bone, and limited dorsiflexion in the ankle [2]. To diagnose plantar fasciitis, doctors perform a physical examination that often includes direct pressing (palpation) of the inner part of the heel bone, known as the medial calcaneal tubercle, which usually causes severe pain if the foot condition is present. This pain is generally localized at the origin of the central band of the plantar fascia, without significant pain on compression of the heel bone from side to side [3]. Additionally, doctors ensure that symptoms are not due to other conditions such as Achilles tendinitis, calcaneal stress fractures, or plantar nerve entrapment [2]. Imaging tests can also be used in the diagnosis. X-rays are commonly used to rule out other causes of heel pain, such as fractures or arthritis, and they can also reveal heel spurs, which may develop due to prolonged tension on the insertion of the plantar fascia [2]. However, since heel spurs do not directly cause plantar fasciitis pain, removing them is usually unnecessary for treating plantar fasciitis. In rare cases, if initial treatments fail or if there is concern about other potential issues, an MRI may be ordered [2]. Non-surgical treatments Rest and ice Resting the affected foot and applying ice can help reduce inflammation and pain [2]. Anti-Inflammatory medications Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen can alleviate pain and inflammation [2]. Physical Therapy  Performing calf muscle and plantar fasciitis exercises is critical. Physical therapists may also use techniques like ultrasound therapy to promote healing [2]. Orthotics and supportive shoes Custom orthotic devices and shoes with  specialized insoles for plantar fasciitis and extra cushioning provide additional arch support and cushioning, helping to distribute pressure more evenly across the foot [2].  Night splints A night splint stretches the plantar fascia while you sleep, reducing heel pain. Though initially uncomfortable, night splints are highly effective for treating plantar fasciitis [2].  As you go through the recovery process, be sure to look out for key signs plantar fasciitis is healing to make sure your recovery process is working as intended.     Surgical treatment options For severe cases that do not respond to non-surgical treatments, surgery may be considered. Surgical options include: Plantar fascia release  This procedure involves cutting a part of the plantar fascia ligament to relieve tension and inflammation [2]. Heel spur removal  Although heel spurs are not the direct cause of plantar fasciitis, in some cases, they may be removed during surgery if they contribute to the patient's discomfort [2]. Prevention strategies Proper footwear Arch support Choose shoes with built-in arch support to prevent over-pulling on the heel bone insertion, reduce arch drop, and minimize tension on the plantar fascia. Shoes with support for the inner arch (medial longitudinal arch) and metatarsal pads can be particularly effective for both prevention and treatment of plantar fasciitis [1]. Cushioning Ensure your shoes have excellent cushioning to absorb impact and distribute pressure evenly across the foot. Materials like memory foam conform to your foot’s contours and reduce strain on the plantar fascia, which is crucial for preventing both plantar fasciitis and heel spurs [4]. Proper fit Wear shoes that fit correctly, avoiding those that are too short or too tight, as improper fit can negatively impact the big toe joint function and damage the plantar fascia. Shoes with extra depth and width for toe movement and flexible upper materials are ideal [4].  Consider our specially designed options to ensure you're choosing the best footwear for plantar fasciitis prevention and treatment. Our plantar fasciitis shoes for women and plantar fasciitis shoes for men offer the essential arch support and cushioning needed to protect your feet. These shoes are not only effective in managing symptoms but also stylish, blending functionality with modern design. Stretching and warm-up techniques Regular stretching and warm-up exercises are essential in preventing plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. Plantar fascia-specific stretching significantly reduces or eliminates heel pain and is beneficial for treating chronic heel pain.  Warm-up exercises help to prepare your muscles and fascia for activity, reducing the risk of injury [1][4].  Physical activity Avoid sudden spikes in physical activity to prevent overloading the plantar fascia. Start with low-impact exercises and gradually increase the intensity and duration by no more than 10% per week. Consistent warm-up routines and specific stretches for the feet and calves can improve flexibility and support.  Listening to your body and incorporating rest periods between high-impact activities are also crucial for preventing overuse injuries [2]. Healthy body weight Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on the arches and ensures proper foot mechanics. Extra weight puts more pressure on the feet, leading to inflammation and pain in the plantar fascia. By keeping your weight in check, you minimize the strain on your feet, helping to prevent plantar fasciitis    Conclusion: Taking Steps Towards Better Foot Health Overall, understanding the distinctions between plantar fasciitis and heel spurs is crucial for effectively managing heel pain. By staying informed and proactive about foot health, you can take significant strides toward maintaining comfort and mobility. Enhance your care by getting plantar fasciitis shoes at Orthofeet, designed to provide targeted support and relief. References  Rick Ansorge. Heel Spurs and Plantar Fasciitis. WebMD. August 28, 2022. Accessed June 19, 2024. https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/heel-spurs-pain-causes-symptoms-treatments   American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs. OrthoInfo website. Last reviewed in August 2022. Accessed June 19, 2024. https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/plantar-fasciitis-and-bone-spurs/   Stephen L. Barrett, DPM., Robert O'malley, DPM. Plantar Fasciitis and Other Causes of Heel Pain. American Family Physician. April 15, 1999. Accessed June 19, 2024. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/1999/0415/p2200.html   Umar Haddaya, Idrees Wajeeha, Umar Wardah, Khalil Anish, Rizvi Zuhair A. Impact of Routine Footwear on Foot Health: A Study on Plantar Fasciitis. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. July 2022. Accessed June 18, 2024. https://journals.lww.com/jfmpc/fulltext/2022/07000/impact_of_routine_footwear_on_foot_health__a_study.74.aspx.     
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  • 8 Best Shoes for Stroke Patients

    Medical information provided by Josh White DPM  /  April 15, 2024
    Stroke, a major cause of disability worldwide, often results in impaired mobility and is closely associated with an increased risk of falls. The repercussions of falling can be severe, ranging from fractures to hospitalization, nursing home admission and even death. Surprisingly, poor footwear choices have been identified as a significant factor contributing to up to 50% of falls in the elderly. According to a study published on Oxford Academic, footwear choice significantly impacts the walking patterns of stroke patients during their recovery phase, with closed fitting shoes demonstrating superior performance compared to regular slippers or going barefoot. The research further concludes that many stroke patients are often unaware of the importance of selecting appropriate footwear. Addressing this gap in knowledge by providing targeted education on suitable footwear options for stroke recovery could potentially enhance gait quality and mitigate fall risks among individuals recuperating from stroke. In light of all this, to help you find the perfect shoes for post-stroke gait and balance, we've curated a list of handpicked shoes that can support your feet, legs and posture throughout your journey. What are the best shoes for stroke patients? Best tennis shoes for stroke patients  Women’s Nira Why you’ll love it Simply slip your foot in and go – it's that easy! Constructed with fancy orthotic insoles that realign your feet   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors: turquoise, light gray, black    Tired of shoes that feel like a chore to wear? It’s time for comfort. Designed with a keen understanding of post-stroke needs, these shoes prioritize support and stability from the ground up.  Nira is constructed with fancy orthotic insoles that work wonders, realigning your feet and ensuring your posture stays on point, alleviating foot pain.  But that's only the beginning. Ease of wear is paramount, especially when you're recovering from a stroke. Nira's slip-on design lets you ditch the struggle of laces and tangled footwear. Simply slip your foot in and go – it's that easy!  Life can be unpredictable, so it's a relief to know these shoes are water-repellent and a breeze to clean. No more worrying about unexpected spills or puddles. Plus, the generous toe box provides ample breathing and wiggle room for swollen feet, bunions, or hammertoes, ensuring a comfortable fit for all.  Step inside Nira, and you'll find a world of comfort waiting for you. Soft padding and a stretchy knit upper conform to your foot like a custom made sock, eliminating pressure points and ensuring a snug fit that feels soft and gentle on your feet.  Below, the thick, shock absorbing soles minimize impact on your joints, while the slightly curved design allows for natural movement with each step. Plus, the rubber outsoles offer exceptional grip on any surface, so you can walk with improved confidence. Feedback from users “Best shoes EVER! These shoes are amazing. Slipped my feet in and that's all she wrote. So very comfy. I walked almost 3 miles before my feet started to tell me to stop...LOL that is the BEST. I bought another pair in black.” Dee Coulson Shop Nira Men’s Monterey Bay Why you’ll love it Soles that offer advanced grip and improved stability Easy on-off with discrete Velcro tabs on either side   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Extra Wide (6E) Upper materials: microfiber and fabric Available colors: white, black   If you’re looking for a reliable partner in stability, the Monterey Bay sneakers may be your solution. Designed with a focus on supporting those with fallen arches, these lace free wonders are a game changer for all day comfort.  Monterey Bay's innovative design features a tie-less closure system that also offers a customizable fit, thanks to two Velcro tabs on either side used to open and close the shoe. This feature is especially beneficial for persons with mobility issues, who may find traditional laces challenging to manage.  Still, breathability is just as important as ease of closure. The aerated material of the uppers allows for optimal airflow, keeping your feet cool and dry throughout wear. This is helpful for everyone, but especially for those with sensitive feet, keeping infections and odors at bay.  Now, let's talk about the premium orthotic insoles. These insoles, complete with anatomical arch support, work wonders for foot and heel pain relief while realigning your foot and entire body posture.  This proactive approach to foot health is complemented by the wide toe box, which alleviates pressure on the forefoot and toes, allowing them to splay naturally.  Inside, the sneakers offer a soft, padded fabric interior with no overlays, ensuring superior protection against irritation and providing an extra layer of comfort for sensitive feet.  And finally, the cushioning sole with a mild rocker design enhances ease of walking, adding a spring to each step, while the rubber outsole provides advanced grip and excellent stability, instilling confidence with every stride. Feedback from users “Perfect shoe for a stroke patient. These shoes are non-skid, and with Velcro openings are very easy to slide on and off. They give great support for a person learning to walk again. The wide toe box is more comfortable for his swollen toes.” Dan Fontenot Shop Monterey Bay Best slip on shoes for stroke patients  Women’s Kita Why you’ll love it Thanks to a hidden spring mechanism, slipping your foot in is effortless Stretch knit upper wraps around your unique foot shape   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors: black-black, black, blue, gray, rose, white   The revolutionary design of the Kita sneakers prioritizes hands-free convenience, transforming the way you put on and take off your shoes.  Gone are the days of fiddling with laces – thanks to a hidden spring mechanism, slipping your foot into these sneakers is effortless and intuitive, and the back of the shoe gently embraces and molds to your foot with a reassuring bounce.  Balance and stability are crucial for stroke survivors, and the Kita sneakers excel in this regard. Their slip resistant outsoles offer reliable traction on a variety of surfaces, ensuring you can move with confidence and poise throughout your day.  The stretch knit upper of these sneakers wraps around your unique foot shape, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit that hugs your unique foot shape. Breathable material keeps your feet feeling fresh and cool, even during long days, while professionally cushioned and ergonomic orthotic insoles provide shock absorption and support for every step.  But Kita doesn't stop at comfort. Ergonomic soles with a mild rocker design and minimal heel-to-toe drop make walking easier and alleviate strain on the forefoot, promoting a more natural gait. With extra depth, wider widths and removable footbeds, these sneakers can accommodate AFOs or other devices, ensuring a customized fit. Feedback from users “I love the Kita. Very comfortable. I suffered from a stroke and have limited mobility and hand function. I am able to handle the shoe without assistance. Love the no tie shoe laces. The shoe look beautiful.” Teresa N. Shop Kita Men’s Rex Why you’ll love it No need to tie laces or bend down to put your shoes on Water repellent uppers keep your feet dry in any condition   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: stretch fabric Available colors: blue, black   At the heart of these casual shoes lies a hidden spring in the rear, allowing for easy on and off without the need to bend down and tie laces repeatedly. The rear part of the shoe moves down as your foot enters, securing it in place for a snug fit. No more struggling with laces or worrying about bending down repeatedly.  On top, water repellent uppers keep your feet dry in any condition and simplify cleaning, adding an extra layer of convenience to your routine. The stretchable knitted upper material also molds to the contours of your feet, ensuring a customized and pressure-free fit for added comfort. Premium orthotic insoles with anatomical arch support, which are also removable, contribute to realigning your foot and entire body posture. This not only relieves heel and foot pain, but also enhances sensory awareness, helping you maintain balance.  Inside, the soft, padded fabric interior eliminates irritation, providing superior protection for sensitive feet. This feature is particularly beneficial for those requiring gentle, irritation-free footwear. The cushioning sole with a mild rocker improves the ease of walking and adds a subtle spring to your step, enhancing overall comfort. With a rubber sole providing advanced grip and excellent stability, you can walk confidently, addressing concerns related to balance and stability. Feedback from users “My husband is recovering from a massive stroke, we cannot get him out shopping for shoes. We certainly appreciate the option to have two sizes delivered for him to try. These shoes work out very well as he cannot use his right side, needless to say his caregiver and I like them as much as he does. They are attractive, comfortable and warm. Thank you.” Tamara Popoff Shop Rex Best slippers for stroke patients Women’s Lorin | Men’s Vito Why you’ll love it Patented slip-on system eliminates ensures a hassle-free wear experience Loosen or tighten the strap on the interior side to adjust fit   Specs Sizes: women 5-12 | men 7-14 Widths: women Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) | men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: leather Available colors: Lorin - light brown, bordeaux, black | Vito - olive, black   Regular slippers may not be the best footwear choice after a stroke, but the Lorin and Vito are not your regular slippers. Designed with convenience and comfort in mind, Lorin and Vito slippers offer innovative features to make time spent indoors more manageable.  The patented slip-on system eliminates the need for bending down or using hands to put on or take off these slippers. A built-in spring bends to allow foot entry, then bounces back to secure it, ensuring a hassle-free experience. The result: simply slip your foot in and go! For those requiring a customized fit, you can loosen or tighten the strap on the interior side of the slipper to adjust accordingly.  Equipped with premium orthotic insoles featuring anatomical arch support (removable), the Vito and Lorin slippers go beyond conventional footwear. These features realign the foot and entire body posture, promoting optimal support and reducing the risk of imbalance, crucial for individuals recovering from a stroke. Alleviating pressure on sensitive areas and allowing enough room for the toes to spread naturally, these slippers provide a non-binding fit, making sure your feet aren’t squeezed in.  The soft suede water repellent upper ensures a dry environment, while the faux fur interior keeps feet warm and comfy. A plush microfiber insole top cover adds an extra layer of comfort, keeping your feet dry from within. The lightweight cushioning sole, with its outdoor shoe construction and featuring a mild rocker, improves the ease of walking. It softens impacts, alleviates stress on joints and enhances the overall walking experience.  Crafted from high quality rubber, the soles improve surface grip and maintain stability, providing confidence with each step. Feedback from users Lorin  “Awesome Slippers! Absolutely LOVE these slip on hands free slippers! Sooo comfortable and well made. Will buy more when needed.” Sandra Ekblom Shop Lorin Vito “Nice indoor footwear. I really needed the handsfree slippers for a long time due to limited mobility. I'm glad it is available now…These have been sturdy enough to allow me to use comfortably and with my own arch supports from my regular shoes due to plantar fasciitis. Best slippers I have ever found.” Timothy Ross Shop Vito Best boots for stroke patients Women’s Florence    Why you’ll love it Two hook and loop straps allow the boots to fully open up for easy foot insertion slip resistant rubber sole with a unique tread design offers excellent traction   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials: leather Available colors: camel, brown, black, taupe   Crafted with both practicality and style in mind, Florence boots offer a winning combination for women on their recovery journey.  The anatomical arch support reduces pronation, guides the foot into its proper alignment and function, and improves gait. With added heel cushioning to protect the sensitive heel bone, these boots enable women to maintain their balance and step confidently without compromising foot health.  Designed with a rocker bottom sole, the Florence brings a subtle spring-like quality to each step. This innovative feature minimizes walking effort, making these boots an invaluable choice for women experiencing foot discomfort post-stroke. Putting them on is effortless with two hook and loop straps across the ankles. These straps allow the boots to fully open up, facilitating effortless stepping into the boots while ensuring a secure and customized fit tailored to the unique shape of each woman's foot. Crafted from soft, non-binding leather with sealed seams, these boots are entirely waterproof, guaranteeing dry and warm feet even in wet conditions. In addition, the design allows enough room for AFOs and other foot devices. The lightweight, slip resistant rubber sole with a unique tread design offers excellent traction, improving confidence and stability when navigating winter's surfaces. Furthermore, the ankle support provided by these boots enhances stability even further. Feedback from users “These boots were nice and warm and I got lots of compliments on them. I have been recovering from a stroke and I’m able to get my foot into the foot bed better. I don’t even have to use an AFO splint. I love your shoe bed, very very comfortable.” Brenda Casper Shop Florence Men’s Ryder Why you’ll love it Two zippers at the heel offer hassle-free on-off wear Enhance stability and balance with ankle support   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: leather Available colors: brown, black   Featuring two zippers at the heel, these boots offer hassle-free on-off wear. Simply unzip the back to open the boot wide, effortlessly slide your foot in, and zip it back up for a snug fit.  The lightweight boots come equipped with premium orthotic insoles, complete with anatomical arch support for enhanced comfort and support. These cushioned insoles can be easily removed to accommodate orthotics, ensuring proper alignment of the foot and entire body posture throughout the day. Designed with a specialized rubber sole featuring a clever tread design, the Ryder boots offer improved steadiness on various surfaces. The lightweight, ergonomic and cushioned sole incorporates a mild rocker bottom, reducing the effort required during walking for a more comfortable stride.  The wide and tall toe box allows toes to move freely and rest in their natural position, making it ideal for those with bunions, hammertoes, swelling feet and other foot conditions. Meanwhile, the soft leather upper provides a relaxed fit, while the seam-free fabric interior ensures protection for even the most sensitive feet. The boots are also biomechanically engineered to provide optimal ankle support, enhancing overall stability and comfort. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with balance issues, ensuring a more secure and stable stride. Feedback from users “My husband has some issues with his feet from a stroke. Hammer toes and range of motion. The ease of putting these on is wonderful and he loves the support and comfort they give him all day on his feet!” Stalvey S. Shop Ryder What shoes should a stroke patient wear? According to Dr. Josh White, DPM, “Stroke patients principally need to be able to easily put on shoes and ensure they fit properly.” He adds that, “If there is difficulty using one hand, slip on styles might be most beneficial. If the foot lacks muscle support, it might benefit from a brace that would need to fit into the shoe. Also, the affected foot might become smaller than the other, necessitating adjustability of fit.” More specifically, what follows is a detailed list of recommended footwear features for post-stroke.  Stability and cushioning It’s best to choose shoes designed to offer stability and ease the discomfort associated with various foot conditions. Effective cushioning is essential, whether indoors or outdoors, as it reduces impact on feet and joints and lowers the risk of injury. Arch support Built-in arch support encourages proper foot alignment, reducing strain on weakened muscles and enhancing overall stability during walking. Lightweight construction Choose lightweight shoes to enhance the walking experience and reduce muscle fatigue. Lighter shoes make lifting the feet easier, which is particularly important for stroke recovery patients. Mild rocker design A mild rocker design allows a smoother, more controlled rolling motion from heel to toe. Curvature of the rocker bottom soles fosters a more natural gait, reducing effort during each step and practically propelling the foot forward. It also ensures even pressure distribution, offering comfort and reducing strain for post-stroke individuals. Room for AFOs or braces Ensure shoes have sufficient width to accommodate AFO devices or braces. Look for extra depth, generous toe space, wider widths, stretch or flexible uppers, and removable insoles for comfortable fit with devices. Adjustable for personalized fit Choose shoes with adjustable features like straps or laces for secure fit and to prevent foot slippage. Adjustable elements cater to individual needs and provide a stable sensation while walking. Comfort and breathability Shoes with breathable uppers or features promote moisture evaporation to maintain foot health and prevent infection and odor. Taller shaft for ankle support Consider shoes with a higher shaft for added ankle support, enhancing stability and reducing the risk of falls and ankle sprains.
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  • Signs your Plantar Fasciitis is Healing

    By Steven Gershman DPM  /  April 15, 2024
    The plantar fascia is a strong piece of connective tissue, functioning as a ligament that connects the heel bone to the bases of all five toes. It provides support to the arch and acts as a stabilizer of the foot. Unlike muscles or tendons, it cannot stretch when pulled or stressed. Plantar fasciitis is characterized by painful micro tearing of the fascia fibers. Contrary to its name, it is not a true inflammation but rather damage to the collagen fibers that make up the plantar fascia ligament, resulting in small tears. This condition can occur at the insertion point of the heel bone (resulting in severe heel pain) or anywhere along the fascia toward the ball of the foot. Typically, the pain worsens upon initial weight bearing after periods of rest, such as upon waking in the morning or after prolonged periods of sitting. Causes of Plantar Fasciitis There are multiple causes of plantar fasciitis: Overpronation with arch drop  Tight calf muscles and Achilles tendon Overuse from high intensity physical activities like sports Abnormal foot biomechanics Increased weight over time such as obesity  Poorly made or worn out shoes. Treatment Options Treating plantar fasciitis effectively requires a multifaceted approach, focusing on alleviating the foot pain, reducing inflammation, and addressing the underlying causes. Here's a deeper dive into some of the most effective treatment options: Shoes and Inserts - The first step in treating plantar fasciitis is often improving footwear. Orthofeet supportive footwear has a firm and stable heel counter that helps control heel motion and reduce pronation, effectively alleviating the severe heel pain and supporting healing. Stretching Exercises - Stretching the calf muscles and Achilles tendon can significantly help in managing plantar fasciitis. Regularly performing plantar fasciitis exercises such as calf stretches, towel stretches, and plantar fascia stretches can reduce tension in the fascia, promoting healing. Physical Therapy - A physical therapist can guide you through specific exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the foot and lower leg, improving overall foot mechanics and reducing strain on the plantar fascia. Techniques such as manual therapy, taping, and ultrasound therapy can also provide relief. Steroid Injections - In cases where conservative treatments do not provide sufficient relief, steroid injections may be considered. These injections can help reduce inflammation and pain quickly. However, they are generally reserved for more severe cases due to potential side effects. Orthotics - Custom orthotics or over-the-counter insoles can provide additional support and cushioning, helping to correct abnormal foot mechanics and distribute pressure more evenly across the foot. Orthofeet's BioSole Gel inserts are an excellent option, offering a non-custom orthotic solution that effectively reduces pronation and alleviates the sharp pain associated with plantar fasciitis. Severe Cases: Walking Boots and Surgery - For severe cases that do not respond to conservative treatments, more intensive interventions may be necessary. Wearing a walking boot can immobilize the foot, allowing the fascia to heal by reducing strain and preventing further injury. Plantar fasciitis surgery is considered a last resort and is typically reserved for cases where all other treatments have failed. Surgical options might include plantar fascia release, where the fascia is partially cut to relieve tension and allow for healing.   How long does it take for plantar fasciitis to heal? The answer varies greatly, ranging from a few weeks to many months. Generally, the longer a person has plantar fasciitis, the longer it may take to heal. So, it is better to treat it as soon as possible. In some cases, if detected early, plantar fasciitis can become painless within a week or two with the use of better shoes and insoles. Sometimes, it can become painless with a steroid injection within a few days, though this is uncommon. If plantar fasciitis persists for many months before treatment begins, it may take months for the condition to heal. In addition, the underlying cause can impact healing time. For instance, if weight is the issue, it can take quite some time until it is resolved. On the other hand, if overpronation is the cause, proper plantar fasciitis shoes and inserts can heal it fairly quickly, as in weeks. How can you tell if plantar fasciitis is getting better? It all comes down to the plantar fasciitis symptoms. When the pain improves, you are getting better. Typically, the pain felt later in the day tends to improve before the pain experienced upon waking, though this isn't always the case. Since there are no external signs, such as swelling, to gauge improvement, healing is assessed based on the intensity of the foot pain and eventual absence of pain. Here are some key signs plantar fasciitis is healing: Improved Pain Levels One of the most telling signs of healing is a noticeable reduction in pain levels. Initially, you may find that the sharp, stabbing pain you experience in the morning or after periods of rest begins to diminish. Over time, the pain will become less intense and more manageable. As the condition improves, you might find that pain occurs less frequently and is not as severe. Resumption of Normal Activities Another positive indicator of healing is the ability to resume normal activities without discomfort. When you can walk, stand, or engage in your daily routine without experiencing significant pain, it's a good sign that your plantar fascia is healing. You may find that you can gradually increase your activity levels without triggering a flare-up of symptoms. This gradual return to normalcy is a strong indicator that your treatment plan is working. Tracking Progress Keeping track of your progress can provide valuable insights into your healing journey. Consider maintaining a pain journal where you record your daily pain levels, activities, and any treatments you are using. This can help you identify patterns and track improvements over time. You may notice that your pain is less severe or that it subsides more quickly after periods of activity. This consistent reduction in pain intensity and duration is a clear sign of recovery.By monitoring these signs, you can gauge your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed. Remember, healing from plantar fasciitis can take time, but with the right approach, you can get back to enjoying a pain-free life. Find relief from plantar fasciitis with Orthofeet’s footwear Plantar fasciitis is a very common diagnosis, but there are ways to prevent plantar fasciitis. Wearing proper plantar fasciitis shoes for women and men, as well as using inserts is the best way to reduce the risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Orthofeet plantar fasciitis insoles and shoes are a great choice and the recommendation of my office in many cases. I wear them myself, as does my wife. Orthofeet shoes and inserts are highly recommended by my office in many cases, and I personally wear them, as does my wife. They serve as an excellent treatment modality for plantar fasciitis. These products are well-made and biomechanically appropriate, effectively reducing pronation and other abnormal biomechanical forces. The firm and stable heel counter helps control heel motion and reduces pronation. Our plantar fasciitis shoes for men and women are also deep enough to accommodate inserts or orthotics if needed. All footwear comes with a supportive insert, and Orthofeet also manufactures a true non-custom orthotic, called BioSole Gel, which is highly effective for plantar fasciitis. Shop Plantar Fasciitis Shoes
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  • 10 Best Shoes for Hypermobile Feet (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome)

    Medical information provided by Josh White DPM  /  April 04, 2024
    Navigating the world with hypermobile feet, particularly in the context of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), presents a unique set of challenges. From the intricacies of the foot's biomechanics to the array of conditions it may encounter, finding suitable footwear becomes not just a matter of comfort but a crucial aspect of managing foot health. The National Institute of Health defines Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome as “an inherited connective tissue disorder that is caused by defects in a protein called collagen. It is generally considered the least severe form of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome although significant complications can occur.” Research suggests that “The hypermobility type is the most common variety [of EDS], with an estimated prevalence of 80–90% of all cases. Its classical symptoms are hyperextensible skin, joint hypermobility frequently associated with limb pain and joint dislocations, and blood vessel and tissue fragility.” In their article, Professor Anthony Redmond and Associate Professor Dr. Heidi Siddle* note that individuals with EDS are more susceptible to sprains and strains, experiencing these injuries more frequently and severely due to their hypermobility. Rapid movements near the end of a joint's stable range can trigger such incidents. They also mention that individuals with hypermobile joints due to EDS or hypermobility spectrum disorder often report worse lower limb pain and greater lower limb disability compared to the general population. This article will explore the best footwear options for increased comfort and support for those with hypermobile feet, and addressing common questions. What type of shoes are best for hypermobile feet? According to podiatrist Dr. Josh White, “Hypermobile feet are best accommodated by shoes that provide superior support and have enough depth to accommodate a custom molded orthotic device.”   Dr. White also advises that “It’s best when the middle section of the sole extends broadly beneath the arch. In addition, the heel counter should be firm enough to resist squeezing from side to side.” Best shoes for hypermobile feet (EDS) Best Walking shoes for hypermobile feet Women’s Coral Why you’ll love it Stretch material that wraps the foot securely and adjusts to its contours Removable insole allows for the insertion of custom orthotics   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors: white, black, no-tie black, gray, sandy, blue, lavender, turquoise, wool gray   These sneakers are crafted with a stretch material that wraps the foot securely, adjusting to its contours and providing a personalized fit for various foot shapes and sizes. This stretch material is also breathable, promoting air circulation to prevent sweaty feet and the unpleasant odors and potential infections and irritations that can bring.  While most Coral versions are designed with regular laces, the no-tie black version features a bungee lace closure. This provides a quick and easy on-and-off experience, greatly appreciated by those managing mobility issues or leading hectic lifestyles. One notable feature of the Coral sneakers is the wide and deep toe box, which alleviates pressure on the toes and forefoot. This toe friendly design prevents toe rubbing and minimizes the risk of irritations, wounds and calluses, contributing to overall foot comfort. It also allows the toes to splay naturally, which can improve stability. Equipped with a built-in arch support, the Coral offers enhanced support and alignment for the foot, virtually correcting your stride and reducing pain.  The removable insole allows for the insertion of custom orthotics, ensuring personalized comfort and support tailored to individual needs. Designed with a cushioning sole that combines air and foam technology, the Coral sneakers provide a soft and comfortable walking experience, minimizing the impact on the feet and reducing strain. And yet, with all these foot health features, the Coral is still comfortably lightweight, so you won’t need to exert extra effort to lift your feet as you walk.  Feedback from users “EDS, planters fasciitis, pronation…Wow! Amazing shoes, I'm an RN and I'm on my feet for 12 hours. They even look cute! I have the inserts and the arch boosters in. Only shoes I've ever put on and my ankles didn't immediately bow in. Very happy customer.” Jessica Udasi Shop Coral Men’s Tilos Why you’ll love it Just slip your foot in and the back wraps comfortably around your heel Thick soles provide maximum cushioning at the heel and ball of the foot   Specs Sizes: 7-14  Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors: gray, olive, blue   Tilos sneakers can be a lifesaver for anyone who’s feet are more sensitive and need some extra care. They're all about comfort and ease. No more fumbling with laces - Tilos slip right on, perfect for mornings when you're running late or if bending down is tricky. Just slip your foot in and a hidden spring at the back bends and then recoils to wrap comfortably around your heel, ready to go. The stretchy upper material hugs your foot like a comfy sock, and there's plenty of cushioning in the sole to absorb shock with every step. The thick sole provides maximum cushioning at the heel and ball of the foot, while the enhanced rocker facilitates foot motion and adds spring to your step.  The wide toe box gives your toes just the right amount of wiggle room, no more feeling crammed in. Plus, inside, the soft, padded fabric interior ensures superior comfort and protection for sensitive feet. But Tilos aren't just comfy, they're supportive too. They have built-in arch support, and there's even a removable insole you can customize for extra support if needed. This could be a big help when you deal with foot pain or instability. The soles are grippy to keep you more stable as you walk, and the material repels water so you can wear them rain or shine, mud or brine.  Feedback from users “Great shoes!!! I have never had a pair of ‘sneaks’ that are as comfortable as these! Planning to buy other OrthoFeet products in the future! I have spent more than the cost of your shoes on footwear that sits in my closet and never gets worn because those sneakers are NOT comfortable in the least. Whoever said spending more was the only way to get a better shoe was dead wrong! You guys rock!!!!!!!!” Myron Slobin Shop Tilos Best slippers for hypermobile feet Women’s Lorin | Men’s Vito Why you’ll love it Advanced supportive features that go way beyond the average indoor footwear Shock absorbing soles ease stress on your joints   Specs Sizes: women 5-12 | men 7-14 Widths: women Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) | men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: leather Available colors: Lorin - light brown, bordeaux, black | Vito - olive, black   Imagine kicking back at home with your feet feeling like they're on cloud nine. That's the feeling Vito and Lorin slippers aim to create. No need to bend over to put them on – their innovative slip-on design lets you slide your foot in with ease, perfect for lazy mornings, cozy evenings, and anyone with mobility challenges. These slippers go beyond your average indoor footwear. They are designed with a supportive system that starts with built-in arch support, crucial for anyone who needs a little extra stability. The support continues with a lightweight, cushioned sole with a slight curve that feels like walking on air. It mimics your natural walking motion and absorbs shock, potentially easing stress on your joints. Vito and Lorin slippers also prioritize a personalized fit. An adjustable strap lets you customize how snug they feel, ensuring a comfy experience for your unique feet. Cramped toes become a thing of the past with their roomy design that allows for natural toe movement. The focus on comfort extends beyond functionality. Soft, water-repellent materials keep your feet dry and cozy, while the plush insole and seamless, faux fur interior feel like a luxurious hug. Finally, the improved grip rubber soles keep you more confident and stable with every step around the house. Feedback from users Lorin  “Was skeptical about how easy and doable the hands free part would be but I am SOLD! Love’em! I may never buy the regular tie shoes again. So easy to slip on and the heel part is still firm on my foot when walking. I want more!!” Marie Hewitt Shop Lorin Vito “Best slippers ever! I have been looking for slippers for a while, but nothing seemed to work due to my wide high arched feet. That was until I got my Vito Hands-Free slippers, my feet are now doing great. I was a little worried about the hands-free working with my very high arches. The hands-free work reasonably well, which surprised me. They keep my feet toasty in my cold home office.” Corey Anderson Shop Vito Best boots for hypermobile feet  Women’s Heidi Why you’ll love it Specially designed insole keeps your feet aligned and comfortable Slip resistant sole provides excellent traction so you can walk with peace of mind   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials: leather  Available colors: taupe, black   With the Heidi boots on your feet, you’ll feel like you're walking on sunshine, right down to your toes. These boots are designed for that kind of all day comfort, especially for those with sensitive feet or in need of a little extra support. First up, ditch the cramped toe feeling! The Heidi boots are designed with an ultra soft leather upper and a roomy toe box, a big deal for anyone with bunions, hammertoes, or other foot problems. This design relieves pressure and lets your toes move freely throughout the day. Putting them on and taking them off is a breeze too. Say goodbye to struggling to pull boots on – the Heidi boots are equipped with a convenient inner zipper for easy slipping on. Plus, an adjustable buckle lets you customize the fit around the ankles for extra support and a secure feeling. Built-in arch support works in tandem with a specially designed sole to keep your feet aligned and comfortable all day long. The sole even has a slight rocker design, which adds a little spring to your step and makes walking feel effortless. Plus, for confidence on any surface, the slip resistant sole design provides excellent traction so you can walk with peace of mind. Inside, the Heidi boots feel like a cozy hug for your feet. The soft, padded fabric lining feels gentle and there are no irritating overlays, so you can wear them for hours without any worries. And the cherry on top: the Heidi boots are so stylish, you’ll never guess they are also good for your feet and legs. Feedback from users “OMG! I absolutely love these boots. I wanted a boot that I could wear with leggings that looked good and felt good. I am so thankful that this boot was made. I always thought that these reviews were not from real customers, but I can honestly say now I know they are. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! OrthoFeet is the most comfortable shoes I have ever found for my bunion and overall foot comfort!” Jeannette Baugher Shop Heidi Men’s Verno Why you’ll love it Slip-on wear eliminates traditional boot-wearing hassle  The combination of solid midsoles and slip resistant soles provide exceptional stability   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: leather Available colors: black, brown   Verno boots are a great choice for anyone who's tired of the struggle with traditional footwear. No more awkward contortions and bending – Verno's ingenious slip-on system lets you simply step right in, eliminating the hassle and allowing you to conquer your day with ease. And it achieves this convenience without sacrificing a stylish laced-up look. These boots pamper your feet from the moment you slip them on. The wide toe box provides more than enough space, accommodating even swollen feet or protrusions comfortably. This ensures a pain free and comfortable experience, letting you move freely without restrictions. Comfort with Verno goes beyond just feeling soft. Equipped with premium orthotic insoles featuring removable arch support, these boots help realign your feet and prevent overpronation. This can alleviate pain and promote overall foot health. Stability is key, and Verno delivers. The combination of a solid midsole and a slip resistant outsole forms an unwavering partnership, providing steadfast support on any terrain. Even with the low heel design that encourages a natural walking motion, you'll stay sure footed and confident on any surface. Plus, the boots offer great ankle support for added confidence. Crafted with water repellent materials and a soft, padded interior, the Verno boots prioritize your comfort and protection. The non-binding leather upper keeps your feet comfortable, while the cushioning sole with a slight rocker adds a spring to your step and makes walking easier. Feedback from users “Most comfortable boots I've ever owned! I suffer from foot neuropathy and hammer toes in both feet. The relief I have gotten since wearing these has been nothing but phenomenal! My hammer toes no longer rub up against the top of my boots. For the money, you will find nothing finer. I wear a size 13 ex. wide (not an easy size to find) and when these wear out I will not hesitate to purchase another pair. Thank you so much for this exceptional product.” Peter Zukis Shop Verno Best casual shoes for hypermobile feet Women’s Quincy Why you’ll love it Designed with slip-on functionality in mind. Moisture wicking insole that’s anatomically designed to support your arches.   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Medium (B) - Extra Wide (2E)  Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors: gray, black, blue   Designed with slip-on functionality in mind, slipping into the Quincy shoes is easy. Just open the instep strap, slide your foot in, and adjust the strap to your desired snugness. With included spacers that can be placed under the insole, you can also customize the interior fit for added security, ensuring your foot stays in place without any slipping. Featuring a stretchable neoprene upper and a soft, padded interior, the Quincy casual shoes offer a comfortable fit that accommodates any foot shape. The wide toe box gives your toes space to move naturally, reducing the likelihood of discomfort associated with cramped toes. What sets the Quincy shoes apart is their focus on arch support. The moisture wicking insole is anatomically designed to support your arches, ensuring your feet are pain free and comfortable even during extended periods of standing. For those needing extra support, the shoes come with an optional arch booster, providing that additional boost whenever needed. Underneath, the cloud like sole of the Quincy shoes works wonders. It absorbs pressure and impact, allowing you to walk longer distances with ease while reducing strain on your feet and joints. Feedback from users “So happy - [you] might want to try if you have EDS. My daughter has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and has short flat wide feet. I took her to buy some shoes (Skechers, which I love) but they weren't wide enough and didn't fit. She has had so much trouble finding anything to fit. She was almost in tears. I went home on a mission to find her some good shoes. And I found these. She loves them and they fit!!” Christine G. Shop Quincy    Men’s Pierre Why you’ll love it Hands free wear eliminates the need to bend or tie laces Premium orthotic insoles with anatomical arch support   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: leather Available colors: smoke white, black   The Pierre sneakers are designed with both effortless comfort and support in mind. First thing’s first: get the laced-up look without ever tying laces again. The Pierre sneakers are built with a hidden spring in the back that allows you to just slide your foot in, while it gently closes around your heel – no bending required. It's simple, convenient and lets you get on with your day without giving your shoes too much thought. Crafted from top quality leather, the Pierre are stylish yet surprisingly comfortable. You won't feel squeezed by a stiff construction – the wider toe box gives your toes the room they need to breathe and move freely throughout the day. And there’s more. The Pierre sneakers have special insoles, packed with cushioning layers and designed with a built-in arch support, that helps you maintain good posture and prevent foot pain. Plus, the sole of the shoe has a slight curve that helps you roll smoothly from step to step.  The rubber outsole provides excellent grip on the ground, giving you the confidence to move around more freely and securely. Finally, the inside of the Pierre shoe feels like a little comfort zone for your feet. Lined with soft, padded fabric with no irritating bumps or stitches, you can focus on your day without any distractions from discomfort. Feedback from users “Great slip on dressy shoes. Shoes came in a week. Fit well. Large toe area so plenty of room. Insoles work well with the arch support. This is my 3rd pair of shoes and a pair of boots. Great product and will recommend it to everyone with foot problems.” Harry Frisby Shop Pierre Best sandals for hypermobile feet Women’s Malibu Why you’ll love it Innovative instep strap opens on both sides of the sandal Contoured arch support and stretchy interior padding foam   Specs Sizes: women 5-12; men 7-14 Widths: women Standard (B) - Wide (D) | men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors:   The Malibu sandals are like a breath of fresh air for your feet, especially during the warmer months when showing off those pedicured toes becomes a must. Good open toe sandals should be constructed with anatomical arch support and lots of padding. In addition, since open-toe designs lack material coverage, it's crucial for them to incorporate plenty of straps to provide foot stability and customization. The Malibu sandals perfectly embody these principles: a classic design with advanced adjustability features for comfort and stability. With three points of adjustment, including straps at the heel, toe, and an innovative instep strap that opens on both sides, finding your perfect fit is quick and effortless.  The unique two-way strap allows for easy access and adjustment, catering to those who may struggle to reach the outer part of the shoe. It not only enhances convenience but also provides more flexibility in fit, accommodating varying preferences. What sets the Malibu sandals apart is their contoured arch support and stretchy interior padding foam, ensuring comfort and alleviating discomfort.  The curve of the insole fills the space under the arch to support it, and ensures the tendon is not strained and stretched when you walk. The deep heel cup cradles the heel and disperses shock under the fat pad with heel strike. The sole has a unique rocker bottom shape that ergonomically moves your foot with little effort and less joint movement, resulting in a smoother and easier walking experience for those dealing with foot pain. Feedback from users “Awesome! Love my new sandals. My feet feel great! I have fibromyalgia and EDS and, besides my feet feeling great, I feel much more stable walking. Have already ordered a pair of athletic type shoe too!” Patricia Schaefer Shop Malibu Men’s Clearwater Why you’ll love it Adjustable fit thanks to bungee cord, heel strap and two-way instep strap Fully cushioned, ergonomic soles support both the arch and the entire foot   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Extra Wide (6E)  Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors: brown   The Clearwater sandals allow full adjustability without the need to deal with fiddly buckles. Thanks to an innovative two-way strap system designed with everyone in mind, these sandals cater to those with limited mobility or those who prefer securing sandals from the inside. It also has a bungee cord and adjustable heel strap. This lets you find the perfect fit for both comfort and stability on any terrain. No more awkward adjustments – just slide them on and feel confident with every step. Still, the design features go beyond just feeling good. The fully cushioned, ergonomic soles support both the arch and the entire foot, effectively absorbing shocks with each step. This strategic design can potentially alleviate pain not just in your feet, but also in your legs and back. Think of it as having a supportive foundation with every step, contributing to your overall well being. The Clearwater sandals also strike a perfect balance between protection and breathability. The closed toe design keeps your feet secure from bumps and scrapes, without feeling restrictive. Thanks to the soft leather upper and strategically placed cutouts, your feet stay cool and ventilated even on hot days.  Plus, the interior is completely padded, eliminating any rubbing or irritation. Feedback from users “Because of my wide foot (6W) and bunion, I am very limited in which sandals I can buy, that are comfy and don't hurt my feet. I tried 3 or 4 others, but keep coming back to Clearwater. One of the most comfortable sandals/shoes I have ever worn. I wear them as shoes sometimes. This is my third pair and I'll be buying more if they are available.” Ronald Jaffray Shop Clearwater Do orthotics help hypermobility? “Functional foot orthotics can improve foot joint alignment and biomechanics,” says Dr. White. He goes on to explain, “The normal foot functions as a rigid lever during the propulsive phase, and a mobile adapter at heel contact and during the first half of the stance phase of gait. Foot orthotics can help the hypermobile foot function more effectively in performing these primary functions.” Do compression socks help with EDS? According to Dr. White, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome causes joint hypermobility and is associated with postural instability. “Compression garments have been found to provide improved proprioception and thus can help improve balance,” he says. “Additionally, people with EDS are at increased risk for Raynaud’s Syndrome. Compression socks can improve circulation and reduce the foot pain associated with Raynaud’s.” *Professor Anthony Redmond is Head of Clinical Biomechanics and Physical Medicine, and Dr. Heidi Siddle is Associate Professor and NIHR Clinical Lecturer, both from the Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine
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  • Best Compressions Socks for Lymphedema

    Medical information provided by Josh White DPM  /  March 21, 2024
    Feeling the squeeze? If you're dealing with lymphedema, you know the importance of keeping things moving. Compression socks can be a game-changer, offering that extra bit of support to manage swelling and keep you comfortable.  But, with so many options out there, finding the right pair can feel overwhelming. Not to worry, we've done the legwork (pun intended) to bring you a guide to the best compression socks for lymphedema.  By the way, if you’re also looking for shoes for lymphedema, podiatrist Dr. Steven Gershman has some guidelines for you.  Firstly, Dr. Gershman emphasizes the challenges of fitting shoes for those dealing with severe foot swelling, stating, "As the feet are often swollen severely, shoes are often hard to fit." In mild cases, he recommends shoes that are "extra deep with a wide, round toe box," noting that "Extra Wide or even Extra Extra Wide width shoes are required."  For severe cases, Dr. Gershman suggests stretchable shoes in those widths as the only viable option to accommodate the swelling effectively. Do compression socks help with lymphedema? According to podiatrist Dr. Josh White, the answer is yes.  “Compression socks are a fundamental treatment for lymphedema”, he stresses. “Compression is best achieved following massage to help the body dissipate and absorb excessive fluid buildup.”  Dr. White adds that “Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) uses soft stretching of the skin of the affected area to assist with fluid resorption. It’s best to put on compression socks just after the swollen area has been massaged.” What are the best compression socks for lymphedema? Mid-calf compression Available in compression levels of 18-25 mmHg and designed with an anatomical shape that adjusts to the natural curves of the foot and leg, these mid-calf compression socks ensure gradual compression from the foot to the mid-calf, with targeted compression in the midfoot region. This precise compression helps enhance circulation and diminish swelling, two critical factors in lymphedema management. Constructed from a soft blend of materials, these socks offer both comfort and durability, ideal for individuals seeking long lasting support. The stretchy fabric adapts seamlessly to body movements, preventing any bunching up or slipping down to maintain consistent compression throughout the day. These socks also feature additional padding at the heel and ball of the foot, effectively reducing friction and minimizing the risk of blisters. This is particularly beneficial for people who experience heightened sensitivity or discomfort in these areas due to prolonged periods of standing or engaging in strenuous activities. To further enhance comfort and minimize irritation, the socks are designed with a seamless interior, eliminating any potential for chafing or rubbing. If you have sensitive skin, this will provide it with the care and protection it needs. Shop mid-calf compression socks   Knee-high compression Available in two compression levels - 15-20 mmHg and 20-30 mmHg - these knee-high compression socks offer versatility to meet varying compression needs. But their true ingenuity lies in their unique design. Offered as a two piece set, these knee-high compression socks present a very smart and practical solution for those managing lymphedema. If you have any experience with knee-high compression socks, you already know too well how taxing it can be to put them on and take them off. To complicate matters further, mobility issues or weakness in the hands can make this task almost impossible. The unique two part system design of these socks, which includes an ankle sock and separate calf sleeve, provides the perfect solution to this challenge, making them easy and effortless to wear. Featuring a calf shape that conforms to the natural contours of the leg, these socks provide gradual compression from the foot to the knee, fostering improved circulation and blood flow, essential for lymphedema management. The customizable nature of the two piece system allows you to mix and match your compression levels, sizes and colors to accommodate your unique foot and calf measurements, ensuring a personalized fit and optimal compression. Within, the seam-free interior prioritizes comfort and protects sensitive feet from potential irritation. Crafted from soft microfiber threads, the socks offer flexibility and adaptability to the unique shape of the foot and leg. In addition, extra padding at the heel and ball of the foot provides superior cushioning for added comfort throughout wear. Shop knee-high compression socks How many hours a day should you wear a compression sock for lymphedema? “It’s best to wear compression socks as much as possible, particularly when the legs are in a dependent position,” says Dr. White. How long should compression socks be worn for effective lymphedema management? Dr. White explains that wearing compression socks for as long as possible is the most effective way to manage lymphedema because “The sleeve provides support and comfort, and helps the muscles to provide gentle pumping with movement”. He also recommends that the skin should be watched for evidence of irritation and kept adequately moisturized.
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  • 6 Best Surgeons Shoes for Operating Room

    Medical information provided by Josh White DPM  /  March 14, 2024
    As a surgeon, enduring marathon sessions in the operating room is par for the course. However, overlooking the importance of proper footwear can turn these sessions into a grueling ordeal. You may be all too familiar with issues such as throbbing arches with every step, protesting heels, blisters forming like miniature mountains, a back contorted in discomfort, or legs yearning for relief. In other words, it's a relentless battle against discomfort just to carry out your duties. Without exaggerations, the right shoes are one of the unsung heroes of every operating room, providing essential support for your feet and easing the burden with their advanced features. What truly sets these shoes apart is their comfort—they envelop your feet in a soothing embrace, allowing you to focus solely on the task ahead. So, it’s time to bid farewell to foot discomfort and embrace pain-free surgery with the right pair of surgical shoes. Your feet—and your focus—will thank you for it. What type of shoes are best for surgeons?  When considering the ideal footwear for surgeons, it's essential to prioritize key features to ensure comfort and support during long hours in the operating room.  First and foremost, focus on arch support and shock absorption - they form the cornerstone of foot comfort. These attributes work together to protect your feet and legs from fatigue and discomfort. Shock absorption. Similar to the importance of shock absorption and cushioning in the best shoes for healthcare workers, these features are crucial for surgeons as they help alleviate the strain of being on your feet for extended periods. When looking for shoes, focus on those with high quality outsoles and well padded midsoles - they will prove to be your reliable allies throughout your shifts. Arch support. Arch support is important as it provides stability and comfort, akin to a gentle embrace for your weary feet. Look for footwear that properly supports your arches, allowing you to experience the sensation of walking on clouds, aligning your overall body posture and preventing pain and discomfort. In addition to these essential features, consider the benefits of slip resistant or improved traction, fluid repellent and lightweight shoes with enough toe room. These features contribute to a smoother and more comfortable work experience, allowing you to navigate the demands of the job with ease and confidence. And finally, since surgeons spend long hours on their feet, investing in the best shoes for standing all day, which emphasize foot support and health, is paramount. By choosing shoes that prioritize arch support, shock absorption and cushioning, along with additional features tailored to your specific needs, you will be surprised how you can significantly improve your comfort levels. What are the best operating room shoes? Men’s Tilos | Women’s Nira  Why you’ll love it Smart slip-on feature allows for lightning fast wear Water repellent, flexible uppers adjust to your foot shape and keep feet dry   Specs Sizes: men 7-14 | women 5-12 Widths: men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) | women Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) |  Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors: Tilos - gray, olive, blue | Nira - turquoise, light gray, black   These shoes are designed by people who understand the importance of support for feet, especially when they bear the full body weight for hours on end, from their arches all the way up their backs. That's why the men’s Tilos and women’s Nira shoes are equipped with fancy orthotic insoles that realign your feet and keep your posture on point. Say goodbye to foot pain after a long surgery - just pure comfort. Plus, they slip on easily for lightning fast wear - perfect for those times when every second counts. They're also water repellent and simple to clean, because let's face it, things can get messy in the OR. If you ever dealt with swollen feet, bunions, or hammertoes, you know the struggle. Tilos and Nira have a wide toe box that gives your feet some breathing room, like a comfy hug for your poor, overworked toes. The insides are just as comfortable, with soft padding and a stretchy knit upper that conforms to your foot like a sock. No pressure points, just pure comfort. Standing for hours takes a toll on your feet. The thick soles of these sneakers absorb shock and minimize impact. In addition, the soles are slightly curved to help your foot move naturally with each step. Finally, the rubber outsoles provide excellent grip. No more slipping around the OR – you can focus on what matters, saving or improving lives, without your shoes letting you down. Feedback from users Tilos  “Love it! Great fit, very comfortable” Derek G.  Nira “The Nira’s are perfect! I’ve tried a few other styles, but this has them beat hands-down. Not only are they step[-in] but they do feel like you’re walking on a cloud and they have great arch support. Waiting for more colors to come out but these I think are going to be my go to for sneakers, and just in time for my cruise.” Shari Romero Shop Tilos Shop Nira Men’s Pierre  Why you’ll love it Slide your foot in, and a spring bends and then recoils, no bending or lace-tying required Made from top quality leather that's both stylish and provides a non-binding   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: leather Available colors: white, black   Here's why the Pierre sneakers might become your new best friend. First off, forget about fumbling with laces. The Pierre is constructed with a clever slip-on system featuring a hidden spring in the back. Simply slide your foot in, and the spring bends and gently closes around your heel, no bending, no fuss.  The shoe is made from top quality leather that's both stylish and non-binding. No more feeling squeezed by stiff shoes, your feet will thank you for the extra wiggle room. At the bottom, the Pierre's sole has a slight curve that helps you roll from step to step effortlessly. The rubber outsole grips the floor, so you can move around more confidently. Going beyond comfort, the Pierre sneakers are designed with your long term health in mind. They have special insoles with built in arch support that helps keep your posture on point. This can be a lifesaver, preventing foot pain and preventing various foot issues. Surgeons often deal with swollen feet, as well as conditions such as bunions and hammertoes. The Pierre shoes understand that poorly fitting footwear can exacerbate and even cause such problems, which is why they have a wider toe box that doesn't cram your toes and gives your feet some breathing room. Inside, the shoe is lined with soft, padded fabric. There are no weird bumps or stitches to irritate your feet. It's like a little comfort zone for your feet, allowing you to focus on your work rather than on any discomfort. Feedback from users “I like the first pair l purchased for work, after a few days wearing them my back and knee pain is gone. I can actually feel the support it is giving me when l walk. I just recently purchased a pair of dress [shoes] when l go out. You will be getting more customers, l am [recommending] to my relatives and friends. How wonderful they are.” Thomas Harris Shop Pierre Women’s Talya Why you’ll love it Made from top notch rubber that clings to the floor, preventing slips and falls Ergonomically designed soles with just the right amount of cushioning   Specifications Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials: soft synthetic leather Available colors: white, lavender, black   These sneakers are all about grip. The outsoles are made from top notch rubber that clings to the floor like nobody's business. Think navigating a wet floor with socks on – not happening! With Talya sneakers, you can move confidently around the OR, no matter how slippery things get. But grip is just the tip of the iceberg. Talya sneakers are comfort champions too. They have these amazing insoles that feel like they were custom made for your feet. Plus, the soles are ergonomically designed with just the right amount of cushioning. This prevents foot pain, even after marathon surgery sessions. Here's another reason surgeons love these shoes: the wide toe box. No more feeling like you're cramming your toes into tiny torture chambers. They'll have room to wiggle and breathe, keeping your feet happy all day long. And because things get messy in the OR, Talya sneakers are built for it. The uppers are both flexible and water repellent. So whether you're scrubbing in or rushing between cases, your feet will stay comfy and dry. Plus, if you do manage to spill something, cleaning these stain resistant shoes is a breeze – just a quick wipe down and you're good to go. Feedback from users “I am a nurse and am frequently on my feet twelve hours a day. I have wide feet and plantar fasciitis. These shoes keep my feet comfortable until the end of my shift.” Laila Payne Brown  Shop Talya   Men’s Yari | Women’s Kita Why you’ll love it Extra grippy outsole provides full stability, allowing you to navigate any surface Breathable uppers keep your feet cool and fresh, even during long surgeries   Specs Sizes: men 7-14 | women 5-12 Widths: men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) | women Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials: stretch knit Available colors: Yari - blue, white, black, gray | Kita - black-black, black, blue, gray, rose, white   When you're rushing out the door at the beginning of your shift or when you’re on call, the last thing you need is to waste time putting on and tying your shoes. Enter the Yari and Kita sneakers – these lifesavers have a hidden spring surprise in the back. Slide your foot in, and whoosh, the spring gently secures your foot. No time wasted, no hassles. But these shoes are more than just convenient. They've got your back (by way of your feet) when it comes to safety. The outsoles are extra grippy, so you can navigate those sometimes messy OR floors with confidence. No more surprise slips or unwanted slides – just steady footing to get the job done. And because surgeons are on their feet all day, comfort is key. Yari and Kita sneakers feature cushioned insoles with arch support that feels amazing. These cushioned insoles help bolster your arches, keeping your feet comfortable throughout your shift. Whether you have high arches or simply want to prevent future foot pain, these insoles will be good to your feet. Feedback from users Yari “These shoes have really helped my husband. He is on his feet all day as a photographer and has been having feet, knee and back issues. He started wearing these shoes and in a matter of days he felt so much better. And as an added bonus, the sole inserts have helped him walk more balanced so he won't unevenly wear holes in his shoes.” Pamela Morgan Kita “Love!! These shoes are AMAZING! I am a pharmacy technician in a very busy retail store and these shoes [are] the best shoes ever...my feet feel great and I finally feel like actually doing something when I arrive home from work! Thank you OrthoFeet!” Debra Bjorling Shop Yari Shop Kita   What type of shoes are best for surgeons?  When considering the ideal footwear for surgeons, it's essential to prioritize key features to ensure comfort and support during long hours in the operating room.  “Surgery can entail standing for hours on end and often is associated with the feet getting wet,” says Dr. Josh White, DPM.  “The best shoes provide cushioning and support, and offer adjustability of width to accommodate any swelling. It’s best that the uppers are water resistant and the soles slip resistant. Slip on styles are also preferable as once scrubbed in, it is not possible to tie one’s laces.” In line with Dr. White’s recommendations, the following footwear features work together to protect your feet and legs from fatigue and discomfort. Shock absorption. Similar to the importance of shock absorption and cushioning in the best shoes for healthcare workers, these features are crucial for surgeons as they help alleviate the strain of being on your feet for extended periods. When looking for shoes, focus on those with high quality outsoles and well padded midsoles - they will prove to be your reliable allies throughout your shifts. Arch support. Arch support is important as it provides stability and comfort, akin to a gentle embrace for your weary feet. The best shoes for standing all day are those that properly support your arches, giving you the feeling of walking on clouds, aligning your overall body posture and preventing pain and discomfort. Slip resistant, fluid repellent. Uppers made from fluid repellent materials, as well as slip resistant soles or those that offer improved traction will help you maintain balance and dryness in every scenario in the operating room.  Weight and toe box. Lightweight shoes with a wide and round toe box can prevent foot and leg fatigue and foot pain.
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