• How to Choose Compression Socks - Buying Guide

    Josh White DPM  /  July 25, 2023
    Compression socks are designed to exert pressure on the lower legs, which helps to facilitate healthy blood circulation and alleviate discomfort and swelling in the feet. However, with so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect pair. That's why we decided to buckle down and delve into the realm of compression socks, to help you discover the best options for your specific needs and equip you with the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision. Get ready to step into a world of improved leg health and unparalleled performance. Compressions socks buying guide and FAQ Do compression socks really work?   Compression socks are based on the fact that blood vessels perform better when gentle pressure is applied to the lower legs.  When compression socks exert pressure on the superficial veins and underlying tissues, including lymphatic vessels, they restrict the dilation of veins, preventing them from filling with blood. As a result, blood is forced to flow through narrower blood vessels, which enhances blood circulation and prevents pooling or backward flow in the lower legs.  Moreover, by squeezing the legs, these socks also reduce the leakage of excess fluids from the blood and lymphatic vessels, effectively reducing or preventing swelling. Here are other benefits of compressions socks: They can keep the feet from getting tired and painful. They are helpful in alleviating pain and discomfort in people with circulation issues due to diabetes and varicose veins, pregnant women, individuals who spend long hours on their feet or on airplanes, and those who are recovering from surgery. They can help prevent lightheadedness or dizziness when standing up. They help prevent the formation of clots, which can cause swelling, skin discoloration and other issues. The pressure they apply can help bring more oxygen to the muscles during physical activity to prevent or minimize damage to the tissues (which is why many athletes use compression socks).  The improved blood and lymph circulation can also help the muscles recover more quickly from physical activity.    Additionally, compression socks help with shin splints, plantar fasciitis and other foot conditions.  How many hours a day should I wear compression socks?   Generally speaking, you can wear compression socks all day long and remove them when you go to bed. In fact, these socks are more effective when worn for extended periods of time.  However, the duration for which you should wear compression socks depends on the purpose for wearing them. For muscle recovery after a workout, for example, it’s recommended to wear them for three to four hours post workout.  On the other hand, in certain cases, such as post-surgery or during pregnancy, wearing compression socks in bed may be prescribed. While there is no definitive answer regarding the number of hours per day you should wear compression socks, a good rule of thumb is to wear them for three to four hours at a time initially, to gauge their benefits. If you find them helpful, you can gradually extend the duration of wear. If you experience any pain or discomfort when you first put the socks on, remove them and wear them for a shorter duration the next day. But, if the pain is acute or your legs are discolored, consult with your doctor immediately. Is it better to size up or down in compression socks?   Compression socks should fit just right. The best ones come in several foot sizes as well as several calf sizes.  Unlike your average regular socks, when you shop for compression socks it’s best to get the size just right so they are not too loose or too tight. Otherwise, they will not provide the desired effect.  To clarify, by “the right size” we mean that the compression socks should be able to fulfill their intended purpose. The size affects the pressure level: if it’s a bit too big, the pressure will be lighter and if it's too small, the pressure will be heavier. How do I know what size compression socks to buy?   For mid-calf compression socks, choose your size based on your shoe size.  With knee length compression socks, in addition to knowing the length of your foot (AKA your shoe size), you need an additional measurement.  To find the right size compression socks, you will need to measure your calf circumference. To measure your calf circumference: Stand up straight. Wrap a tape measure around the widest part of your calf. Make sure the tape measure is snug but not too tight. Record your measurement.   Once you have your measurements, you can use the size chart provided by the manufacturer to find the correct size compression socks. You can also consult with your doctor and they can help you find the right size.  How long does it take for compression stockings to work?   The time it takes for compression stockings to work can vary depending on the individual.  Some people may feel the effects of compression stockings right away, while others may not see results for a few days or even weeks. If you experience any of the following, your compression socks may not be providing the right level of support: Pain or discomfort: If your compression socks are too tight, they can cause pain or discomfort. If they are too loose, they will not provide enough support. Marks on your skin: Compression socks should not leave marks on your skin. Slipping down or bunching up: Compression socks should stay in place.   What is the difference between 15-20 mmHg and 20-30 mmHg compression socks?   Another measurement of compression socks is their compression level, starting at 8 mmHg and going all the way up to 40 mmHg, with the most common levels being 15-20 and 20-30 mmHg. 15-20 mmHg (moderate compression)  This is the most common type of compression socks, as they are a good starting point for people who are new to wearing compression socks.  These socks provide a moderate level of compression, which can help: relieve tired, aching legs, including in people who spend long hours on their feet  prevent or reduce lower body swelling improve blood circulation speed up recovery from injuries, including from physical activity improve athletic performance prevent varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis reduce swelling and prevent the formation of spider veins in pregnant women reduce swelling and discomfort during flights or travel.   20-30 mmHg (firm compression) The next level of compression socks provides the same benefits as the first level, such as preventing the appearance of varicose and spider veins, preventing and relieving venous issues and swelling during pregnancy, and generally encouraging good circulation. However, this greater level of compression can also help treat more serious issues, including: Medical recovery Moderate to severe edema or lymphatic edema (swelling) Severe varicose veins Orthostatic hypotension, a sudden fall in blood pressure that occurs when you stand up   Is it OK to sleep in compression socks?   In most cases, you do not need to wear compression socks to bed. This is because when you lie down, gravity does not affect blood circulation in the same way as it does when you are standing or sitting. Although it is not necessarily harmful to wear compression socks to bed, it is generally advised to give your skin and feet a break and let them breathe during the night. This can help to prevent skin irritation and other problems. If you are unsure whether or not you should wear compression socks to bed, it is always best to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider. They can help you determine if compression socks are right for you and recommend the best time to wear them. Should you elevate your legs when wearing compression socks?   Compression socks and leg elevation do pretty much the same job. If, at the end of the day, you want to literally put your feet up, you can take the socks off, although it won’t really matter if you elevate your legs while your socks are still on. What not to do with compression socks?   Do not wear them right after applying lotion. This can cause moisture build-up and damage the elastic fibers in the socks, making them less effective. Do not wear any jewelry that might damage the socks. This includes rings, bracelets, and necklaces. Do not roll or scrunch them up when you put them on or take them off. This can create a tight band that can cut off circulation and cause sores. Do not wear them at night unless prescribed by your doctor. Do not use harsh detergents to wash your socks. This can damage the fabric and make them less effective.   How often do you wash compression socks?   Just like regular socks, it’s best to wash your compression socks every day after taking them off. This is important for the obvious hygienic reasons, but also for practical reasons. Hygienic reasons. Compression socks can collect sweat, dirt, and bacteria throughout the day. Washing them daily helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and the spread of infection. Practical reasons. Compression socks are designed to provide a snug fit. Over time, they can become stretched out and lose their effectiveness. Washing them helps to restore their original elasticity.   It is important to wash compression socks according to the manufacturer's instructions. Most compression socks can be machine washed on a gentle cycle with cold water. It is important to avoid using bleach or fabric softener, as these can damage the fabric. After washing, compression socks should be air-dried or tumble-dried on a low setting. It is important to avoid ironing or heat drying, as this can damage the fabric. Who should avoid compression socks?   Not everyone can wear compression stockings. People who should not wear compression stockings include: Individuals with advanced peripheral neuropathy Individuals with arthritis Individuals who have been diagnosed with ischemia (advanced arterial disease) Individuals with untreated septic phlebitis Individuals with uncontrolled congestive heart failure Individuals with concomitant dermatoses Individuals who are intolerant to compression stocking material   If you’re not sure, it’s best to consult your doctor or healthcare provider to determine whether compression socks are right for you. What are the best compression socks for women and men? Here are two socks that are a great choice for women and men - the best compression socks you’ll ever need. Mid-calf compression socks 18-25 mmHg     These mid-calf socks are designed with an anatomical shape that conforms to the natural shape of the foot and leg. They provide gradual compression from the foot to the mid-calf, with enhanced compression in the midfoot area. This helps to improve circulation and reduce swelling. They are made with a soft blend of materials and are both comfortable and durable. The stretch fabric allows the socks to move with your body, which helps to prevent them from bunching up or slipping down. The socks are also designed with extra padding at the heel and ball of foot, which helps to reduce friction and prevent blisters. This is especially important for people who are on their feet all day or who participate in activities that put stress on their feet. The seam free interior prevents chafing and irritation, and is especially important for people with sensitive skin. Shop Mid-Calf Compression Socks Knee-high compression socks - two-piece set     This two-piece set is an innovative solution for people who need knee-high compression socks, providing a few key benefits. If you’ve ever worn knee-high compression socks, you know how extremely difficult it is to put them on and take them off, even if you don’t have any mobility issues or weakness in your hands. The innovative solution comes in the form of a unique two-part sock system, consisting of an ankle sock and separate calf sleeve, which enables effortless on/off wear. This is a game changer for everyone who needs knee-high compression socks. Crafted with a distinct calf shape that conforms to the natural contours of your leg, these socks feature gradual compression starting from the foot and ankle, extending up to the knee. This targeted support enhances circulation and promotes improved blood flow. The two-piece system allows you to mix and match the compression levels, sizes and colors, tailoring the socks to your specific foot and calf measurements and individual requirements. This ensures an optimal fit and the desired level of compression. Similar to the mid-calf socks, the sock interior of this set is seam free, delivering ultimate comfort and protecting sensitive feet against irritation.  These socks are knitted using soft microfiber threads that offer flexibility and conform to the unique shape of your foot and leg. Extra padding at the heel and ball of the foot ensures exceptional cushioning and unmatched comfort. The knee-high two-piece compression socks are available in two compression levels: 15-20 mmHg and 20-30 mmHg. Shop 2 Set Piece Compression Socks
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  • Do Compression Socks Help with Shin Splints?

    Josh White DPM  /  July 25, 2023
    Test yourself - do you present any of the following symptoms? Pain on the front, sides, or inside of your shins Tenderness or soreness in your shins Swelling in your shins Numbness or weakness in your feet   If you recognize any of these symptoms, you may have shin splints.  Shin splints are a common injury that affects runners, dancers and other athletes, caused by inflammation of the muscles and tendons in the lower leg. Shin splints typically occur when you start a new exercise program or increase the intensity of your workouts. The repetitive stress of running or jumping can cause the muscles and tendons in your lower leg to become inflamed. This inflammation can lead to pain, swelling and tenderness, also known as shin splints. In most cases, shin splints will go away on their own with rest and proper treatment. When should you wear compression socks for shin splints? If you already had shin splints, their prevention primarily relies on gradually and progressively increasing your activity level. It is also important to properly stretch and warm up before any high intensity activity, as well as cool down and stretch afterward. In addition to these preventive measures, wearing compression calf sleeves or socks during your runs can provide added support when your legs are healthy.  The best compression socks and the most effective for preventing shin splints should fit well, apply gentle pressure (without limiting your range of motion), and be constructed from fabrics that ensure comfort during workouts or runs. If you are recovering from shin splints and resting from physical exertion, it is recommended to use compression socks during the day and take them off when you go to bed. In this case, the socks should offer a slightly firmer fit on the leg than the ones used for preventative reasons. These socks will massage the calf muscles, providing relief from tension and discomfort. What is the best thing to wear for shin splints? Shin compression sleeves or two-piece compression socks are best for preventing or treating shin splints (continue reading to find out exactly how such socks help).  A two-piece compression sock, that consists of a mid-calf compression sock and a calf sleeve, is the most recommended option because it makes putting on the normally-difficult-to-wear knee-high compression socks a breeze, while still protecting both your feet and your calf area.  Instead of fighting your way into a one-piece, knee-high compression sock, with the two-piece system you first wear the pressure sock just like you would regular socks, and only then you easily put on the calf sleeve.  Do compression socks help shin splints? Compression socks both protect your shins against additional harm and help them heal.  Here’s how compression socks can help if you have shin splints or want to prevent them: Improve blood circulation. Compression socks apply gentle pressure to the feet, ankles and calves. This pressure helps improve the blood circulation to the shins and the return of blood to the heart. This optimal blood flow carries essential nutrients to the affected area, helping to heal or prevent shin splints. Alleviate pain. The gentle pressure applied by compression socks also effectively reduces inflammation, thereby helping to alleviate pain. Additionally, the improved blood flow resulting from compression also helps to eliminate the lactic acid that contributes to muscle soreness. Combat swelling and stiffness. By applying pressure to the specific area affected by shin splints, the compression socks effectively reduce the likelihood of painful swelling and stiffness.   It’s also worth mentioning that once your shin splints have healed, wearing compression socks will not only help prevent their recurrence, but also enhance your performance, because the increased blood flow improves the efficiency of your movements and reduces fatigue in the feet and legs. Will my shin splints ever go away? Seeing as the healing process is individual, there’s no way to know when your shin splints will heal. But, it usually takes anywhere between 3 to 6 months. Still, in some cases healing can also take a year.  Normally, shin splints tend to heal on their own when you: wear compression socks (for all of the above mentioned reasons); rest from high intensity or your previous sport activity to give your shin splints time to heal. When they do heal, it’s essential to return to your regular exercise gradually and continue using compression socks to prevent the shin splints from coming back; ice your shin every 4 hours for about 30 minutes for a few days, to reduce swelling and ease pain; wear shoes or orthotic inserts that provide support to your arches if they tend to flatten or collapse, and to your feet in general. The best shoes for shin splints come with orthopedic features that disperse shocks evenly across the foot, taking some of the added pressure off your shins.   Note that in most cases, it’s not necessary to take a break from all types of physical activity, only the ones that aggravate your shin splints. While you heal, you can still engage in no-impact activity, such as swimming.  Finally, how will you know that your shin splints healed? Look for the following signs:  When you apply pressure to previously tender areas you no longer experience pain.  Running and jumping no longer hurts or causes discomfort.  Both legs are similarly flexible (with shin splints, your injured leg will be less flexible). Your injured leg is as strong as your uninjured leg.   If there is no improvement or if your shin splints return after they’ve already healed, it’s best to see a doctor or a physical therapist, who will recommend treatment and check if you have stress fractures.
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  • 12 Best Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma

    Josh White DPM  /  July 13, 2023
    Morton's neuroma is characterized by the inflammation of a nerve in the foot. The nerve gets trapped beneath the bones in the ball of the foot, causing discomfort.  Repeated injury is the main culprit behind the enlargement of the affected nerve. The entrapment usually occurs between the metatarsal heads, commonly between the second and third or third and fourth toes. As a result, people may experience symptoms like pain and numbness in the affected toes, with varying degrees of severity. These symptoms can come and go, ranging from periods of relief to intense episodes. Luckily, there is a simple way to ease the pain and discomfort of Morton’s neuroma, and even prevent it: the right shoes.  And this simple way is backed by science. A 2020 research found that “Therapeutic footwear may improve patient gait and increase the level of ambulation; on the contrary, inadequate footwear can worsen the symptoms and be a contributing cause for the development of the pathology.” The report goes on to recommend shoes that distribute pressure evenly across the sole of the foot, are adequately sized, comfortable, have a wide toe box, flat heel and a sufficiently thick and non-flexible outer sole with a rocker bottom. And that is the perfect segue to the main event: our top picks of the best Morton’s neuroma shoes, all of which are designed with the features listed above. Best Sneakers for Morton's Neuroma  Women’s Kita | Men’s Yari Why you’ll love it A fit that feels custom-made Innovative slip-on mechanism   Specs Sizes: women 5-12; men 7-14 Widths: women Standard (B) - Wide (D) | men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: stretch knit   The Kita and Yari orthopedic sneakers are like a breath of fresh air for people with Morton's neuroma.  These sneakers are true game-changers when it comes to footwear. Picture this: you slide your foot into these shoes, and magic happens. Thanks to their innovative spring technology, the back of the shoe gently bends down to secure your foot in place. No more bending down or dealing with pesky laces. It's hands-free convenience at its finest. But that's not all.  These sneakers are all about comfort and taking care of your precious feet. The wide and roomy toe box gives your toes the space they deserve, and the added depth design provides a relaxed fit.  The stretchable, water repellant uppers adjust to the unique shape of your foot, providing a fit that feels custom-made just for you, and easing pressure on the forefoot.  These shoes also provide improved mobility and reduce pain. The multiple layers of cushioning, combined with anatomical arch support, work their magic by absorbing shock with every step. That means less impact on your feet, more comfort for you.  And let's not forget about the ergonomic soles with their mild rocker design and minimal heel-to-toe drop. They make walking a breeze, taking the strain off those sensitive areas. Shop Kita Shop Yari Women’s Venice| Men’s Gemini Why you’ll love it Two-way strap system + two additional adjustable straps Multiple foam layers in the insole   Specs Sizes: women 5-12; men 7-14 Widths: women Standard (B) - Wide (D) | men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: leather   The women’s Venice and men’s Gemini orthopedic sandals have a two-way strap system that's all about convenience. Opening the strap from the inner side creates a wide opening, making it easy to slip your feet in and out of these sandals. For most people, adjusting the strap from the inner side is easier. The strap on the outside is all about fine-tuning the fit, and you'll usually only need to do that once when you first wear the sandals. But we're not done with the adjustable straps yet, because these sandals come with two more. One at the back that absolutely adores snuggling up with your heels, ensuring they stay put. And then there’s the strap across the toe area that is all about giving your toes a little love and support. Now, let's talk comfort.  These sandals come equipped with premium orthotic insoles that are basically foot wizards. As you walk, the insoles dynamically conform to the contours of your foot, spreading pressure evenly and giving you that customized support you deserve.  Oh, and did we mention the multiple foam layers in the insoles? They provide top-notch cushioning from heel to toe, and are designed with a heel-to-toe drop and a toe spring that create a mild rocker effect. Translation: walking feels like a breeze. Shop Venice Shop Gemini Best casual shoes for Morton's Neuroma Women’s Palma Why you’ll love it Glove-like fit Padded interior, cushioned exterior   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials:  stretch knit   The stretchable knit fabric of the Palma shoes provides a glove-like fit, which is especially important for women with Morton's neuroma who need shoes that don't put pressure on the forefoot. With the Palma on your feet, you'll experience a customized fit that adjusts with your foot throughout the day as it changes in size.  The stretch knit fabric is also breathable, so your feet will enjoy fresh air all day long. Which means you can say goodbye to odors, sweating and infections.  With the wide toe-box of the Palma shoes, you can forget about toe troubles. Your toes will have plenty of room to spread and stretch without any rubbing, friction, or pesky calluses. The foot also experiences a comfortable and stress-free fit thanks to the added depth design. You can also expect to step into a world of comfort with the foam padded interior of these shoes. Every step will feel like a gentle caress for your feet, providing the relief you need.  And finally, let's not forget about the sole of the Palma shoes. It's specially designed with added padding in the heel and a mild bottom rocker when stepping. This clever feature helps to reduce fatigue, which is all too common for those dealing with Morton's neuroma. Shop Palma Men’s Tabor Why you’ll love it Combination of style and comfort Breathable uppers adapt to any foot shape   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials:  stretch knit and soft leather    Tabor casual shoes are a great choice for folks dealing with Morton's neuroma because, unlike many other orthopedic options out there, they combine style with unparalleled comfort. Who says you can't have it all? With the Tabor shoes’ contoured orthotic insole, ergonomic sole, and cushioned collar and tongue, your feet will feel like they're walking on soft clouds.  And there’s more. By incorporating a rocker bottom sole and minimizing the heel-to-toe drop, the pressure on the entire foot is evenly distributed, instead of being concentrated on the forefoot. One of the standout features of the Tabor shoes is the stretch knit fabric that not only promotes breathability, but also embraces your feet in a gentle, loving hug. No matter the shape or protrusions of your feet, these shoes adapt and provide a comfortable fit for everyone. The Tabor shoes boast a wide toe box that gives your precious tootsies the freedom to wiggle and move without any pressure or discomfort. Dance the night away or conquer the workday with happy feet. Shop Tabor Best dress shoes for Morton's Neuroma Women’s Chelsea Why you’ll love it Two adjustable straps Stylishly versatile   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Narrow (A) - Extra Wide (2E) Upper materials: leather   These shoes are a triple threat, combining comfort, style and functionality to give you the ultimate footwear experience. The Chelsea shoes feature a premium orthotic support system, a rocker bottom sole and a minimal heel-to-toe drop, all to ensure that pressure is evenly spread across the entire foot and alleviate the pain and discomfort of Morton's neuroma. Comfort is key, and the Chelsea slip-ons excel in that department.  Crafted with premium materials, including soft and supple leather, these dress shoes offer a relaxed fit and a fully cushioned experience. Plus, the seamless and padded fabric lining ensures irritation-free comfort all day long. Convenience is a breeze with the slip-on design of the Chelsea shoes. No more wrestling with laces or struggling to put on your shoes. These slip-ons offer effortless on and off, saving you precious time and energy. And guess what? They come with not just one, but two adjustable straps, so you can customize the fit and secure your feet in style. Speaking of style, with the Chelsea shoes you can effortlessly transition from casual to formal occasions in full comfort, and pair them with any outfit - jeans, dress pants, or skirts. Shop Chelsea Men’s Lincoln Center Why you’ll love it Insole reduces pressure on forefoot Look great, feel even better   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: soft leather   These shoes are designed to make your feet feel fantastic while looking dapper as ever. The soft leather upper of these shoes offers a non-constricting fit, which helps to reduce pressure on the forefoot. Feel like having a personal foot masseuse right in your shoe? Well, the anatomical insole in the Lincoln Center shoes is here to save the day, helping to align your foot and reduce pressure on the Morton's neuroma nerve.  The lightweight cushioning sole with minimal heel-to-toe drop and mild rocker work together to absorb shock, relieve forefoot pressure and propel your foot forward. It's a winning combination that not only reduces pain, but also prevents foot fatigue throughout the day. Customization is key, and the adjustable strap across the top of the foot allows for a personalized fit. This will help you avoid any additional pressure on the forefoot and more specifically, the Morton’s neuroma. The Lincoln Center shoes boast a wide toe box that gives your toes room to breathe and plenty of space to spread out. No more squeezing or uncomfortable sensations. It's all about reducing pressure on the nerve and letting your toes roam free. Shop Lincoln Center Women’s Dakota | Men’s Ridgewood Why you’ll like it Rubber lug outsole for full stability Fully orthopedic, surprisingly lightweight   Specs Sizes: women 5-12; men 7-14 Widths: women Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E); men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: leather   These boots aren't just your ordinary footwear; they're equipped with advanced orthopedic features to provide the ultimate support and relief for your feet. The Dakota and Ridgewood orthopedic boots have a deep heel cup that keeps your heel securely in place, preventing any unwanted rolling inward. They also feature an extra depth design to ensure a relaxed fit for the foot, and an extra depth design to take the pressure off the forefoot.  But that’s just the beginning. These boots are built to withstand the elements. With a waterproof membrane, they keep water out while allowing moisture to escape. No more soggy and uncomfortable feet, even on the rainiest of days.  The rubber lug outsole provides exceptional traction and stability on various surfaces, so you can confidently navigate through any terrain.  Now, here's the best part: despite their advanced orthopedic features and rugged construction, the Dakota and Ridgewood boots are surprisingly lightweight. No more heavy, clunky boots that weigh you down.  Shop Dakota Shop Ridgewood  Best slippers for Morton's Neuroma Women’s Louise | Men’s Hudson Why you’ll like it So comfortable, you’ll forget to take them off Adjustable strap for extra stability   Specs Sizes: women 5-12; men 7-14 Widths: women Narrow (A) - Extra Wide (2E); men Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: stretch knit   Louise and Hudson slippers are the perfect way to relax and pamper your feet, and they are super easy to put on and take off.  The stretch knit uppers keep your feet cool and comfortable, even on hot days. The uppers also promote constant ventilation, ensuring your feet stay cool and comfortable at all times and creating a healthy environment for your feet. While the slippers feature an open back, they come equipped with an adjustable strap. This nifty strap not only enhances the overall fit and grip of the slippers, but also provides extra stability and support to your feet.  The Louise and Hudson slippers prioritize a pressure-free environment with their extra depth design and wide and roomy toe box. Your forefoot won’t be crammed and your toes can wiggle without any constraints. These slippers also have a cushioned insole that takes the pressure of your forefoot, and lightweight and comfortable design featuring a mild rocker bottom, which makes walking easier. But a word of caution: once you slip into these slippers, your feet may never want to leave. Luckily, you can also wear them comfortably out of the house. Phew!  Shop Louise Shop Hudson
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  • Tips for Avoiding Fallen Arches & How to Buy Footwear for Them

    Josh White DPM  /  June 10, 2023
    One of the main causes for fallen arches is posterior tibial tendon dysfunction.  The tibialis posterior is a muscle in the lower leg. The tendon from this muscle runs behind the inside bone on the ankle, across the instep, and attaches to the bottom of the foot. The tibialis posterior helps hold the arch of the foot up and stops the foot from rolling over.  Sometimes, the tendon becomes stretched and inflamed. This condition is called posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD) or acquired adult flatfoot. But, most people simply refer to this condition as fallen arches. Best shoes for fallen arches I will explain how the right shoes can help with fallen arches later in this article, but for now, I want to recommend the best fallen arches shoes. All the shoes on the list are designed with features that can ease discomfort caused by fallen arches and prevent their deterioration. Best walking shoes for fallen arches  Women’s Tahoe | Men’s Monterey Bay   Why you’ll love it Tie-less system allows snug fit without tying laces Breathable uppers maintain foot health and hygiene Specs Sizes: women 5-12; men 7-14 Widths: women Narrow (A) - Extra Extra Wide (4E) | men Standard (D) - Extra Extra Wide (6E) Upper materials: microfiber and fabric   These walking shoes for men and women are designed to provide the necessary support and stability to the feet, which is crucial for people with fallen arches.  The uppers are made with an aerated material that allows air flow while you wear the shoes, keeping your feet dry and healthy. One of the standout features of these sneakers is their tie-less design that allows you to customize the fit of the shoe, without having to worry about tying laces. This feature allows you to fasten the shoes on both sides, which provides a secure fit and is particularly helpful for people with fallen arches, who need a snug fit to prevent their feet from rolling inward. Furthermore, the tie-less feature also makes these sneakers ideal for people with mobility issues or arthritis who find it difficult to tie laces or reach the external side of the shoe. Shop Tahoe Shop Monterey Bay   Best dress shoes for fallen arches Women’s Emma Why you’ll love it A stylish heel that doesn’t damage the feet Side zipper for quick and easy wear Specs Sizes: 6-11 Widths: Standard (B) - Wide (D) Upper materials: soft leather   In addition to being comfortable and supportive, the Emma booties are also very fashionable and stylish. The insole is designed to conform to the shape of your foot and help distribute pressure evenly across the foot, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort caused by fallen arches. The booties feature a soft, non-binding leather upper that doesn’t pressure or irritate the feet. They also have a wide toe box that allows your toes to spread out naturally, which can help improve balance and stability. In addition, the Emma booties are made from high-quality materials that are both lightweight and durable. The cushioned sole absorbs shock and reduces pressure on the feet, which can help prevent foot fatigue and discomfort, while the 2-inch heel adds chic without putting any extra pressure on the forefoot.  Shop Emma Men’s Leo Why you’ll love it They look great on your feet Outsole offers advanced road grip and excellent stability Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: soft leather   With their built-in anatomical, removable arch support, these dress shoes will not only look great on your feet, but also align your feet with the rest of your body to make sure your posture is just right.  The soft leather uppers won’t squeeze your feet in and the wide toe box will allow your toes to spread naturally, preventing added pressure and potential foot damage.  The mild rocker design of these dress shoes helps to reduce the impact on the feet and joints with each step, which can be especially beneficial for people with foot pain or conditions such as fallen arches. The rocker design works by gradually rolling the foot from heel to toe. This helps disperse shock forces from heel strike to lift, and prevents too much pressure being placed on the heel. The rocker design also helps to improve the efficiency of walking and reduce foot and leg fatigue. With their rubber outsole, the Leo dress shoes will keep you stable at all times.  Shop Leo   Best boots for fallen arches Women’s Dakota Why you’ll love it Rubber lug outsole for unparalleled stability on any surface. Superior arch, foot and ankle support. Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: women Standard (B) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: waterproof leather   The Dakota boots are a great choice for people who are looking for a comfortable and supportive pair of hiking boots.  These walking shoes for women are designed with orthopedic features that can help to reduce fallen arches pain. They are also made with a waterproof membrane that keeps liquids out, while the special insole allows the moisture within the shoe to evaporate.  Other key features of the Dakota boots include: A rubber lug outsole that provides excellent traction on a variety of surfaces. Deep heel cup that helps to keep your heel in place and prevent it from rolling inward. Medial arch support that supports your arch and keeps it in alignment. Finally, the boots’ lightweight construction makes them comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Shop Dakota Men’s Ryder Why you’ll love it Access from the back of the shoe with two back zippers Padded interior with no overlays provide total comfort Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: soft leather   Say hello to one of the best orthopedic boots for men. Although the boots have laces, they also feature two zippers at the back that open wide, making it easy to slide your feet in and out. This is especially helpful for people who have difficulty bending over or who have limited mobility, but is also great for people on the rush. You only need to adjust and tie the laces once when you put the shoes on for the first time. The laces should be tight enough to keep your foot from slipping around, but not so tight that they cut off circulation. Once the laces are tied, you can forget about them and only use the back zippers. The boots are made with lightweight materials that make walking a breeze, and the rubber soles provide excellent traction on a variety of surfaces. The shaft of the boots helps to stabilize the ankles, minimizing injuries, and the anatomical insoles and ergonomic soles provide excellent support and stability. Shop Ryder   Best sandals for fallen arches  Women’s Sahara Why you’ll love it 3 straps for customized fit Stylish and healthy for your feet Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Wide (D) Upper materials: synthetic   The Sahara sandals have three adjustable straps across the instep that provide a secure and comfortable fit. The foam padded uppers protect the feet and improve comfort. The uppers are also soft and can easily accommodate a wide variety of foot shapes, while the soles support the arches and are expertly cushioned. In addition to their orthopedic benefits, the Sahara sandals are also stylish and versatile. They can be dressed up or down, and they are perfect for a variety of occasions. Whether you are running errands, going to the beach, or simply enjoying a day in the park, the Sahara sandals will keep your feet comfortable and stylish all day long. Shop Sahara Men’s Gemini Why you’ll love it Two-way strap + two more adjustable straps Soft upper that doesn’t irritate the skin Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: soft leather   The two-way strap design of these sandals is highly advantageous. With this feature, you can effortlessly slide your feet into the sandals and secure them on either side with minimal effort. In addition to the two-way strap design, these sandals boast two more straps - one at the heel and one across the toes - that enable you to customize the fit to your unique foot shape. By adjusting the straps, you can ensure a secure, snug, and comfortable fit that won't cause rubbing or irritation. To provide a non-binding fit that can help prevent discomfort or irritation, the sandals' soft leather upper is pliable and comfortable, offering a gentle touch against the skin. Furthermore, the sandals' rubber outsole offers advanced grip that provides added stability and helps prevent falls. Shop Gemini   Best slippers for fallen arches  Women’s Louise | Men’s Hudson Why you’ll love it Stretchy, breathable uppers Open back and adjustable strap that secures fit Specs Sizes: women 5-12; men 7-14 Widths: women Narrow (A) - Extra Wide (2E) | men Standard (D) - Wide (2E) Upper materials: stretch knit   The Louise and Hudson slippers are a great choice for people with fallen arches, as they provide superior arch support even when you’re indoors. They are designed with an open back that makes it easy to slip your feet in without using your hands or bending down. The slippers also come with an adjustable strap that secures the fit and grip, providing extra stability and support to the foot. The slippers also have a wide and roomy toe box, which offers ample space for the toes to move freely. This helps to reduce the risk of pressure points, blisters and irritation.  The Louise and Hudson slippers are made with stretch knit uppers that keep your feet constantly ventilated, odor free and healthy.  The slippers also have a lightweight and comfortable design that helps to walk with less effort and reduces the risk of falls. Shop Louise Shop Hudson   Design features of shoes for fallen arches?   Like any good investment, especially when the investment concerns your health, you should know what features to look for in a product before you buy it. The same holds true when you’re shopping for fallen arches shoes.  To find the best shoes for fallen arches, make sure they have the following features: Premium orthotic insoles that provide anatomical arch support to help align the foot and reduce over-pronation. A firm heel counter that holds the heel, supports the foot and reduces over pronation. Soles that provide firm support and don’t collapse under the arch of the foot. An extra-depth design that provides a relaxed fit and allows for greater toe motion as well as accommodates custom orthotics. Removable insoles that can be replaced with custom orthotics. How do fallen arches progress? Trauma or injury: Occasionally, fallen arches may be due to fracture, sprain or direct blow to the tendon. Age: The risk of developing fallen arches increases with age. Research has suggested that middle aged women are more commonly affected. Being overweight: If a person has flat feet, greater weight can cause excessive stretching on the tibialis posterior tendon and cause fallen arches. Inflammatory arthritis: Inflammation and degeneration of the tendon, which may result in the tendon tearing. Footwear: Inadequate support from footwear may also be a contributing factor. These factors may cause the arch of the foot to collapse, hence “fallen arches”, and change the position of the bones of the foot and ankle. Fallen arches common symptoms Pain along the inside of the foot and ankle, where the tendon lies. This may or may not be associated with swelling in the area. Pain that is worse with activity. High intensity or high impact activities, such as running, can be very difficult. Pain on the outside of the ankle. When the foot collapses, the heel bone may shift to a new position outward. The following measures can help prevent fallen arches: Recognize the symptoms. When you recognize the symptoms of fallen arches early on, you improve your chances of preventing further problems from developing. The most common symptom is a sharp, burning pain in the arch and heel area. Other symptoms include swollen ankles, and difficulty standing on your tiptoes, jumping high or running fast. Some people also experience pain in the calf, knee or lower back. Footwear for fallen arches is important. It is advisable to wear sturdy fallen arches shoes such as lace up shoes or boots that stabilize the foot and can accommodate orthotic insoles and braces. Wear supportive orthotic insoles. Orthotics for fallen arches can help support the arches of the feet and compensate for overpronation. Wearing proper foot orthotics and fallen arches insoles, together with fallen arches shoes, can help reduce strain on the posterior tibial tendon and alleviate pain and inflammation. Perform exercises that strengthen the arches. Strengthening the arches of your feet can help prevent fallen arches. There are several exercises you can do for this, such as wrapping a towel around the sole of your foot and then extending and holding your leg in the extended position for 30 seconds. You can also stand barefoot on a hard surface and flex your feet as hard as you can to activate the arch muscle, while also making sure that your feet don’t roll and that your toes don’t press down.
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  • Best Sandals for Plantar Fasciitis

    Steven Gershman DPM  /  May 03, 2023
    Summer is the time for fun and sun, when we can remove excess layers and go light with our wardrobe, including what we wear on our feet. However, this can come at a cost since many sandals are sometimes too simple and lack good design, materials and features which can damage our feet. This is especially true when you throw into the mix a foot condition such as plantar fasciitis.  If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, you know that plantar fasciitis can cause leg pain as well as foot pain. To avoid that, your feet require supportive or orthotic sandals to keep symptoms at check.  Ordinary sandals are typically flat, thin and do not have much or any cushioning, which can leave your feet in pain and you not being able to enjoy the activities you love most. They will also undoubtedly exacerbate your plantar fasciitis.  But don’t fret, we are here to help you find the best summer sandals for plantar fasciitis.   Best sandals for plantar fasciitis All our favorite plantar fasciitis sandals come with features that ease plantar fasciitis pain and minimize discomfort, and can even promote healing. These features are arch support, heel cushioning, ball-of-foot cushioning, wide shaped forefoot and an ergonomic sole. If you want to learn how and why these design features help with plantar fasciitis, continue reading.  Now it’s time for the main course: our list of the best plantar fasciitis sandals.   Best dress sandals for plantar fasciitis Women’s Paloma Why you’ll love it Fashionably diverse Multiple straps allow you to customize fit   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Wide (D) Upper materials: soft leather   The fact that you can pair these stylish sandals with any outfit and look great is a given, but they have a lot more to offer than just a beautiful design.  You have the ability to completely personalize the fit of the Paloma sandals by effortlessly modifying the multiple straps that run across the instep and toe area. This can enhance stability and give your feet the support they need. What’s more, the strap across the instep opens both sides, so you can choose which on-off wear is more comfortable for you: opening and closing the strap on the inside or outside of the sandal. If you have mobility issues, this is especially helpful.  Available colors: camel and black.  Shop Paloma   Men’s Gemini Why you’ll love it 2 adjustable straps + a two-way strap system Fully padded to avoid irritation   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: soft leather   Let’s talk adjustable straps.  With the Gemini sandals you get to enjoy both a stylish look and the ultimate comfort and convenience. Featuring three adjustable straps, you can easily adjust the sandal to fit your feet just right, without any discomfort or irritation.  Plus, the innovative two-way strap system allows you to quickly and effortlessly fasten and unfasten your sandals from both sides, making it easier than ever to put them on and take them off. If, for any physical reason, you find it difficult to reach the external part of the sandal, this feature can be particularly beneficial.  Seeing as the interior has some stretch, you can expect the sandal to fit like a…sock. Available colors: brown and black.  Shop Gemini Best hiking sandals for plantar fasciitis Men’s Clearwater Why you’ll love it Multiple adjustability options Closed toe design protects the feet at all times   Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - XX Wide (6E) Upper materials: leather   The Clearwater sandals feature uppers made from a soft leather and breathable fabric combination that provides ventilation and a comfortable fit throughout the day.  These sandals offer three customizable fit options. The bungee cord allows you to adjust the width; the two-way strap across the instep allows you to secure the fit and to fasten and unfasten the sandal on either side; and the heel strap ensures a snug fit at the back of the foot.  The fisherman closed toe design offers maximum protection for sensitive feet and is also ideal for activities in rougher terrain. Available colors: brown.   Shop Clearwater Women’s Laguna Why you’ll love it Orthotic insoles with anatomical arch support Exceptionally breathable and lightweight   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Extra Wide (2E)  Upper materials: stretch knit   The Laguna sandals' adjustable fit provides multiple options through a bungee cord across the instep and a heel strap, ensuring a secure and customized fit for optimal comfort. Beyond fit adjustments, the wide toe box of the sandals caters to various forefoot conditions, alleviating pressure on sensitive areas and allowing for natural toe movement. The breathable and lightweight knit fabric ensures a cool and comfortable experience, while the orthotic insole offers anatomical arch support that enhances foot alignment.  The sole design evenly transfers forces from the heel to the toe, easing the walking experience. The seamfree interior, gentle against bare skin, guarantees maximum comfort, crucial for individuals with heightened sensitivity. Available colors: blue, peach, gray Shop Laguna Best flip flops for plantar fasciitis    Women’s Clio Why you’ll love it Chic meets practicality Adjustable strap on both sides   Specs Sizes: 5-12 Widths: Standard (B) - Wide (D) Upper materials: synthetic   If you’ve been avoiding wearing flip flops because they are flat and really bad for your feet, especially if you have plantar fasciitis, now you can finally wear them without pain as the Clio flip flops come with a full blown arch support. These toe-post sandals come with the added advantage of having adjustable straps on both sides of the foot, which can be customized to provide a secure fit. The toe post is both thin and soft, to avoid any discomfort. This means you won’t need to break them in gradually to avoid irritation between your toes. Happy times! In addition, the rubber outsole ensures you are stable on feet and allows for unrestricted walking. Available colors: brown and black. Shop Clio   Men’s Eldorado Why you’ll love it Super stylish yet extremely comfortable A thin toe post made with soft material    Specs Sizes: 7-14 Widths: Standard (D) - Extra Wide (4E) Upper materials: stretch knit   Unlike your typical flip flops, the Eldorados offer unique features, first and foremost arch support that doesn’t put stress on your fascia, leading to pain. The velcro strap on the instep ensures a secure fit and improved stability, while the intentionally thin and soft toe post prevents any discomfort or irritation between the toes. In addition, the soft leather upper is padded with fabric, so that your feet won’t experience any irritation even on the hottest of days. Available colors: black.  Shop Eldorado What special features do plantar fasciitis sandals need to have?  The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that connects the toes and heel, and helping it function is key to maintaining a healthy foot and treating plantar fasciitis.  Repetitive stress, excess body weight and shoes without support can increase tension on the fascia, causing it to overstretch, tear and become inflamed.  Sandals for plantar fasciitis are designed to support the arch, absorb shock forces, and distribute pressure evenly to minimize pain and discomfort.  The best sandals for plantar fasciitis should be designed with:  Arch support: Sandals designed with built in arch support, or orthotic insoles, support the plantar fascia so it doesn’t over pull on the heel bone insertion. The insole reduces the arch drop that lengthens the foot which stretches the fascia. Orthotics also unlock a dysfunctional big toe joint by reducing the pronation that can cause it.  Heel cushioning: Heel pain and plantar fasciitis are closely related and oftentimes misdiagnosed. However, today we know that plantar fasciitis causes the onset of heel pain. In addition, as we age and the more active we are, our natural fat pad located under the heel begins to wear out and thin. Plantar fasciitis sandals should have robust cushioning in the heel, such as gel or foam, to protect the area and alleviate the pain.  Ball-of-foot cushioning: Since the plantar fascia connects the heel to the toes, it can become damaged and inflamed at any part, including the ball-of-foot area. The best plantar fasciitis sandals will have thick padding in the toe area to offset pressure from the metatarsal heads.  Wide shaped forefoot: Sandals, especially if they are closed toe, need to have a wide and round shape in the front to give the toes plenty of space to move around. The space will prevent overlapping toes, promote biomechanical foot motion, and not put any extra pressure on the big toe joint. If the sandals are open toe, you need to make sure they are wide enough and the shape accommodates the toes so they are not bulging out from the sides.  Ergonomic sole: Sandals for plantar fasciitis should be designed with a heel height that is close to the height of the front part of the shoe, so that the heel and forefoot are on the same level. Sandals with significantly elevated heels pose a problem as they place excess pressure on the big toe joint which is one cause of plantar fasciitis.  
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  • Best Extra Wide Shoes for Swollen Feet

    Steven Gershman DPM  /  May 03, 2023
    All the shoes on our list have: a spacious and comfortable toe box (not including the open toe sandals, naturally) that provides extra space for swollen feet, ensuring that your toes are not cramped or restricted, reducing pressure and discomfort in the affected areas. added width and depth that provide a spacious fit for any foot size. a heel to toe cushioned outsole that provides excellent support and shock absorption, minimizing pressure on your feet and providing all day comfort. a contoured footbed with arch support that provides customized cushioning, as well as a cushioned heel for additional rear-foot support.  an orthotic-friendly design that allows you to easily insert custom orthotics if needed, and further customize the fit and support provided by the shoes. Best extra wide dress shoes for swollen feet   Women’s Emma These booties have a round and deep toe box that provides plenty of room for your toes to spread out. They also have a non-binding design that eliminates pressure points on your feet and accommodates swelling.  Additionally, they have a 2-inch heel that adds height without putting extra pressure on your forefoot, and are made of soft, flexible leather that is padded with foam for a comfortable fit. Plus, they have an adjustable strap that allows you to customize the fit.  Finally, the Emma booties have a medial side zipper that makes it easy to get in and out of them. Shop Emma Men’s Gramercy Finding dress shoes that fit well in wider widths without causing foot damage can be a challenge. Luckily, these oxford shoes boast a chic stitch detailing and a lace-up closure that exude both style and comfort and come in wide widths. The soft and non-binding leather upper material of these shoes offers a spacious fit that alleviates pressure on the feet, and the rubber outsole features an advanced grip, ensuring you remain stable on your feet. Shop Gramercy Best extra wide sandals for swollen feet  Women’s Sahara With no less than three adjustable straps across the instep, the Sahara are one of the best orthopedic sandals for women on the market and are a great choice if you have wide feet. The soft microfiber uppers have foam padding that protects the feet and improves comfort, and the uppers are soft and can stretch to accommodate swollen feet. Available in gray, bone and red. Shop Sahara Men’s Gemini Similar to the women’s Sahara sandals, the Gemini also has three straps, although in this case they are placed in different locations, from heel to toe. The sandal features two straps that cross the instep and open on both sides, offering a customizable fit. Additionally, the ability to fasten the sandals on either side provides an alternative option for individuals who have difficulty bending down to reach the external part of the shoe. The straps are made with stretch material, allowing them to conform to the shape of your foot. The third strap is placed at the back of the sandal, allowing you to also adjust the fit in the heel area. And finally, there is a strap across the toes that opens up completely for anyone with swollen toes or bone deformities. Shop Gemini Best extra wide slippers for swollen feet Women’s Louise | Men’s Hudson Your swollen feet can expect to feel exceptionally comfortable in these clog slippers. With the adjustable closure across the instep you can easily customize the fit, as well as secure it for improved stability. The soft and flexible uppers hug your feet and conform to their shape and size, and their breathable quality allows airflow and keeps your feet dry and odor free. They also have an antimicrobial lining that promotes foot health and prevents infections.  Finally, the slippers’ durable soles and stylish design allow you to enjoy them even when you step out of the house. Shop Louise Shop Hudson Best extra wide boots for swollen feet Women’s Dakota | Men’s Ridgewood If you’re looking for the best boots for men or women, the men’s Ridgewood and women’s Dakota could be the perfect fit, literally, as they are available in a wider than usual range of widths, which is exactly what you need if you have swollen feet. The high-quality leather uppers are water-sealed and keep your feet dry and allow moisture to escape. Additionally, with the rubber lug outsole, commonly found in sports and work shoes, you can enjoy superior traction and stability on any surface and terrain. Finally, although they have all the added orthopedic features and look just like regular boots, both boots actually feel surprisingly light on your feet. Shop Dakota Shop Ridgewood Wide Shoes For Swollen Feet Growing up and now as an adult, I always had trouble finding comfortable shoes.  When I was young, I had no idea shoes had different widths and no shoes ever felt good. Later on, I found shoes with wide width labels and that changed everything. My comfort level improved dramatically.  However, it wasn't until much later in the 1990's that I truly found extra comfortable shoes.  What made the difference? SHAPE, what I call the 3rd dimension in shoe fit.  This blog will explain this concept and why extra width and shape are critical to any large foot, and especially those with swelling or deformities. Edema causes swelling and can often swell the feet significantly. When feet swell, the entire foot can enlarge. I have seen cases in practice of toes that look like sausages from the swelling.  The main area of swelling is usually the top of the foot first, then the width is next, followed by the toes. Thus, fitting shoes becomes an issue. What used to fit before the edema no longer fits and can become impossible to wear.  The foot now requires a wider and deeper shoe with a rounder toe box. Dimensions of shoe sizing  Shoe sizing generally only includes 2 of the 4 dimensions. It includes length and width.  Some shoe companies still cling to 1 width (medium) fits all. Over the past few years, more companies have finally realized medium width doesn't fit most people, as our bodies have gotten bigger and so have our feet, including width.  I have seen this in my practice as most of my patients now require at least a wide shoe (some need extra wide or more). Very few companies go beyond wide to extra wide, or extra extra wide (6E). Despite this, most companies don't do well beyond these two dimensions. 3rd dimension: shape  A shoe is manufactured on a mold of a foot called the last. The last comes in all the sizes the shoe will be made in, including length and width numbers. The last is the shape of the shoe.  Unfortunately, most lasts just go with the same basic shape as they widen and lengthen the shoe. In many cases, as the foot widens at the arch and ball of the foot, where the width is measured, there is also an enlargement of the forefoot and toes that requires a larger toe box. Thus, in many cases, a wide shoe or even extra wide shoe may not fit well as the toe box is set to fit a narrower foot. In effect, the shoe needs a rounder wider toe box, which is the shape dimension. The same size 10 (Wide) men’s shoe found in many companies never fit comfortably for me. When I switched to a specialty footwear brand I suddenly felt like I had new feet. WHY? The shape.  The specialty shoes had a much rounder, boxier front or toe box. When I lined up several pairs of other brand shoes with the specialty shoes, I could clearly see the big difference in the shape.  Most other shoes had a narrower pointier toe box. They all felt too tight. My patients are often amazed to see the difference in toe box shape from many shoes to the specialty shoes I wear. They never thought about the shape when purchasing shoes. 4th dimension: depth  There is another aspect to shoe design and fit, and that is depth.  I have many patients with toe deformities who come in with pain from toes rubbing up against the top of the toe box of their shoes.  When I look at the height of the toe box of many shoes, it is quite low. My current pair measures 1 and 3/4 inches high at the toe box. That gives plenty of room for my toes to move and not rub. Many shoes I see in the office measure less than an inch high. There is barely room for the toes.  Extra depth shoes are important. The extra depth is the entire shoe. The heel is deeper, the center of the foot and arch is deeper and, of course, the toe box is wider and higher. This accommodates larger, thicker feet and edema. Also, it is perfect for orthotic insoles giving them room and better stability. Roomier shoes tend to be more comfortable. Problems with swollen feet Now that shoe sizing, shape and depth have been covered, we can discuss edema.  As the feet swell, the normal size a person wears will feel too tight. But aside from feeling too tight, other complications can arise. The skin will be irritated, potentially causing blisters that can become infected. Infections in feet with edema are dangerous and potentially limb threatening. Swollen feet don't heal well or quickly. Chronic ulcers or sores can develop. Deformities, such as bunions and bunionettes (little toe side bunions), rub in the shoe even more with swelling. Hammertoes or other toe deformities also swell and rub in the toe box of many shoes, causing blisters, ulcers or sores, painful corns and jamming of the toes, causing pain. Swollen feet tend to bulge out the sides of the normal shoe. The foot is wider so that the regular size can't contain the foot, and the foot pushes out over the sole becoming unstable. This can lead to falls and injuries. Another potential issue with swollen feet in poorly fitting shoes is nerve injury. The tight shoe compresses the very superficial nerves on the top of the foot, causing pain or even numbness. At the ball of the foot, between the metatarsals, the nerves going to the toes can be compressed, causing nerve pain, numbness and neuromas. These are thickened nerve coatings that compress the nerves, causing symptoms such as numb toes and pain. Shoes for swollen feet  What to look for in shoes for swollen feet? Length: Measure and fit shoes when feet are most swollen, which is later in day. Start with proper length, which is a thumb’s width longer than the longest toe on the largest foot when standing. If your feet are different, go with the larger foot. Also, make sure you are wearing the socks you usually wear, since thicker or thinner socks alter the space in the shoe and make the fit tighter or looser. Width and depth: When fitting the shoe, again to the larger foot, make sure the foot isn’t bulging at the ball of the foot. If the ball on either side bulges out over the outsole, it is too narrow. The shoe should be comfortable and not feel like it is jammed into the shoe squeezing it. Many people think the heel has to be tight and worry that if it slips up or down a bit when walking, it is too wide. Generally, shoes that fit the wide ball of the foot may be loose at the heel. That is not a major issue, as slightly loose heels are OK. The heel doesn't have to feel welded into the shoe.Fit the rest of the foot and don't worry as much about the heel.  Shape: As written above, the round shape of the toe box is superior for swollen feet and of course, for almost anyone looking for comfort.  Upper material: Another feature to be looking for in severe cases of swollen or very wide, thick feet is shoes with stretchable material. I have used such shoes in practice. In many cases, these were the only shoes that would fit the patient. The knit material stretches and conforms to the contours of your feet and doesn't rub. They are particularly useful with deformed toes and other bony protrusions on the feet.  Adjustability: Specialty shoes enable you to customize and adjust the fit to your particular foot shape. Straps or laces allow you to tighten or loosen the grip in several areas to create a pressure-free fit.  A forefoot strap can accommodate bunions, hammertoes and swollen feet. A heel strap accommodates a wider foot or heel, and laces or a strap across the instep can accommodate swollen, thick, or high instep feet.  Remember, as you age your foot changes. Even without edema, most feet stretch out over the years, becoming longer and wider.  Then, of course, there are the deformities that can occur with age and diseases that change the shape of the feet.  What fit once when younger, no longer fits. I have seen patients gain 1 to 2 whole sizes over the years in length and width.  Every year you should check the size and fit of your shoes. If you have swelling, then that should be accommodated immediately. Most people require at least wide shoes as they age and many need extra wide if there are issues.  Don't just go by number, test the shoes for fit and comfort. Shoes should be comfortable. Your feet and health depend on it.  
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  • Best Running Shoes for Shin Splints

    Josh White DPM  /  April 11, 2023
    Before we list our recommended shoes, first let’s get the definition out of the way.  Shin splints is a general term that refers to pain and inflammation in the lower leg, specifically along the shinbone (tibia). It is a common overuse injury that can occur in runners, dancers and other athletes who engage in activities that involve repetitive impact on the legs. The exact cause of shin splints is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to repetitive stress on the muscles and bones in the lower leg. This can lead to micro-tears in the muscles and inflammation of the connective tissue that attaches the muscles to the bone. If you have shin splints, the following shoes can help support your healing process, but even if you don’t, these running shoes can also help prevent shin splints to begin with. Best running shoes for shin splints for men Sprint Why you’ll love it Tie-less lacing Fasten and unfasten on both sides of the shoes Specifications Sizes: 7-14 Widths: D-6E Upper materials: soft fabric and microfiber   These shoes are designed with extra cushioning and support to help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with shin splints, which means they are also the best walking shoes for men. They have a wide toe box to accommodate foot swelling and provide a comfortable fit.  The Sprint also features a non-binding upper and an ergonomic sole to reduce pressure on the foot, and a roomy toe box that allows for natural toe splay, which can help to improve balance and stability while reducing the risk of foot and leg injuries. As an added bonus, the Sprint sneakers have no less than three adjustable straps - two on either side of the shoe and one at the back - that allow you to fully customize the fit, eliminate the need to tie and untie laces, and enables fastening and unfastening on both sides of the shoe. Shop Sprint   Sorrento Why you’ll love it Pressure free fit Increased durability Specifications Sizes: 7-14 Widths: D-4E Upper materials: soft leather and fabric   The Sorrento sneakers are designed with an anatomical arch support that helps to reduce stress on the shin muscles and prevent over pronation, which is a common cause of shin splints. A thick layer of cushioning in the insole absorbs shock and reduces impact on the feet, helping to prevent the jarring and pounding that can lead to shin splints. With a lightweight and flexible design, the Sorrento allows for natural foot movement and reduces the risk of muscle strain and fatigue in the feet and legs. The width of the sole, coupled with the firmness of the heel counter, further enhances stability, as does the unique tread design that provides exceptional grip and provides an assured feeling of steadiness with every step. Shop Sorrento   Yari Why you’ll love it Hands free foot insertion Water repellent uppers Specifications Sizes: 7-14 Widths: D-4E Upper materials: stretch knit   Thanks to a unique hidden spring in the back of the shoe, you can put the Yari on without using your hands. By eliminating the need to bend down to put on or take off the shoes, these shoes can help reduce the strain on the muscles in the feet and legs, including the shins. This can potentially alleviate some of the symptoms of shin splints, such as pain and discomfort in the lower legs. Support is one of the most important features when it comes to finding shoes for shin splints, and Yari offers plenty of it. The cushioned insoles reduce impact on the feet and legs; the added arch support provides better stability and support, keeping over pronation at bay; and the cushioning outsole with a mild rocker design helps you walk with greater ease. The lightweight design allows you to walk with less effort, minimizing muscle fatigue in the feet and legs, and the upper’s breathable mesh material keeps the feet cool and dry.  Shop Yari   Best running shoes for shin splints for women Talya Why you’ll love it Slip resistant Water repellent uppers Specifications Sizes: 5-12 Widths: B-2E Upper materials: soft synthetic leather   The Talya sneakers are made with professionals in mind and are designed with pain relief technology that’s perfect for people who spend long hours on their feet.  The uppers are made from soft, high-quality, water and stain repellent faux leather that’s also flexible to provide a non-binding fit.  The sole is slip resistant, so you can walk safely on any type of surface without losing your balance, which reduces the risk of slipping and falling. This is helpful if you have shin splints, as this condition is often caused by overuse of stress on the muscles and tendons in the shin area, and slipping or losing your balance can exacerbate the problem. In addition, by improving your grip and stability, slip-resistant shoes can help reduce the stress and strain on your lower leg muscles and tendons, which can alleviate the symptoms of shin splints. Shop Talya   Coral  Why you’ll love it Breathable, aerated uppers Fully cushioned, yet lightweight Specifications Sizes: 5-12 Widths: B-2E Upper materials: stretch knit   With multi-layered cushioning in the insole of the Coral sneakers, impacts on your feet and lower legs are significantly reduced and excessive pronation is prevented, helping to alleviate pain associated with shin splints.   The Coral sneakers have a wide and deep toe box, which can provide extra room and reduce pressure on the toes and forefoot, improving overall foot comfort and reducing the risk of exacerbating shin splints due to cramped and tight shoes. In addition, the lightweight and flexible design can help promote a more natural and comfortable walking motion. This can reduce the strain and impact on the lower legs, minimizing the symptoms of shin splints. What all this means is that the Coral is not only great for running, but also the best walking shoes for women. Shop Coral   Kita  Why you’ll love it Easy on-off without bending Easy to clean, water-repellent uppers Specifications Sizes: 5-12 Widths: B-2E Upper materials: stretch knit   The Kita sneakers are constructed with a number of features that can help alleviate pain associated with shin splints.  The contoured orthotic insole provides arch support, which can help to distribute pressure evenly across the foot and reduce stress on the lower leg. The shoes also have a cushioned sole that can absorb shock and reduce the impact of each step, which can also help to reduce the pressure on the lower leg muscles. The innovative construction of the back of the shoe allows you to insert your foot without using your hands or even bending down, helping to minimize pressure and ease pain caused by shin splints in the lower legs.  The insoles are expertly cushioned, including an anatomical arch support, and help to absorb shocks on the feet and legs as you walk. In addition, the mild rocker design improves the ease of walking. With the Kita sneakers on your feet, you can walk with less effort and minimize muscle fatigue in the feet and legs, while the uppers are made from a breathable mesh material that keeps the feet cool and dry. Shop Kita   FAQ Can running shoes help with shin splints? Running shoes can certainly help with shin splints.  Shin splints are a common overuse injury that can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper footwear, but also over pronation, flat feet and weak lower leg muscles. Proper running shoes can provide adequate support and cushioning to reduce the impact of each stride, which can help alleviate the pain of shin splints.  Shoes with a stable sole and a good arch support can help prevent over pronation, which can also contribute to shin splints. However, it's important to note that it's also important to gradually increase your running mileage, stretch properly before and after your workouts, and incorporate strength training exercises for your lower leg muscles. Rest and ice may also be necessary to allow your body to heal. Can my shoes cause shin splints? Yes, your shoes can contribute to the development of shin splints.  Wearing shoes that don't provide adequate support or cushioning can increase the impact of each stride, leading to overuse and strain on the muscles and tendons in the lower legs. This can result in pain and inflammation in the shin area, which is known as shin splints. In particular, shoes that are worn out, don't fit properly, or lack sufficient arch support can increase the risk of shin splints. Shoes with a high heel-to-toe drop or too much cushioning can also lead to poor running form and over pronation, which can further exacerbate the problem. Therefore, it's important to invest in a good pair of running shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning and fit well. You should replace your shoes every 300 to 500 miles, or when you notice signs of wear and tear. Will more cushioned shoes help shin splints? If you are experiencing shin splints, shoes with additional cushioning can help reduce the impact of each stride and provide extra shock absorption, which can alleviate the pain of shin splints.  However, it's important to remember that overly cushioned shoes can also cause issues if they are not right for your individual foot and gait. In addition to cushioning, other factors to consider when selecting running shoes for shin splints include stability, support and fit. A shoe with a stable sole and good arch support can help prevent over pronation and contribute to better running form, which can reduce the risk of shin splints. Overall, it's important to find a shoe that is comfortable and supportive for your individual needs. Is walking or running better for shin splints? If you have shin splints, it's generally better to avoid running and other high-impact activities until your symptoms have improved.  In the early stages of shin splints, it may be best to rest and allow your body to heal before returning to exercise. However, once your symptoms have subsided, you can gradually return to activity. Both walking and running can be effective forms of exercise, but it's important to take proper precautions to prevent the recurrence of shin splints. When returning to exercise, start slowly and gradually increase your intensity and duration over time. This can help reduce the risk of overuse injuries like shin splints. Additionally, incorporating strength training exercises for your lower leg muscles can help improve your overall leg strength and reduce the risk of future injuries. Exercises such as calf raises, toe raises and ankle circles can be effective for building strength in the lower leg muscles.  
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  • Wide Width Shoes - The Essential Guide

    Steven Gershman DPM  /  March 21, 2023
      Wearing shoes that are too narrow for your feet can not only be extremely uncomfortable and painful, but also cause unpleasant foot conditions, such as ingrown toenails, Morton’s neuroma, corns, calluses and metatarsalgia, or worsen existing ones, such as bunions and hammertoes. If you’re experiencing any of these conditions, switching to Wide, Extra Wide or even Extra Extra Wide width shoes can provide an amazing level of relief and comfort. However, it’s not always easy to find wide width shoes, as most shoes are designed for the average foot, which requires a medium width shoe.  Medium width shoes, unlike wide width shoes, can be purchased at conventional shoe stores or online brands. Wide shoes, however, can be found at orthopedic shoe companies or specialty footwear brands, which design and develop shoes that can accommodate wider feet.  Wide, Extra Wide and even Extra Extra Wide shoes can be a lifesaver for people with wide or swollen feet and for those who suffer from bunions, hammertoes or other foot conditions. What Are Wide Shoes? Wide width shoes are a wider version of standard sized shoes, with wider than normal features, such as a toe box that gives the toes plenty of room. Normally, these shoes are also different all around, including girth, straps, special laces and so on.  With a wider toe box, the toes of individuals with wide feet can naturally spread out as they walk, preventing the painful pinching sensation that is common when you wear shoes that are too narrow for your feet.  Good wide width shoes also tend to be deeper and are wider from the front to back, not just in the forefoot, since usually, wide  feet are also taller than the standard. This means that if they are designed with straps or laces, these features will be longer than usual to accommodate the increased girth.  What’s Considered A Wide Foot? If your feet feel uncomfortable in most shoes, even the ones that are not particularly narrow, you may be wearing the wrong width. So, the most obvious sign that your feet are on the wider side is quite simple: your feet feel squeezed-in in every pair of shoes you wear, even when the fit of the length is perfect. Some may try to move on to longer length shoes, but, although these could provide a bit more room for the toes, shoe length that doesn't fit right at the heel or toe box could result in slippage that leads to trips and falls, and cause blisters and other issues.  How To Know If You Have Wide Feet? Ideally, the best way to determine if your feet are wide would be to measure them, but unfortunately there is no universal width measurement chart that would allow you determine what width you need from any shoe brand.  Our suggestion, while simple and unsophisticated, is to determine if your current shoe width is too tight for you. For example, if you purchased from a mainstream brand, it is likely your width is a B (standard). You can verify this by looking inside the shoe, on the tongue or side of the upper. If you feel your feet are being squeezed in, you need to go up in width, so a wide would be the next width up and so forth. Luckily, many online shoe retailers have  friendly shipping and return policies that allow exchanges if the fit is not good. How is width measured? There are three factors taken into consideration that determines shoe width: the length of the foot. the measurement between the widest points on the foot, i.e., the outer edge of the foot to the inner edge of the forefoot area (known as ball width). the circumference of the instep (known as instep girth).  Wide width shoes are wider across the shoe, deeper from top to bottom, roomier in the toe box area, and have a generous instep to accommodate wide or swollen feet.   Shop Women's Wide Shoes Shop Men's Wide Shoes   Whereas medium-width shoes often don’t include a width label, wide-width shoes come with a label indicating their width. Therapeutic shoes or orthopedic shoes such as Orthofeet shoes, are available in wider widths, and the width is designated by letters. The letters differ for men and women since men’s feet tend to be larger and wider than women’s feet. Normally a wide width shoe for women is indicated with the letter D; for men a wide width shoe is indicated with 2E. Women’s Extra-wide shoes for women are indicated with 2E and for men an extra wide width shoe is indicated with 4E.  For most people requiring wider shoes, a wider shoe at the ball- of-the-foot and toe-box is most important. When measured at the ball-of-the-foot, the difference between shoe widths is approximately 1/4”. A wide width is 1/4” wider than a medium width and an extra wide width is 1/2” wider than a medium width. People with foot swelling or edema may benefit from additionally measuring their instep girth, which will help them choose the appropriate shoe width. In general, the instep girth of the shoe increases 3/16” for every increase in width for the same length. B width This is the medium width for women and considered the “standard” one. Almost all the shoes you find in the retail store or online sites are this width. For men, this width is considered narrow.  D width Normally, a wide width shoe for women is indicated with the letter D, while it’s considered medium for men. E width E describes a wide width shoe for men and extra wide shoe for women. EE width The more ‘E’s you add the wider the shoe, so EE, or 2E is a wide shoe for men and extra wide for women. Visit the Orthofeet shoe sizing chart for a complete list of the different width sizes for men and women. How to find comfortable wide-width shoes There are important features to look for in comfortable wide shoes to ensure that they fit properly, and provide comfort, support and pain relief, such as the ones found at Orthofeet's orthotic shoes. The extra depth design and the roomy toe-box area provides extra room for toe movement and a comfortable, non-binding fit. Included with every pair of shoes are two sets of removable spacers that allow you to adjust the space inside the shoe for a perfect fit. Stretchable materials allow the uppers to perfectly form to the contours of the foot offering a loose, customized fit and easing pressure on bunions and hammertoes. One of the biggest challenges faced when searching for a good pair of wide width shoes is finding a pair that is stylish as well as comfortable, as there are usually limited style options for comfortable dress shoes for wide feet. Luckily, there are orthopedic shoe brands that offer wide width shoes without compromising on style, whether you’re looking for the best wide width shoes for women or for men. FAQ Can I wear wide fit shoes with normal feet? If you’re comfortable wearing wide width shoes even though your feet are standard width, then it’s not an issue. In fact, wearing wide width shoes with normal feet can sometimes be more comfortable when you go on long walks.  But, whether or not it’s a good idea to wear wide width shoes with standard feet depends not only on comfort, but also on the activities you’re planning to engage in.  For example, it is not advised for individuals with normal width feet to wear wide width shoes if they’re participating in sports activities, because it could cause falls, muscle pain, blisters and other foot problems.  In addition, if your shoes are too wide it’s best to avoid walking and running on slippery or uneven surfaces, because your feet may slip inside the shoe, leading to loss of balance and falls. Regular-fit shoes would be the better choice in such instances, simply because they hold your feet better.   Does a wide shoe make a difference? If you have wide feet then the answer is very clear: Yes!  Squeezing a wide foot into a regular width shoe can not only be uncomfortable and painful, but also cut off the blood circulation in your feet, causing pain as well as a long list of foot problems.  With wide width shoes you can give your feet both the space and the support they need and allow the foot to function properly. Are wide shoes better for flat feet? Unless your flat feet are narrow, many people with flat feet can benefit from wide width shoes and should avoid shoes with a narrow forefoot.  As people with flat feet tend to apply more pressure on the toe area, with more room for the toes, wide shoes can help prevent toe cramping.   What are the best shoes for men and women with wide feet? All the recommended shoes listed below are orthopedic and biomechanically engineered with unique comfort features, such as ergonomic soles, anatomical arch support, protective interior, heel cushioning, non-binding extra depth, wide toe box and removable spacers that allow you to adjust the fit inside the shoe. Best fashionable wide-width shoes For men: Gramercy With a stylish stitch detailing and lace up closure, the Gramercy dressy oxford shoes are both fashionable and extremely comfortable. It is often difficult to find dress shoes in wide widths and ones that don't damage the foot even further.  Although the upper material is leather, it is soft and non-binding, offering a roomy fit and easing pressure on the foot. On the bottom, the rubber outsole with advanced grip will help keep you stable on your feet.  Available in widths ranging from Standard to Extra Wide, and in black and brown. Shop Gramercy For women: Chelsea Great news: you can look stylish and be comfortable at the same time! Chelsea dress shoes offer extra width and depth that fit any foot width, and are also designed with an innovative two-way strap system that allows you to easily adjust the fit on either side of the shoe.  Plus, with a wide opening, these slip-on loafers offer quick and easy on-off wear.  Available in widths ranging from Narrow to Extra Wide Shop Chelsea   Best wide width shoes for standing all day For men: Sorrento These sneakers have a spacious toe box that provides extra room for your toes to move comfortably. This can prevent cramping and improve circulation, especially for people with wide feet who spend their day standing for long periods of time. The wide sole and firm heel counter ensure you are both comfortable and stable when you stand, while the built-in arch support distributes weight evenly across your feet. In addition, the breathable uppers keep your feet cool and dry, reducing the risk of developing foot odor and infections, especially if you stand all day, while maintaining a pressure free fit even if your feet are wider than the standard. Available in widths ranging from Standard to Extra Wide. Shop Sorrento For women: Tahoe The tie-less lace system of the Tahoe shoes features hidden tabs on both sides of the shoes and allows you to very easily put them on and take them off, without the hassle of tying and untying laces.  The moisture wicking insole cover and the breathable uppers help keep your feet dry, and standing for long periods of time becomes a lot easier and painless thanks to the extra cushioning and shock absorption features.  Available in widths ranging from Standard to Extra Extra Wide, and in black, white-blue, and white-pink.  Shop Tahoe   Best wide width shoes for walking  For men: Monterey Bay If your daily routine requires you to stay on your feet for long periods of time, our advice is to get yourself the best shoes for standing all day, AKA Monterey Bay. With the tie-less lace system, you only need to tie these shoes once and never again, making on-off wear a breeze. The mild rocker design of the cushioning sole helps propel the foot forward when you walk, making walking that much easier.  The upper material is breathable and keeps your feet aerated and dry as you walk, and the rubber outsole provides great stability and grip.  Available in widths ranging from Standard to Extra Extra Wide, and in black and white-blue.  Shop Montery Bay For women: Moravia The waterproof uppers of the Moravia shoes keep your feet dry at all times, but are still soft enough to offer a pressure free fit.  While the cushioning insole reduces fatigue and stress, even when you spend all day on your feet, the rubber outsole is constructed with a special tread design that offers superior stability.  Available in widths ranging from Standard to Extra Wide, and in black and gray.  Shop Moravia  
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  • What are Orthopedic Shoes and Why You Should Wear Them

    Steven Gershman DPM  /  January 30, 2023
    To explain what orthopedic shoes are, we should first consider why we need to wear shoes at all.  The reason, of course, is that shoes protect our feet from objects which may hurt us. They are an important barrier to foot injuries such as punctures, cuts, scrapes, burns and even frostbites. In addition, Dr. Steven Gershman, DPM, explains that shoes are ״like orthodontia for the teeth. Shoes can also change gait, alignment, and the biomechanics of the foot.  Looking at pictures of feet in some societies that never wear shoes, you can clearly see feet that look dramatically different than the feet that wear shoes. Without shoes, the toes are separated in a way that looks like a hand.״ What is an orthopedic shoe? While wearing shoes offers protection and much more, it’s not enough just to wear any pair of shoes. In fact, wearing shoes that are poorly made or shoes with insufficient cushion or support that were designed for fashion but not function and comfort, can do more harm than good. Orthopedic shoes are footwear designed with special features that support the feet and provide comfort and pain relief. This type of shoe can do wonders not only to your feet, but also ankles, legs and lower back.  There are many different types of orthopedic shoes. Their design ranges for specific conditions, foot shapes and widths, activities, types of surfaces etc.  What are the benefits of orthopedic shoes? Each orthopedic design feature offers different unique benefits. Some features are always important and should be present in any orthopedic shoe (like the ones we have shared below), while others are more specific.  Arch support Orthopedic shoes feature orthotic insoles that provide good arch support. The main purpose of the arch support is to eliminate excessive pronation, which affects foot function and is one of the main causes of foot and heel pain. Orthotic insoles help reduce pressure on the heel and the ball of the foot, by transferring a substantial portion of body weight to the arch.  In shoes without good arch support, the arch area doesn’t participate in distributing the pressure under the foot. Excessive pronation causes the leg to internally rotate, putting stress on the knee, hip and lower back.  Orthotic insoles with good arch support play an important role in alleviating stress on the knees, hips and lower back, as well in improving foot and leg alignment. Shop Orthotic Shoes Variety of widths Contrary to most shoes that are designed for the average foot and are available in medium widths, orthopedic shoes are made in a variety of widths to offer a precise fit and accommodate more foot sizes, shapes and problems.  Most of these shoes are available in medium, wide and extra wide, but you can also find shoes in narrow and extra extra wide sizes. Extra depth Orthopedic shoes are constructed on a special shoe last with extra depth, to accommodate thick insoles and orthotics. They also offer a relaxed, comfortable fit, which eliminates pressure points on the foot. A bonus for those that love wearing thick cushioned socks that require more space.  Wide toe box A wide toe box offers pressure relief for bunions and hammertoe deformities and allows extra room for toe movement.  Protective interior Orthopedic shoes are normally made with a soft, smooth interior, designed to provide gentle contact with the foot and eliminate pressure points. Some are even seam-free, preventing irritation to sensitive feet.  Stretchable uppers A stretchable upper design allows the upper area of the shoe to stretch and shape to the contours of the foot, easing pressure on bunions and hammertoes, and eliminating pressure points on the foot.  Plus, if your feet tend to swell throughout the day, the stretch adjusts itself so it feels like you bought two different shoe sizes!  Special Soles Orthopedic shoes are made with lightweight soles and a mild rocker bottom design that soften impacts and help facilitate foot motion.  In addition, a wide sole design enhances stability while walking. To summarize, orthopedic shoes offer many advantages compared to ordinary shoes: Help alleviate pain at the heels, feet, knees, hips and lower back. Improve mobility and stability. Provide a better fit. Provide essential protection for those with diabetes, neuropathy and other foot conditions. When should you wear orthopedic shoes? The word “orthopedic” is formed from two Greek roots: ortho, which means correct; and pedic, which means foot. Therefore, the two roots together mean “correct foot”, so orthopedic shoes are literally good for your feet by definition! In other words, wearing orthopedic shoes is highly recommended for people with foot problems - such as hammertoes, bunions, flat feet, arthritis, overpronation, heel pain, plantar fasciitis and more. But, even if your feet are healthy they will benefit from shoes that were specifically designed to promote biomechanical motion, support and cushion your feet and alleviate or eliminate pain, while preventing future foot conditions.
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  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - Finding the Right Shoes

    Steven Gershman DPM  /  January 26, 2023
    Shoes for tarsal tunnel syndrome should have good arch support, cushioning, sturdy heel counter, extra depth and firm midsole and outer sole. Before I explain why, let’s jump straight into my list of the best shoes for tarsal tunnel. If you want to learn about the syndrome and how to treat and prevent it, simply scroll down or continue reading. The 6 Best Shoes for tarsal tunnel syndrome Sneakers: Women’s Coral | Men’s Edgewater These stylish and extremely comfortable sneakers are designed with extra depth and anatomical orthotic insoles with superior arch support, which help minimize over pronation, alleviate tarsal tunnel pain and align the foot with the rest of the body. The outer sole is firm, yet flexible enough at the toes to allow natural foot movement and reduce motion while walking. Another feature that makes these sneakers great for tarsal tunnel is the stretchable upper materials that conform to your foot shape and size, providing a customized fit.  Edgewater is available in black, gray and blue, while the blue and gray styles are constructed with a rubber outsole that provides advanced grip on any surface. Coral is available in black, gray, turquoise, silver, lavender, blue, white, wool gray and black with black sole. Shop Coral Shop Edgewater Boots: Women’s Florence | Men’s Ryder These boots feature orthotic insoles that make them extremely comfortable and provide unparalleled support. The lightweight, yet firm and cushioning soles alleviate stress on the joints and facilitate proper foot motion, helping minimize tarsal tunnel pain and deterioration.  On the inside, the anatomical orthotic insoles support the arches and feet at all times and on the outside, the non-binding uppers are firm enough to prevent the feet from collapsing when you walk. Both boots are also designed with features that make it super easy to slip in and out of them. The Florence boots open up widely, allowing the tongue to fall forward, thanks to two hook and loop straps across the instep, while the Ryder boots have two zippers at the heel to offer a wide opening, allowing you to effortlessly insert your foot. The Florence shoes are available in black and camel, and there’s two waterproof versions in black and brown. Ryder is available in black and brown. Shop Florence Shop Ryder Walking: Women’s Delta Black | Men’s Hunter Black  Walking in these shoes feels like you’re stepping on a soft pillow while being fully supported. With a firm and cushioned heel counter, these hiking shoes wrap around the heel to keep it from rocking from side to side and putting pressure on the tarsal tunnel.  Both boots are designed with durable, waterproof leather and are sealed at the seams, so that no liquids seep through, while the rubber outsole with its unique grooves channels liquids away.  Here, too, the premium orthotic insoles offer excellent arch support to help prevent over pronation and the mild rocker sole design allows you to walk with less effort. Both boots are also available in brown, but these styles are not waterproof. Shop Delta Shop Hunter What is tarsal tunnel syndrome? While many people have never heard of tarsal tunnel syndrome, most have heard of or actually have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.  Carpal tunnel syndrome affects the arms, wrists, and hands. It is basically a nerve entrapment causing pain, electrical like sensations, numbness and weakness.  Tarsal tunnel syndrome (sometimes referred to as carpal tunnel syndrome in feet) is a similar problem that affects the feet, ankles and sometimes the lower leg. The word carpal is a Latin term meaning hand, while tarsal is a Latin term for feet. The tarsal tunnel is a canal on the inside or medial side of the foot, just below and aside the inner ankle, specifically where the medial malleolus is located.  Inside the canal is a large nerve, almost as thick as a pencil, called the posterior tibial nerve, and its three main branches. Also in the canal are blood vessels and three tendons going from the leg to the foot. In effect, they are bundled together in the canal under a roof of ligament. What are the causes of tarsal tunnel syndrome and its symptoms? True tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs when the nerve is entrapped in the canal by several possible factors, including swelling from inflammation, thickening of the tendons adjacent to the nerve due to overuse of the tendons, or scar tissue on the nerve coating as a result of chronic irritation.  Any of these can produce pressure on the nerve in the enclosed canal, which then causes the symptoms. Symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome can include: Pain directly over the canal Shooting electrical sensations into the bottom of the foot as the nerve innervates the bottom of the foot Pain or electrical sensations going back up the lower leg on the inside of the leg Numbness or complete lack of feeling on the bottom of the foot in severe cases In general, the most common cause of this syndrome is hypermobility or simply put, too much motion in the foot.  Hypermobility causes increased torque forces on the leg, ankle and foot, stressing the ligaments that hold the bones together. By itself, hypermobility causes irritation to the tissue and can lead to inflammation, swelling and scar tissue, which are potential factors in tarsal tunnel syndrome.  However, it doesn’t end there. As the body senses hypermobility, it tries to compensate to protect itself. The three tendons in the tarsal tunnel have several functions, but a major one is stabilization of the foot. With hypermobile feet, the tendons overwork.  WOLFS law basically states that as a body part is stressed (such as a muscle that enlarges when weightlifting is performed) it will grow larger in proportion to that stress. The tendons become thicker, taking up more room in the tarsal tunnel and can become inflamed from the overuse and swell.  This can cause tendonitis, which adds to the pain and scarring. Either way, the nerve is entrapped in the limited space of the canal. There can be other causes of nerve entrapment, such as space occupying lesions, tumors or bone spurs, deformities of the canal, nerves or tendons, metabolic syndromes that affect the nerve directly, vein problems causing swelling, or injuries directly impacting the canal.  However, the most common cause in my practice is hypermobility, especially with flat feet or post pregnancy, which weakens the ligaments with soft, worn out shoes.  Too much pronation, which in general terms means rolling-in of the foot with associated arch drop, also causes hypermobility. Do orthotics help tarsal tunnel syndrome? Treatment of tarsal tunnel syndrome begins with diagnosing the underlying cause. Once you have been diagnosed with the possible cause, there are a few simple steps you can take to treat your painful symptoms and yes, orthotics are definitely on this list. Orthotics Wearing orthotics is even more effective than just wearing the best shoes for tarsal tunnel syndrome.  The shoes and orthotics work as a synergistic pair and both need to be of superior quality and function for each patient.  Good orthotics should have a prominent arch to support the foot and prevent it from over pronating, as well as shock absorption features to cushion and help relieve pain. Shoes With the most common cause of hypermobility, the first step is to wear shoes that are appropriate for tarsal tunnel syndrome. That begins with the age of the shoe.  As shoes age, the leather stretches and warps as does the midsole material that acts as a stabilizer. This leads to the outsole irregularly wearing out. All these factors cause increased motion, which is counterproductive to tarsal tunnel treatment.  In general, shoes that are worn regularly should be replaced at least once per year and more often if under heavy use. In many cases of foot pain, new and more appropriate shoes have been the only treatment to solve the issue. What are the best shoes for tarsal tunnel syndrome? New or nearly new shoes of the correct size, both in length and width, are advisable. If the shoes don't fit correctly, they can allow either too much motion or warp, which leads to damaging abnormal motion.  The best shoes for tarsal tunnel syndrome will have most or all the features below. A good tarsal tunnel shoe will be a motion control shoe with extra depth.  Motion control shoes have a sturdy firm heel counter, which is the back of the shoe that wraps around the heel. This area of the shoe is critical in keeping the heel from wobbling, which torques on the tarsal tunnel.  In addition, the shoe needs a solid and firm midsole and outer sole so it doesn't bend easily in the middle, but allows some bend near the toes.  Shoes with a sturdier midsole material are beneficial on the inside or tarsal tunnel side from the heel to the midfoot. This rigid material resists the foot from collapsing when it pronates or rolls in. A low heel close to the ground is generally useful in reducing motion. Extra depth shoes are important as they allow better control of the foot motion, because the deeper the shoe the more material resists the motion. In addition, extra depth shoes can accommodate custom orthotics or specialty insoles, which are a major component in treatment. Good arch support built into the shoes aligns the feet and helps keep them in the neutral position, minimizing pronation. The correct arch height will also help transfer pressure off your tarsal tunnel and relieve pain. Shoes with removable insoles to accommodate custom orthotics, or braces (AFOs).   In shoe brace In severe cases of tarsal tunnel syndrome, an in-shoe brace, such as a so-called gauntlet AFO, is used. This delivers maximum control of the motion problem.  This type of device usually requires a special shoe, preferably one that is stretchable, so that it can accommodate the brace. You will need shoes that are designed with a deep and wide shape, including a wide toe box, to ensure a comfortable fit for the brace.  In addition, the built-in insole should be removable to free up even more space and accommodate custom orthotics.    Non-surgical treatment  There are several treatment options for non-surgical care for tarsal tunnel syndrome.  After exhausting motion control options such as shoes and orthotics, medication, injections, cold laser, and sometimes complete immobilization in a cast or boot for several weeks, may be required.  Physical therapy modalities can be useful, but in general I haven't seen much improvement from tarsal tunnel exercises or tarsal tunnel stretches, as they can further irritate the tissue. Bottom line, the best treatment for tarsal tunnel syndrome is prevention.  It all starts with proper, well made and non worn out shoes. So many foot problems could be prevented by following this simple rule.
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  • The Best Hiking Boots for Plantar Fasciitis

    Josh White DPM  /  January 11, 2023
    I fell in love with hiking during the pandemic, since it was pretty much the only activity I could do during lockdown and social distancing. Now, I‘m not talking about climbing Mount Everest, but just being outdoors surrounded by untouched nature was enough to unwind me and provide my body with the exercise it needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  However, I also suffer from plantar fasciitis, which definitely isn’t compatible with any strenuous activity on the foot. One of the main causes of plantar fasciitis is participation in physical activities that put a lot of stress on the heel and attached tissue, or a sudden and rapid increase in levels of physical activity.  In other words, hiking can exacerbate the condition if I didn’t take any specific action to prevent and comfort it. Treating plantar fasciitis is not difficult and most of the time the condition will improve over time with the right shoes, orthotics and care. Luckily, I was able to continue hiking despite my plantar fasciitis, thanks to boots made by shoe brands that really know what they are doing and specialize in problem feet. I was fortunate enough to test some styles out so that I can share my experiences with you.  The best waterproof boots for plantar fasciitis   Hands down my top pick for when the trail or weather involves some splashing!    Delta (for women) or Hunter (for men) received an incredible upgrade to the construction, material and sole.  The upper material is made with waterproof leather that is durable and super easy to clean. The construction of the boot is sealed in the seams, even where the tongue connects to the boot, to ensure nothing seeps through, keeping your socks and feet dry. The sole is made with special rubber and includes many grooves that channel away liquids to prevent slips and falls on virtually any surface. Knowing this gave me peace of mind and increased confidence when trekking on wet trails. The Ortho-Cushion System featured in the boots made my plantar fasciitis flare ups non-existent and allowed me to enjoy being active without any pain or discomfort.  A premium orthotic insole supported my arch, while the air and foam pockets within the sole cushioned my heel and surrounding area. A wide toe area in the forefoot was much appreciated for much little bunion and I was still able to comfortably wear a thicker outdoor sock.  A generously padded heel counter felt like a pillow against my heel and ankle area, and provided supportive cushioning and protection for all day wear.  I give the Delta a 10 for being the best women's hiking boots for plantar fasciitis! Shop Delta Shop Hunter Orthopedic hiking boots    For those of us looking for a more classic looking boot that can transition from trail to paved ground, Glacier Gorge is a fantastic choice. The pebbled full grain leather upper makes this boot a timeless classic that can be maintained and cleaned, even after a stroll in rugged terrain. Yet, the leather is super pliable and provides a lot of give to accommodate every foot shape. The two hook and loop straps make putting them on and taking them off a snap. The upper design is unique and allows the tongue to completely open for easy foot insertion. You can literally step into them, which is rare when it comes to boots. And of course the straps are adjustable to create a custom fit and secure grip, based on your preference and foot shape. Glacier Gorge is designed with extra depth that runs from the heel to toe area, which then leads to a wide, round and tall toe box construction. These features ensure a pressure free fit, allow for maximum toe movement and are very accommodating to bunions, hammertoes and wide or swollen feet, making them the best hiking boots for bad feet.  And how do these help with Plantar Fasciitis? The built in anatomical arch-support insoles and substantial shock dispersing materials ensure the plantar fascia is not overworked and is comforted and protected from all angles. Shop Glacier George Men's hiking boots for plantar fasciitis  Ryder is one of the most innovative boots I have come across and is ideal for those of us who don’t like or have trouble tying laces, or want quick and easy on/off wear.  They look like regular lace boots, but when you turn them around you will discover two zippers at the heel. And yes, even though they are men’s boots, I was able to test them out in my size! Adjust and tie the laces once (when you put them on for the first time) according to your grip and instep, and never tie them again! And now for the best part: pull down both zippers at the back to create a wide opening that allows the foot to slide in easily. This was extremely beneficial as I was running in and out of the house and didn’t have to fuss with tedious lacing. The built in orthotic insole keeps the plantar fascia in check by controlling the foot rolling inwards and maintaining an aligned body. The rocker bottom sole further facilities proper foot motion and really improves walking. A seam free interior that is generously padded with foam provides a smooth, gentle and protective environment for the foot. The wide, round and tall toe area gives the toes the freedom to move around without overlapping others, potentially causing additional foot conditions. A slip-resistant sole completes the package, allowing one to venture on the off beaten path. Ryder is available in a rustic brown and classic black. Shop Ryder Is it okay to hike with plantar fasciitis?   Seeing as plantar fasciitis is an injury caused by strain, it’s best to start with easier, shorter hikes and gradually work your way up to longer ones.  Listen to your feet. If you start feeling any type of pain or discomfort, know you’ve reached your limit and it’s time to rest or stop the hike. I found my feet feel and serve me so much better if I take it easy at first and build my way up, and if I wear the right shoes, of course. There are a few design features you should look for in hiking boots if you have plantar fasciitis.  Recommended hiking boot features for plantar fasciitis   Arch Support  Boots for plantar fasciitis need to provide superior support under the arch so that when the plantar fascia (runs under the bone from heel to toe) flexes and flattens with each step, it is not overly strained, which can lead to tearing, inflammation, and pain. Cushioning  Since the heel is also involved and pain presents there, it is important that your walking boots for plantar fasciitis have substantial cushioning throughout, but especially at the heel, where the foot first strikes the ground. Any shock forces from the initial strike will be dispersed and deflected for a softer landing.  The best hiking boots will have both cushioning in the insole and outsole, made from several layers, thicknesses and shock absorbing materials.  Ergonomic Sole  To improve and facilitate the walking motion of the foot, a boot with a low heel and a slightly curved sole, otherwise known as rocker bottom, does the trick.  Keeping the foot close to the ground prevents extra pressure being placed on the forefoot and arch, while the rocker bottom ensures smooth motion propelling the foot forward with minimal joint movement.
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  • Best Walking Shoes for Seniors

    Steven Gershman DPM  /  January 10, 2023
    Choosing Walking Shoes for Seniors    Like other parts of our body, our feet are not immune to the changes that arise with getting older.  As the body ages, it goes through physiological changes that make seniors more susceptible to foot pain and foot problems. In fact, one out of every three people over the age of 65 suffers from aching feet.  Furthermore, additional health conditions that are more common as we age, including diabetes, arthritis and vascular disease, can compound these issues. Sadly, people who suffer from foot pain can find that it interferes not just with their daily activities, but also with more basic functions, such as getting out of bed in the morning, going up or down stairs, or even maintaining balance. For their health and well-being, seniors should be attentive to any changes in the feeling or appearance of their feet and take the necessary steps to address issues when they develop. Keeping your feet healthy as you age Walking and staying active is a critical part of a healthy foot regimen. Mobility helps you maintain a stable weight and strengthens your muscles, so that you’re less susceptible to serious damage if you are injured or become ill.  Wearing orthopedic shoes that enhance mobility and minimize foot pain is another critical aspect of maintaining healthy feet. It's especially important to avoid tight shoes that put undue pressure on the foot. The constant rubbing and pinching from this type of fashionable footwear are a major cause of corns, calluses, bunions and increased foot pain. 8 Best Shoes for Seniors  Best Shoes for elderly with balance problems    Ryder Boots This boot is perfect for men looking for extra support. They are lightweight, so they won’t feel heavy on your feet and make it harder to maintain your balance, and the rubber soles will help keep you stable on a variety of surfaces. The shaft helps stabilize the ankles, minimizing injuries , while the anatomical insoles and ergonomic soles provide excellent support and stability. Putting these boots on and taking them off doesn't require any effort, thanks to the two zippers in the back that create a wide, comfortable opening, so you can easily slip your foot in without fumbling with laces or bending down. Ryder is available in brown and black. Shop Ryder Boots   Dakota Boots Thanks to the higher upper design, these lightweight boots support both your feet and your ankles, without restricting your motion. With a rubber lug outsole providing exceptional traction on various surfaces, these boots ensure a stable foundation, reducing the risk of slips. Surprisingly lightweight, they make walking easier for seniors while maintaining a rugged build. Designed with a waterproof membrane, the boots keep feet dry in any weather, preventing blisters and bacteria build-up by allowing moisture to escape. The orthopedic, cushioned sole provides relief for foot and heel pain, ensuring a softer and more enjoyable walk. Premium orthotic insoles with anatomical arch support contribute to realigning the foot and entire body posture, enhancing overall comfort and stability. The boots also feature a wide toe box, allowing toes to spread naturally and providing relief for conditions like swollen feet, bunions and hammertoes. Dakota is available in olive and blue. Shop Dakota Best Velcro walking shoes for seniors   Alamo sneakers The full grain leather upper of the Alamo sneakers is highly durable, yet surprisingly soft, providing a comfortably pressure free fit. With the Alamo sneakers on your feet you can walk safely and with stability, thanks to the rubber outsole’s tread design that provides advanced grip on any type of surface. You can easily make sure the sneakers fit just right by simply adjusting the velcro straps across the instep. The two straps also make it very easy to put these sneakers on and take them off.  Alamo is available in black and white and will become your go to everyday shoe. Shop Alamo Sneakers   Joelle sneakers With its elastic laces and hook and loop strap, these sneakers don’t only look amazing, but also mean you can very easily adjust the fit and slip in and out of them, without having to tie laces.  The uppers are made from a fabric-elastic mix, resulting in a highly stretchable material that can expand or contract, depending on the shape and specific contour of your foot.  The toe box is nice and wide, allowing your toes to sit straight and move properly, without overlapping one another. This also positively affects your gait and ultimately, your overall body posture and alignment.   Joelle is available in black and gray.  Shop Joelle Sneakers   Best shoes for the elderly to prevent falls   Pacific Palisades Waterproof   If you’re looking for shoes that can protect you from falls, the waterproof version of the Pacific Palisades sneakers is a great choice, thanks to the sole’s unique tread pattern that provides advanced road grip and greater stability. The full grain leather upper is highly durable and non-constricting, and the detailed stitching and overlays mean you can enjoy all the benefits of an orthopedic shoe, in style.  Pacific Palisades Waterproof sneakers are available in black. Shop Pacific Palisades Sneakers   Moravia Sneakers These sneakers are constructed with waterproof uppers that keep your feet dry at all times. They also offer advanced grip and superior stability that help prevent falls, thanks to the sole’s advanced tread design. In addition, the firm heel counter and wide sole add even more stability.  Although the uppers are waterproof, the Moravia sneakers are still soft and offer a pressure free fit for all types of feet.  Moravia is available in black and gray. Shop Moravia Sneakers   Best Shoes for mobility problems   Edgewater sneakers Men’s Edgewater shoes are designed with a rubber outsole that strengthens surface grip and reduces the risk of tripping, slipping or injuring yourself.  The shoes are made with flexible upper materials that take on the shape of any foot, while still offering support, perfect even if your feet swell during the day.  The sole is expertly designed to support the feet from heel to toe and promote movability, without tiring the feet and legs. Edgewater is available in black, blue and gray. Shop Edgewater Sneakers   Francis sneakers  Thanks to Francis’ bungee lace closure, you will never need to tie laces again, which also means you can expect an effortless on-off wear. The rubber outsole gives you improved traction and great stability, while the cushioning system supports your feet as you walk, making it easier to move around.  The stretchable uppers offer a 4-way stretch that expands or contracts according to your specific foot shape and size, making sure the fit is just right without putting any pressure on your feet.  These sneakers are available in five different colors: maroon, blue, gray, black and rose pink. Shop Francis Sneakers   The benefits of a good pair of seniors’ walking shoes There are numerous important benefits to wearing proper walking shoes for seniors: They help you stay active. They aid your balance and alignment. They help keep the muscles in your feet from becoming weak. Comfortable walking shoes also provide important protection and mechanical support to the feet, which helps them improve mobility and enhance comfort. Wearing adaptive walking shoes that fit properly improves overall quality of living, as wearing ill-fitting shoes can adversely affect mood and outlook.   All the shoes listed above have the following orthopedic features in common.       1. On the inside Premium orthotic insoles. A cushioned insole, constructed with a built in anatomical arch support that helps maintain natural and healthy foot motion.  Protective interior. The shoe is constructed with a protective, soft, foam padded and seam free lining to eliminate friction and irritation.  Extra depth. The depth of the shoe and the toe box allow the toes to move freely and provide a non-binding fit, helping to alleviate pain and pressure on the feet. Plus, the added depth means the design can accommodate braces or AFOs, as well as custom orthotics.                2. On the outside Cushioning sole. Designed with multiple layers of shock absorbing materials, the sole is cushioned throughout, including extra layers at the heel, where the foot hits the ground first. This allows shock forces to disperse, softening each step. The sole keeps the foot from rolling inwards as you walk to prevent pain, and alleviates stress and pressure on the joints and feet. Ergonomic sole. The soles are slightly curved (a feature called rocker bottom) to improve and facilitate the walking motion of the foot, allowing minimal joint movement and effort as you walk.  Low heels. Low or flat heels add more stability, thus preventing falls and injuries. A fairly flat sole also prevents all the pressure from concentrating around the metatarsals and toe area.  Breathable properties. Upper materials that keep your feet aerated and dry, and create an antimicrobial, anti-fungal and odor free environment.  Grippy outsole. Special materials and a deep groove tread design increase traction and prevent falls on wet surfaces.  
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